
WWE Classic Superstars 26

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Classic Superstars 26

Bret Hart

Why Jakks? Why? Not again! Another tag team version of Bret released singly. I don’t get it. The figure looks great which makes it even more annoying that he doesn’t have his partner to match him. Bret has his early version Hart foundation attire featuring a black singlet over pink pants with black stripes down the legs. He has a pink heart on the front and has his typical boots. He comes with knee and elbow pads but not even a pair of shades. This series is once again plagued with the disease of different colored arms and a lack of accessories. RS Rated: 4 cause he is missing his other half

The Iron Sheik

Waste of space! Another unnecessary figure in the line. Not that I don’t like the Sheik but the only other fig of his that we needed was him in his pants like his later career to match his LJN figure. This is the same color scheme as his CS 3pack release. The only differences is some detailing on the boots has been altered a bit and he comes with out his signature head dress. Awesome! Same thing only worse! NO but it does have one redeeming quality. The different torso. This version represents him in his early career when he was fit and didn’t have that oil drum like physique. A necessary figure in the CS line? Not really. I guess I still have to wait for that Sheik in pants. RS Rated: 7

The Original Sheik

It was nice to see that Jakks went and change the boots to the pointy style from the proto. The figure is very basic but fitting to the character. The head scan is representative of many of the photos that I have seen of the Sheik. His black tights have a camel and he has blue boots with black trim and white saber logos. He comes with a nice detailed head dress that is black with gold and read. Only problem is it is the same mold that was released with the Iron Sheik in his first figure in the CS Line. Therefore it doesn’t fit him. He has regular arms with the flabby torso which is fitting. The detail of the finger tape is a real treat for this figure. RS Rated: 7.5


Meng, like the Original Sheik. Hs very detailed finger tape. The head scan is the same as his king Haku release with a different rubber hair piece. I was initially concerned when I saw the protos of this figure due to fears of the hair falling off. This has been a problem for Sylvester Terkay. But it seems Jakks did this one right. The pony tail and the hair on the head seem to be all one molded piece. The pony tail is hallowed and can move easily which is good for head posing. He is wearing sweat pants just like mankind’s and has bare feet with one taped up. The torso choice was the same as his previous release. The only major thing to note is his skin tone is no wear near as dark as his first figure. My only real complaint is that he doesn’t come with any accessories. Great WCW era Meng and can even be close enough for his last WWF run if you can imagine his hair all froed up. RS Rated: 8

Giant Machine

Jakks must have been really trying to tick off Bobby Heenan with this figure because they didn’t even change Andre’s suit to be correct. Its just an Andre figure with a mask. This is really too bad that they didn’t’ simply color his legs to be long tights. That really is the only flaw, but it’s a fatal one. The only upside of this figure is that it’s a great Andre figure for those who weren’t able to get the Argos/Big Lots one and who hate the best of leg tattoos. If you really want a quick fix up you can simply put the snow paints on him that came with CS25 Giant. It’s not perfection but it’s better than nothing. For an Andre figure it would get a 9 but this is marketed as Giant Machine RS Rated: 4

Dangerous Danny Davis

I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed that they went with the referee version of Davis. Personally his wrestling attire was more desirable to me. And could have been an easy head switch to make him a referee. As a ref I am glad we have a ref that is legitimately for the CS line. And it’s nice to get one in the long formal shirt. Not much to say about him. He is free of accessories and is not in ring gear. Hopefully Jakks makes his other attire before time is up. RS Rated: 6

Junk Yard Dog

Well he started this dance back in CS 3 and makes a long awaited return. This attire is great for representing his LJN figure. He has JYD on his tights and a dog logo on the boots. The back says THUMP. Same scan as before but this time we get him in an early more in shape torso which makes for a nice variant of the figure. Once again no accessories. Jakks dropped the ball there. We really should have gotten another dog collar and chain for this. I should also note that he has tattoos on both his left forearm and his right bicep. RS Rated: 7.5

Mr. Fuji

Or as Ax would call him, Fuj the Stooge! This figure is an example of what Jakks can do when they put the effort in. I mean pure perfection!!! His head scan is great and he has his face paint representing the time when he managed the Powers of Pain and Demolition. I can’t wait to use him to turn on the Demolition. And they even gave him a new mold for his signature cane to do so! to add to that it is even painted on the bottom. He has the short fat “Taz” body with the coat tails jacket and bow tie. They even made a new mold “Bowler” hat for him which fits just right. And if that wasn’t enough, they gave him the obscure marathon number tag to represent his sneaky victory in the Atlantic City Boardwalk Wrestlemania foot race! It is simply a piece of paper that says “WWE Marathon, 507, Sponsored by Jakks Pacific.” That was a really cute addition. Nice to see Jakks go the extra mile once and a while. RS Rated: 10


The single most surprising figure in the CS line since Bastian Booger. When I first heard we were getting the Shockmaster I was instantly upset. I knew we would not get the storm trooper helmet due to copyright issues and thought it was a wasted figure. The proto pictures confirmed those fears. I mean if you really wanted to release another figure of Fred Oatoman then why not do him as Tug Boat? I would have loved a Tug Boat figure! But nope. Wrestle Crap fame won out. Well Jakks blew me away when I saw they not only gave him his ring coat but they gave him his helmet!!! So you can use him for his crappy debut and his later few matches. The helmet isn’t perfectly detailed but its close enough to make me thrilled with it. The jacket is great too. The figure is kind of unappealing to the eye but that can be more blamed on the character than the figure. The jean details look really poorly done on the fat torso. But it’s a n ice accurate figure. I must say Jakks really did shock me with the detail on him. RS Rated: 9

Dr. Death Steve Williams

Hands down one of the gems of this set. The Scan is pretty good for his likeness and the torso choice works great. He has plain and simple attire that represents what he wore back in the NWA. He has simple red knee pads and very detailed boots with skull and cross bone logos and awesome flame trimming. He comes with a great robe to for his ring entrance. This is the same robe that was released with the Apollo Creed figure form the rocky line. And for those of you looking to make a new Macho Man custom, here is a little teaser photo to get you excited.

LJN Matt Hardy

More space wasted in the CS line. Sorry for fans of the LJN style but I am still bitter about these things. It still amazes me that these things have enough demand to be made. The only reason why I buy them is cause it is cheaper to get the whole set from RSC then to buy the figs individually. So as usual you can find this guy on ebay. For what it is it’s okay. I mean some of the LJN’s have been total crap. In that world this fig is not horrible. But just not my cup of tea. If you want to have him MOC here is the auction link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220465723041

RS Rated: Not worthy of rating