
WWE Classic Superstars 25

Classic Superstars #25

The Brisco Brothers

Jack and Jerry Brisco

I decided to do a combined review for the Briscos since they were rather plain. Not that that is a complaint as it was a sing of the era. Let me start out by saying wow, isn’t it great to finally have a couple employees for my old dusty Brisco Brother’s Body Shop Prop Box Playset! Actually that is the one prop box I never got but thought that obscure piece deserved a mention. The head scans are both very well done and time appropriate. The figures, minus the head scans, are nearly identical with the exception of Jerry’s white soles on his boots, his knee pads, and Jacks chest hair (which I like as it looks different than Jakks’ past attempts at chest hair). My only complaint about these figures is the lack of accessories. I mean throw in a chair or something. These are a couple guys that will be hard sells at retail due to there prime being well in the past and there outfits being rather plain so it would only make sense to give them something to entice the occasional child to snatch one up. RS Rated: 8

Jack Brisco

Jerry Brisco


The box says Haku but this is clearly King Haku. The mad man from the isle of Tonga and he is one of my favorite in the series. This represents the era of wrestling that I fell in love with. You can see he is in his purple tights with gold crowns decorating them. He has the larger body torso which is exactly how I remember him. The head scan is screaming but still looks superb. He is bare foot and Jakks even remembered to include his ankle tape. He comes with a crown and my only complaint is that they refuse to re-color the crown to match the WWF king crown (as opposed to the 70’s Lawler crown). This figure could have been over the top if they gave him his cape too. Below I have included a fix up with the CS8 Race cape and custom crown. RS Rated: 9.5

Jesse Ventura

Wow was this ever an awesome idea of the figure. I am so thrilled to have this figure. Those of you that have kept up with my custom fix up reviews will note that I made an announcer version Ventura way back when his initial figure came out. Well this one is far superior. From silver zebra tights, to the leopard skin boots to the Rick James wig it totally reeks of 80’s awesomeness! Not sure what the t-shirt is about but it reminds me of Howard the Duck. If anyone has reference photos for this figure please send them my way. The only thing I really don’t like about the figure is the sports jacket. It just seems odd to me but probably accurate. Also interesting to note that the t-shirt logo does not appear on the proto on the box. I think if they really wanted to go the extra mile he should have came with a microphone and or a head set but I will take the wig over those any day. RS Rated: 9.5

Bastian Booger

I know there was allot of controversy of the big guy but damn am I happy to have another jobtastic figure in the CS line! This started as a running joke that at Toy Fair when we would ask questions to Jeremy and he never seemed very gung-ho about the idea but now we have him. Pretty plain as most large guys are but it is cool to see a super heavyweight figure again. I think the last one we had was the horrid mess that was Rakishi or perhaps Mable. His attire is how I remember and they even added the spotted detail to his hands. The boots are very well articulated. His head scan isn’t that great. Not really how I remember Mr. Booger to look but looks more like a generic bald guy with a beard. Once again no accessories but I can let that pass since the figure itself is so massive and has allot of plastic. I do want to mention that this series seems to have remedied that pesky problem of as of late where Jakks had a different tone on the arms than the torso. I don’t notice that in this line. RS Rated: 8

Boss Man

The box no longer claims him to be “Big.” Oh well. It is just really sad what Jakks did with the Boss Man’s figures. I mean this was a guy that many of us remember from our child hood and they really dropped the ball. The head scan is the same as last time. He comes with a night stick and the cloth vest that was supposed to come with Cryme Time. Personally I think this vest is way to big and the straps are enormous and not in scale. I think Ralphs gear is much better and I may have to snag it. I do like that they included his tattoo. The figure itself has the pants seen on the first cs Slaughter and the torso of the latest Tommy Dreamer. The black gloves are a nice touch. It is kind of cool that this can also be used as a WCW sera “The Boss.” Generally this was a disappointment: RS Rated: 4


I know allot of people were not happy with the new head scan for him but I kind of like it. I mean sure it’s not as good as his original WWE figures but I like that it’s different. Otherwise it would be a boring repeat. The chest hair looks very nice and he comes with his signature tattoo and knee pads. Of course no other accessories were included. It is a shame that the one detail that did cross over form his first WWE figure was his lack of MMA gloves. He also came with out elbow pads. What gives? I did a fix up to add the gloves and the elbow pads. RS Rated: 7

The Big Show

Now technically for this to be classic it should not be called “Big Show.” In fact if you ask me this looks to be Paul White, the name he carried on his first few nights in the WWF. I remember watching him choke slam Austin through the old black cage to give him a victory over Mr. McMahon on St. Valentines Day Massacre. I was so shocked to see WCW’s Giant on WWF. Ok back to the figure. Sadly he looks like he’s ready for deep sea diving with the freakin snow suit the put on him. All I can say is at least it is removable. So you may be wondering what the big guy has going on beneath the 12 layers of down insolated gear from the Abominable Snow Man line. Sadly I have to report that it is not a singlet but instead brief style trunks. Actually though, I think this is accurate for this era as I think that’s what he wore when he started in WWF. But rest easy my friends there is a simple fix up if you want to make this guy into the Giant. How about simply add that useless cloth singlet that came over top of the painted on one of the RA big show! I knew that thing would come in handy some day. And for those of you wondering I made sure to wash it in detergent and warm water in order to minimize future stainage. Hopefully it works. The head scan seems to be the same as we have seen in current big show figures only with a different beard and longer hair. I hope that the WCW Giant figure in the future line up has a thinner era accurate head scan. Over all with the added singlet I am really digging this figure. RS Rated: 7.5

LJN Jeff Hardy

Holly craptastic anime style action-less figure! That’s all I got to say. It’s on Ebay if you want it. http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/ringskirts_W0QQ_nkwZQQ_armrsZ1QQ_fromZ RS Rated: Not worth my time