
WWE Classic Mulit Packs

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Wrestlemania 25 3 Pack

Edge, John Cena, The Big

Show Ok I just have one thing that I have to get off my chest about this set before I can go on with a review. THIS IS NOT CLASSIC!!! I mean seriously. Wrestlemania 25 was not even a full year ago. Ok, on with the review. All “classicness” aside, this set is really a treat. Almost seems like Jakks way of saying thank you and good bye to the fans. Every figure includes cloth accessories though most of them are unnecessary. John Cena comes decked out in more clth than RA 1-9 put together. He has a cloth HLA cap which looks well less than cool. Granted it’s hard to really make such an accessory from cloth look good but I would have rather had a rubber one with logos on it. He also has his famous HLA t-shirt. The full logo is on the back with U Cant C Me on the back. There are two main problems that I have with Jakks design on this shirt. First is the color. The damn thing looks like a turtle neck sweater. Can you imagine Cena giving his pre match salute in a turtle neck?!? The other problem is how it goes on. The shirt has Velcro up the left side that stops at the sleeve. Now this method worked fine with the Made in America Hogan shirt but that went through the sleeve hole. This shirt is just so difficult to remove and put back on. If they made it out of a more stretchy material this would be more bearable. Last Cena comes with some unnecessary HLA AWA style wristbands and Cenation head band on his arm. These accessories look ok but are a bit bulky where the seam is. The reason why I call them unnecessary is that they included the painted on decals under the cloth ones. So it’s the best of both worlds. If you like playing cloth it’s there. And if you like painted then your set there too. Cena has his long denim shorts with nicely detailed sneakers. He comes with a painted World Heavyweight Title belt.

Halleluiah! The Big Show truly is a Christmas miracle. They finally got him right! After years of wearing a short legged singlet Jakks finally painted the short leg part on his singlet! Thank you. Yes it is the first time (excluding the DA show of course). We have seen it in many proto pictures teasing us but the extra black paint seed just never to come through. Not much else to say about this figure, it’s just really nice to get an accurate outfit for the time. He comes with a short cloth singlet over top of his paint. Why? I don’t know but I’ll take it.

Edge comes with his evil grinning head scan. First you will notice his removable leather studded jacket. This is the same one that was released with his exclusive figure. My main complaint with this jacket is the material is a bit too bulky. It just doesn’t have that thin flow that the old Kiriso custom leather coats did. Edge comes with all his tattoos even his forearms. His tights are decorated with rated R stars.

RS Rated: 8

Hart Foundation Exclusive

This set is a phenomenal celebration of one of the greatest tag teems in the history of the WWF. Bret and Jim are decked out in pink and black from head to toe. Bret has the second version singlet mold with his latest head scan. Anvils has his usual body mold. Both have pink tights and black knee pads and elbow pads. Bret’s tights are decorated with harts on the leg and both figures have a pink hart on the singlet front. The back of there tights each display their respective nicknames. Bret comes with his famous pink shades and Jim has his plain old black ones. Both come with leather jackets decorated with pink accents and painted on shoulder tassels. Lastly they come with a great set of colored tag team title belts in the style of the early 90s belt.

Abe Knuckleball Schwartz and

Bobby the Brain Heenan

I can’t for the life of me understand why these two were paired together but I won’t complain too much. Cause we got Abe! I mean seriously when this whole classic superstars gig started would anyone have ever expected Abe! Jakks chooses to not hide behind the code of kayfabe and simply paints up the Brooklyn Brawler’s head for this figure. Which is fine by me as it works. The face paint is great with the deco of a baseball much as Abe wore during his short lived run. His hair is jet black, and he is wearing his under decorated baseball uniform. He has the Mankind style sweatpants mold and the base ball jersey torso with baggy sleeves which are both great choices. The jersey is decorated with double zeros on the front and back and Abe’s name on the back. His belt is detailed as well. The only thing that was lacking was his pin stripes. He comes with black sneakers and a white baseball cap. Unfortunately Jakks went back to using the hard plastic for the hat instead of the rubber so you will be have a hard time getting it to stay on his head. Bobby Heenan is very plain. His plainest figure yet. He is set to do a Johnny Cash impersonation in his all black attire, even his tie. Well almost all black. There are some slight gold highlights on his lapel and the curves of his jacket’s sleeves. This figure could be passed on as it’s nothing special or very different form his past releases. He comes with a head set.

