
Photo credit: Lucia Friedman

I'm Computer Scientist Scott E. Friedman, a Principal Research Scientist at SIFT, leading R&D projects in  Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, NLP, and human-machine collaboration.  I apply these technologies in the domains of intelligence analysis, anthropology, bioinformatics, and cybersecurity.  

I completed my Ph.D in Computer Science from the Cognitive Systems division at Northwestern University in June 2012, and I received my B.S. in Computer Science and M.S. in Computer Science from Washington University in St. Louis, where I researched parallel, distributed, and real-time systems.

My research falls broadly within Artificial Intelligence (including qualitative reasoning, analogical reasoning, automated planning, cognitive architectures, and belief revision), cybersecurity (including control flow & protocol recovery, automatic program repair, binary rewriting, and automatic exploit generation), and intelligence analysis (including information extraction, collection scheduling, and information fusion).

I'm a reviewer and program committee member for AAAI, Advances in Cognitive Systems, AI Journal, ICCBR, IJCAI, CogSci, and the International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning.  I co-chaired the International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning in 2016.  For more details, see my CV.

You can find my ResearchGate profile here: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Scott_Friedman

You can find my Google Scholar profile here: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=IfAHgPMAAAAJ