
Personal Information

I am currently a postdoc at Aarhus University.

I am a researcher at CONICET since April 2014. I work at ISISTAN Research Institute which depends of CONICET and UNICEN. It is located in Tandil, Argentina.

Here are my Google Scholar Profile, ORCID, LinkedIn, and my CONICET CV. Currently, some of my work is also accessible through the CONICET digital repository.

Some of my teaching materials and personal projects are available on my GitHub.

Research Interest

Teaching Activities

I am a teaching assistant in three Systems Engineering career courses at UNICEN, namely "Object Oriented Programming", "Operating Systems", "Java Programming Workshop" and "Introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning". I am also an auxiliary teacher at "Tecnicatura en Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Informáticas" career course named "Web Architecture"

I am an NVIDIA DLI Certified Instructor and University Ambassador.

Contact Information

E-MAIL: juanmanuel.rodriguez@isistan.unicen.edu.ar

WWW: http://www.exa.unicen.edu.ar/~jmrodri

Office phone: +54 (249) 4440363 int. 35

Fax: +54 (249) 4440362 

Postal address:

ISISTAN Research Institute

Facultad de Ciencias Exactas

Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires

Campus Universitario

Paraje Arroyo Seco, (B7001BBO) Tandil, Bs. As.