RS Rated: 6.3

The Hart Foundation

Remember back when classic tag team versions of Bret Hart came with Jim the Anvil Neidhart figures? Yeah those were the days. Now Jakks has decided that it’s better to just sell Bret alone. Not in singles gear but in tag team gear. Well this was one of the early exceptions. This depicts the Hart Foundation from the classic three pack. If you scroll down you will see my review of Jimmy Hart. This was a set that had long eluded me. But with piecemeal trades and eBay I finally got it in my hands. The scans and sculpts are the same as in there CS tag team debut only this is in there all pink attire. There attire is pretty plain yet pretty in pink. Each come with black knee pads to contrast the pink. The Anvil has white boots with pink trim and Bret has white boots with pink and black trim. RS Rated: 6.5

Jim The Anvil Niedhart and Natalia

Let me start this review off by saying how disappointing the last couple CS tag team series have been. We have had a number of superstars signed over the years that have never been made and many more that we all would love, but Jakks keeps sending us re-releases and figs that are clearly not classics! I mean if your going to release an anvil why not at least make him match one of the 2 previously released Bret’s that had no match. For me, this was the only pack from the set to get. As, It’s the only set with 2 new figures. I mean Brand new Natalia which is great. Nice debut for her. Her head scan is decent and captures her look well. She only has logos on one side of her tights featuring an N and some white detailing. And new attire for Jim. The other sets are completely undesirable. He has a pink anvil logo on the front and smaller ones down the side of his tights. Boots are detailed with black anvils and pink trim. His back has a large white anvil with his name in pink. He comes with a pair of sunglasses. RS Rated: 6


Ax, Smash, and Crush

This represents the very first time that all three members of Demolition have been immortalized in plastic in the same package. I know what many people are thinking that it was such a rip off to have to buy Ax and Smash 3 times to get a completed set but I say look at the bright side. At least there was some variation. Take Hasbro for example. First released were Ax and Smash on single cards. If you wanted crush you had to get a 2 pack with the same Smash. With Jakks each release had different face paint and accessories. I really like the face painting on all the figures and am happy that the knee joints have been fixed in this release. Smash’s red paint looks so bad ass. And his tattoo is very nicely colored. But we all know that the real reason to get this set is for the debut of Crush. The head scan on this figure is so cool. The paint is spot on and they were wise enough to give him the not so thick torso. The only thing that is kind of odd about this figure is his hair. It has to be the longest hair I have seen on a WWE figure (excluding the divas of course). My only real complaint is that crush has really loose ankle joints but this may just be my misfortune. The set comes with a set of unpainted tag titles and 3 masks. Over all I am thrilled to finally own this set. RS Rated: 8


Mr. Fuji and Rowdy Roddy Piper

The Piper figure in this set is nothing short of unnecessary. We have seen so many figures of him. Weather it be exclusives, with a spring ring, singles, or the 3 times he has been in CSTT. I think enough is enough. Especially when this is no better than his figs of the past. This version comes with the Hot Rod! shirt and the old rubber kilt. To bad they don’t go to cloth. I mean they pulled out the fabric for that one internet exclusive but that’s it. I guess Jakks just likes to keep guys like Ralph and I in business (I do want to take a moment to mention that I have fabric that is more piper accurate and red plad for kilts I just haven’t had the chance to make one yet for a photo. But they are available). The shirt lacks the red trim detail that I would like on it and was seen in his other release. He comes with new style knee pads which I am not a huge fan of on old figures. The only redeeming quality about this figure is his boots. I like the detail and appreciate the many variations Jakks have given us of his boots.

Mr. Fuji is the reason to pic this set up. He was announced as contracted with Jakks years ago so it is nice to see he finally had a figure released. They choose the heavyweight torso which I feel suits Fuji perfectly. He has long tights and is bare foot. The head scan is awesome. His tights have the Japanese flag logo is on the right upper thigh and the word Japan is seen down both legs. Below I snapped a shot of him in the EX Yokozuna robe just to give you a bit of a manager feel. I hope Jakks releases 2 more figs of him. One as a classic black suited manager and one with a balled head scan to manage Yoko. Let’s cross our fingers. Over all an okay set that is worth it to pick up Fuj the Stooge!

