Tirza Webb

Name: Tirza Webb

Age: 34

Race: Human

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Height: 5'5”

Tirza was born on her parent's freighter. She was the youngest of five children.

Rogash and Sandrina Webb plied their trade on the edge of Federation space going wherever they could make a profit. It was a risky venture because at any time they could be overtaken by pirates or any number of other disasters natural or otherwise could befall a venture such as theirs.

Although there were seven of them in the family Rogash wanted to try for bigger and better cargo so, over the objections of his wife, agreed to take on board another family to assist. This proved to be his undoing as that family mutinied, killed the Webb family and took over the ship. At least, they thought they'd killed the Webb family. Tirza, who was 9 at the time, managed to survive. As the youngest and smallest she was always given the jobs of checking the crawl spaces and tubes. She was in one such tube when the Coltar family made their move.

Although devastated by the loss of her own family Tirza knew that in order to survive she knew she had to keep quiet and hide. This she did for several days until they docked at a space station where she made her escape. She didn't go to the authorities because she sure they wouldn't believe her. The Coltars had been thorough in eradicating any trace of the Webbs.

Over the next several years Tirza learned to make her own way in the world. As a teenager she signed onto any ship that would take her, picking up a smattering of skills along the way. Most of the time she disguised herself as a boy – to ensure no-one would bother her. Most of the time it worked. Occasionally, she was found out but when she was usually the Captain of the ship respected her choices and ensured the rest of the crew left her alone. Those times they didn't respect her decision … well she became pretty handy with her knife and jumped ship at the earliest opportunity.

In her mid twenties she joined a ship called the Adventurer and, for the first time, actually felt some peace. The Captain was a grizzled veteran and said he saw some potential in her. By now Tirza was confident enough to ditch any disguises and the old man seemed to take a grandfatherly interest in her. He taught her to shoot, though they both disliked guns but Captain Vorgan said she should know how to handle a weapon... just in case. He taught her how to handle the ship, as her piloting skills were only basic and he taught her about handling cargo. What to look for, what would bring in the best profit, what was the best market. When he died only three years later Tiza was devastated.

Tirza's next ship was the Wraith and she realised she'd made a mistake as soon as she joined the crew. They weren't above breaking the law to get what they wanted and that wasn't Tirza's style. Granted she'd skirted around the edges of the law when she was younger but that had been to survive. She might have stolen some food in order to eat but she hadn't actively broken any laws. However, as far as the Wraith was concerned anyone was fair game. They were led by a man named Soros and he kept the bulk of any profits. He also ensured that the crew was indebted to him in many ways so that they stayed loyal. Tirza hated her time on the ship but by dint of being canny with the credits she did accrue she managed to buy her way out from under Soros.

Getting away from Soros was a relief and Tirza was glad to join the Axel. Unfortunately, it seemed that Tirza hadn't got away from Soros after all because, whilst she was on the Axel he sent a message insisting that she return to help them with a job. At first she refused stating she'd already settled her debts but Soros laughed in her face saying she'd only paid a partial amount and showed her the amount still outstanding. Tirza was staggered by how much it was as it was considerable. Soros told her that if she did this job with them it would help. He even said she could return to the Axel afterwards if she wished – as long as she paid her debts at a reasonable time. As an added incentive he reminded her of the nefarious activities she'd been forced to take part in during her time on the Wraith. Tirza had no choice but to agree.