
WWE Classic Superstars 27

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Classic Superstars 27

The Giant

Hidden underneath the ridiculously oversized short sleeved snow suit is the one and only corner stone of the Dungeon of Doom, the Giant! This including of the fully removable gear is something that is quite perplexing about Jakks. This is something that is generally unnecessary but they spend the money on materials to include it any way. It really makes me wonder who makes the decisions to spend extra money on unwanted detail and skimp out on detail that is much more desirable. With the Big Show being part of the WWE for the last 10 years or so It is really quite surprising that it took him so long to get a classic figure. This one differs from the CS 25 Paul White version. First of you will notice that he has a single strap singlet. The strap is on the right side and is placed far to the right, giving it a bit of differentiation from the Andre version. The only other difference is the color on the head scan. This version has darker hair, were his earlier release featured the light highlights that he had in that era. You can’t complain much about the quality of the accessories but they were really unnecessary. Over all a great fig for any fan of the WCW.

RS Rated: 8.5

Goldberg WWE version

This is another example of what I refer to as wasted space in the CS line. Not that it’s a bad figure but I always felt that the original RA version was good enough. But lets remember that this is now here for those new collectors who didn’t have the chance to get that fig back in 2003. Bill comes in his black shorts with white trim but there are no logos featured. He has knee pads and MMA gloves. The head scan is the same as his CS 25 figure. He features his left shoulder tattoo and a scull tattoo on his right bicep. He also is decorated with painted on chest hair. Over all this figure is okay but nothing that even remotely excited me. When I unleashed him from his CS packaging I was so unimpressed that I immediately looked to my RSC shipment and pondered “who’s next?”

RS Rated: 6

The Lethal Weapon Steve Blackman

Savor this figure folks cause it’s the only fresh face in this series. Although this isn’t Blackman’s first figure by Jakks, this is his first appearance in the CS line and in RA style. The head scan is great and captures his likeness just as I remember it. He has baggy style pants and white wrist tape. The boot details is a nice touch and is something you have to point out in what seems to be the dark ages of the Jakks WWE line. The lack of accessories was a disappointment. He really should have been given his sticks and a right hand capable of holding them. I would have even settled for a hardcore title. Dress him up in the UFC Gracie’s gee and you are all set.

RS Rated: 8

Doink The Evil Clown

Oh quality control. This shall be a stain on your legacy. This is pretty much a re-hashed version of the CS 19. Once again he comes with knee and elbow pads but for the life of me I don’t remember Doink ever wearing black pads. The painting is the exact same on this figure except he has suit coat arms. Ok yes, that’s kind of odd suit coat arms but the reason is he comes with the suit coat. And just to crap on the MOC collectors it is included separately as an accessory! In package it has to be one of the worst ever MOC displays I have ever seen. A suit coated figure with the suit packed separate and elbow pads over the suit coat. What a useless pile of dung. The only redeeming thing on this figure is that it’s a variant to have the coat but I would much rather have Ralphs. He also has the un detailed chest mold so there is no raised effect of the singlet like his first figure had. Now you can have multiple Doinks just to play “mind games.”

RS Rated: 3.5

Sgt. Slaughter

Slaughter returns once again to the CS line with this figure. HE comes once again with his signature hat complete with painted on details. It is clearly one of the better versions of this hat that have been out. He also has a beautiful removable cloth camouflage jacket. The Sarge has a great head scan that resembles him perfectly. He has his classic green and black combat boots with sergeant symbols. He has black tights and a painted on white gun belt and black wrist tape. He features a painted on camouflage t-shirt with a black singlet over top. One of the only down points of this figure is that they didn’t use the original Slaughter torso mold which featured a clean collar on the shirt. This looks a bit sloppy as there is just a paint line to define the shirt collar. The only other thing I would have added to this figure would have been some red elbow pads. For my money the Legend V. Legend killer version is much more desirable but if you can’t get your hand on that this one is good enough. For me personally I would have preferred a classic debut Slaughter wearing no t shirt and a plain black top to represent his early days in the NWA.

RS Rated: 8

The Barbarian

The tone of this figure can be summed up as very plain but good enough. He comes in plain tights with matching knee pads and boots. They are all in this grey brown tone but as I recall he had more of a true brown tone. This I can look over. He has long black wrist tape. His head scan is the same as his previous release so he has the odd inaccurate shaved head. But at least Jakks tried to cover it up with some paint. It is not stellar but it’s a cheep cover up that ends up looking decent. He is done with out face paint which is great. Wait a minute. Have things really gotten that bad that I am praising Jakks for doing what should be expected at the bare minimum. These truly are sad times. It is disappointing however that this rather plain figure is made even more plain by having no additional accessories. RS Rated: 7

The Warlord

Oh boy was this figure almost really cool. I have nothing to say that hasn’t been said already by everyone else. The head scan is a disappointment. I think everyone would have rather had the Warlord shaved balled and minus the face paint but at least some one was able to dig up a couple of reference photos to give this figure a bit of credibility. He has his black attire with white deco all the way around. He has black wrist tape and knee pads. His boots are decorated with silver. He comes with no accessories. I think I speak for the world when I say we would have all loved a bald warlord with a removable phantom half mask and removable shoulder pads. Add in the W staph and you would have your self an example of perfection.

RS Rated: 6


The gem of the series in my opinion is right here in front of you. The man from Kona Crush! Now it is not technically a debut figure but it might as well be cause this version of crush was a completely different character. I know when crush made his return in the early 90’s I had no idea that he was the same dude from demolition. Take away the face paint, studded thong, and add some highlights and this little 10 year old boy had no clue it was the same dude repackaged. I loved crush when he first came out. He was big he was cool and the colors of his outfits jumped right off the screen. He is decorated in bright yellow and purple with orange trim. If that doesn’t scream the 90’s then I don’t know what does. He has the crush logo on his chest and down the right leg of his shorts. He has forearm bands and yellow boots with black trin and laces. He comes with purple knee pads and black elbow pads. Now on to the criticisms and there are only a couple. First off is the leg choice. He was given those old RVD shorts molds which makes him in a shorter scale compared to other figures. Which is a bit of a shame due to the fact that Crush was always a really big man. The other slight disappointment was the hand choice. If you want to do crush right you need to give him those open style hands (ah la C.S. 3 pack Ric Flair) so he could do his crushing finisher.

RS Rated: 9.0

Sorry to the fans of the 0 points of articulation but let me just say. Ding dong the LJN style is dead! If you really miss it that bad go ahead and glue the joints your RA figs.

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