RS Rating: 7

Kurt Angle

I scored this figure off eBay. I am not really sure what series he is from but it is one of the RA Angle figs I have been looking for. I have really been hoping to come across a nice RA Kurt figure with hair and the price was right on this one. He had some minor discoloration on the front of his singlet but it was advertised like that and they are hardly noticeable. I really love how the back is decorated too. If anyone knows what series this figure was from or has any reference for the outfit please send it my way.

RS Rating: 8

Ric Flair CS Tag Teams

Got this in a trade to add to my Flair collection. I didn’t realize that his left hand is actually molded in the 4 position. Bit of trivia now:: Can anyone tell me why I would pose Ric with that belt?

RS Rating:8

Classic Tag Teams 10

Too Cool

As the CS line seems to be winding down the quality is also taking a noticeable down turn. Nothing has shown this more than the disappointment that has been the latest Classic Superstars Tag Team series. We sure have come a long way from getting debut figures like the Legion of doom and the Bushwhackers to this sorry excuse of a set. The only set that I got form this latest installment was right here Grandmaster Sexay and Scotty 2 Hotty (I was rather surprised to see the name Sexay on the box by the way). Although I rate it as worth getting due to the novelty it is still polluted with disappointment. It is nice to have this team in RA style but they are just so plain. I admit there was a time in there later career when they dressed more plain like this but I’m sure that’s not how must of us remember them. I mean the CS line is geared towards collectors. That means the older kids. So for the younger crowed these lesser known names can be a tough sell. The exception is when there have been colorful characters such as the ultimate warrior or Doink (who apparently sold quite well at retail). This set had the potent ion to be very colorful but ended up letting us down. Both guys were released with tight fitting jeans instead of the loose baggy pants that they were known for. Scotty’s hair just looks a bit odd and goofy but I cant fault it totally as it was both odd and goofy in reality. The lack of accessories was a let down but at least they re-tooled the hat to fit him properly. I have included pictures of the TTL version of this team to show the plethora of accessories that Jakks used to give us. It was nice to see some detailed painting work on his sneakers as well. Personally I would have rather seen the baggy jeans mold on both of these figures (as seen on the Hardy’s figures). The one thing I can’t nock about this set are the head scans. They turned out rather well. And the Brian Christopher head is far superior to his TTL counterpart. I do feel that his attire is really more representative of a TNA Brian Lawler than a Too Cool B.C. fig.

As you will notice this is the only pack from this set that I picked up. The other to are shameless repaints. Well acutely I should say re releases, as I cant find any difference from there originals despite Bret having the new style knee pads which is a down grade if you ask me. I mean why would Jakks try to peddle this crap off onto retail? Johnson has already had 2 figures released and him along with Atlas are pretty much shelve warmers. So a re release seems like just plain horrid business. Bret and Yoko would have had some appeal had they at least had different outfits. I mean give Bret the new singlet mold or something. And with his release now in the Best of Series that makes it even more watered down. Is it to much to ask for a larger more proportionate Yoko head and some different colored attire black and red reversed colors, or the rarely seen teal tights or heaven forbid a head scan from his late career with a beard. And dare I even mention how great a Yoko and Owen 2 pack would have sold? What were they thinking!!! What is most annoying is that there are so many great stars that have been signed that have yet to be released. Time is winding down and instead of using what they have taken the effort and money to sign they are producing this crap. I hope this isn’t a sign of things to come. The only thing good that could come form this is that they may be waiting on guys to hold off for a post WWE cs line. One can only hope.

RS Rating: 7

The Brain Busters

This three pack wasn’t 100% necessary to be produced but I liked it better than the horseman 2 pack. The molded coats something that I am crazy about but I wanted a version of them like this so went for it. Both have the molded on rocky jackets with the brain busters logos on the front and back. The set comes with a set of unpainted tag titles. Most people are not too fond of the re-released Bobby the Brain Heanan but I like it. In fact this is probably my favorite Henan figure. I just love that pastel purple sports coat on him. Probably not one of the best sets but it’s almost worth getting.

