
WWE Classic Superstars 21

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Classic Superstars 21

Buff Bagwell

He’s buff, he’s tuff, he got the stuff, and his 30 second RAW appearance was really ruff. I must say he wasn’t a need to have guy in the cs line but I’ll take him and be happy. The head scan is great and he has an nWo neck thing, tattoo, and nWo arm band. His pants have the now attire and he also has black wrist bands. Now its time to complain. First gripe is the skin tone. The torso is lighter than he head and arms. I guess Buff was on the beach wearing a sleeveless turtle neck or something. I mean come on what’s up with that? His accessories are also a big let down. He comes with a cookie sheet. I would be thrilled if jakks just destroyed the mold to that accessory. And the hat. No detail at all and it doesn’t fit his big head!!! It’s made of hard rubber too so there is no way to squeeze it on. Just try to balance it on his head. Come on jakks!!! I pictured him with the old wcw hat too which also doesn’t fit. Still for what it is this figure is decent. I give it 6/10.

Chris Jericho

This figure ain’t A.J. but it is simply phenomenal. The head scan is pure perfection as that is one of the quirkiest and most recognizable hair styles that he wore in late wcw early wwf. TH attire is a bit plain but appropriate and the boot detail is quite nice. He comes with a boring cookie sheet. Seriously Jakks enough with the cookie sheets. Still a great figure it gets 9/10.

Jeff Hardy

I must admit when I heard we were getting a single cs release of him I was none to thrilled. But this figure is pretty nice. The head scan is the same one we have seen before but they colored his hair differently which is nice. I love his attire. That shirt is very sharp with the stripes and he has his classic style plain black arm stockings. There is also great detail on the belt studs and the stitching on the pants. The boots also have the classic hardy black and white look. He comes with a chair and that always makes me happy. Not my favorite figure but we know the kids love the Hardys so it will surly sell. Its good for what it is 7/10.

In dedication to former RAW gm

The Tazz

Probably the worst figure in this set if you ask me. I really don’t remember him ever wearing this shirt so if you have reference pictures please send them my way. For my money I would have rather had a debut Tazz as the Tazmaniac. But all that put aside this is a good figure for a current style Tazz. As the last few times we have seen him in the ring he has been in this kind of attire to hid his physique. So not a horrible figure but not that great. He is plagued by the curse of that torso mold and has his head looking down. Same scan we have seen in the past. I do like the pants mold and the orange strip helps. He comes with an unpainted ECW belt and sun glasses. Not something I really needed but its okay 6/10.

Flyin Brian Pilman

I am very happy that they went with the classic style Pillman look. This is one of the few true classic figs in this set. The attire is how I grew up knowing him and I am very happy with this figure. Comes with rubber vest and knew style knee pads and don’t forget a chair! It’s a recycled constipated head scan which is a minor drag. Still a great fig 8/10.

Jesse “The Body” Ventura

This my friends is a throw back example of why I still love Jakks. It’s kind of like an abusive relationship at times but they always give you a nice gem to keep coming back. This figure is the shining gem of the set. The torso is perfect and he has the same tights as his LJN version. He comes with a microphone, sunglasses, and yes that is a new mold removable bandanna. It is made of thin soft rubber and I am just so happy that they took the effort to make it removable. The head scan is wonderful and I love that he is in the middle of trash talking with that mouth scan! The only thing they could have done better was give him some boas. Below I added a jacket for a commentator look and one of my custom boas to show it in perfection. If you get no other figure from this set you should get this one and be happy. A true classic 9.75/10

LJN Rey Mysterio

Once again I think LJN’s are a step back in the stone age and a waste of space in the precious CS line. That’s why its moc and that’s why its on eBay if anyone is interested. For what it is it’s decent for the LJNs but I refuse to rate it. http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/ringskirts