
Welcome to Multiscale Mechanics and Materials Modeling Lab. [Lab Intro Video in Youtube (KOR)] [Lab Intro Slide]

Our goal is to become a leading research laboratory specializing solid mechanics, manufacturing, and design. We aim to achieve this by:

1. Advancing the cutting-edge theoretical and computational models for mechanical and mechanically-coupled multiphysics phenomena
2. Integrating AI algorithms with simulations and experiments to innovate in the development of materials, structures, and processes.

<Highlights of AI-based design and optimization research> [overview]
Review Paper: [link to paper] [국문 해설]
Lecture in Korean: [AI기반 설계 및 제조업 적용 사례 Youtube강의][Slide_MerricVER] [Slide_SamsungVER]  
Lecture in English: [AI Based Design and Homogenization, Youtube Lec (ENG)] [Slide_AnsysVER] [Slide_SJTU-UM_VER]

<Highlights in Nanomechanics>
Review paper: [Invited Review on Nanomechanics Research in Korea]

<Highlights in Homogenization Theory> [overview]
Review paper: [Review on Micromechanics-based Homogenization for the Short Fiber Reinforced Composites]

<Highlights in Multiphysics Modeling> [overview]