RS Rating: 6.5

The Rock family 3 pack

This is not a horrible set but not the greatest either. I would give it a mid grade. Rocky Johnson is a blah figure as I didn’t really need a new one but he has new attire. That is really the only difference from his debut. Peter Maivia has a rely nice debut in the CS Line. He comes with a very well made sarong and necklace. The necklace is a little bulky but the sarong is very sturdy and well made on both sides. His pink trunks look very neat and timely to the era and his Samoan tattoos are very detailed. The rock is the disappointment of the set. The fig looks great with the smaller torso and head scan of his latest WWE run. He has the bull tattoo though it is not all that detailed. The big problem with him is they left off the Samoan tattoo. That would have made this set really awesome. But unfortunately they didn’t go that extra mile.

RS Rating: 7.5

Classic Tag Teams 9

The Rock & Roll Express

Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson

This, ladies and gentleman, marks the biggest mess up in the history of classic superstars. Yes it’s old news that they switched the hair color scheme on the heads. This is just such a drag if you ask me. But I’m a sucker so I bought it. Let me please stress that if you are on the fence about this set DO NOT BUY IT. Send Jakks a message. I mean seriously there is no excuse for this. I remember not to long ago someone posting how some other company did a mess up on some super hero line. And they made it up by sending the fixed figure free of charge to all that bought the botched one. We seriously need to petition Jakks to do this. I mean at the very least I would like just some loose heads to pop on my self. I think what upsets me most is that besides this fatal flaw, the figures are realy well done. No outside accessories, and rubber vests are always a drag, but they did kick it up with the softs in the leggings, belts, and bandanas. This made what would be pretty boring figures that much better. The tights say Rock on one leg and “& Roll” on the other. The smaller arms were used. To bad the factory crapped this set up.

RS Rating: 7

The Russians

Ivan and Nikita Koloff

With each new series that comes out I really begin to feel that Jakks have become masters at their craft and even more masterful at nickel and diming us. There was no need for this Nikita figure. Sure his stubble wasn’t colored and it’s a slight difference but really it’s a re release if you ask me. I mean would it have killed you to use the already singed Darso to make a Crusher Cruschev! Or at the very least make Nikita in black for a bit of variety. What ever. To top it off he comes with his signature “Russian chain.” To bad I don’t remember Nikita’s chain ever being so stiff and having a pad lock on it but oh well. I mean come on!!! Would it kill you to give him a real chain like you have Brodie or JYD already?!?! Ivan is very nice. Love the torso and the head looks decent. His right eyebrow is a bit miss painted too high but I can deal with that. The tattoos on hiss right arm are very detailed. He is also plagued with the neck pointed down syndrome. Another nice thing is the Russian flag. Too bad it is horribly out of scale. Way to huge if you ask me

RS Rating: 7

The British Bulldogs

Davey Boy Smith and Dynamite Kid

Yes. It’s true. They did it again. Every Set in this series is tainted. The bulldog with inaccurate hair. This, however, I can partially deal with. The attire on these figures is awesome. And Davey I believe did where that kind of outfit early in his singles career when he left Dynamite. I especially love the detail on the back of the trunks. I don’t really know why they gave Dynamite black knee pads but whatever. It’s nice to get the debut release of Matilda. Yes Matilda. I don’t care what you say, the last one was representative of his singles career and that makes that dog Winston. The set also comes with 1 tag belt. Would it kill them to put in two? I guess so. Personally I don’t care. I would rather have the dog than another belt but I don’t know. This set just frustrates me. For the first time in the history of my reviews I am urging you to boy cot this set. Sure I don’t practice what I preach but I’m an addict. Lets petition jakks to make this right!

RS Rating: 7

Rhythm and Blues Classic 3 Pack

Well I went to a strange Wal Mart on a whim and to my surprise saw this gem. Typically I am not a fan of re paints and re releases so who would have thought that I would be so happy with a three pack made of all repaints!!! Well repaints or not, I am a fan of this set. So lets break it down.

The Honky-tonk Man

Before HTM was signed I was really pulling for a figure of him but never really wanted three. But shall I say this is the figure that I dreamed of when I said I wanted HTM. The Quintessential look of HTM if you ask me. This is by far his most famous jump suit. And this item alone makes the set worth it for my me. It has the Elvis in a white jumpsuit featured on it with musical notes adding some color to the get up. The back of the jumpsuit says Memphis, and has a picture of the Honkytonk Man in his pink Cadillac with none other than Peggy Sue! And yes it is a Cadillac. IT even has the Caddy symbol on the trunk! Now that’s what I,m talking about. They really paid attention to detail all over this suit. It was so well done. The only thing it is possibly missing is the tricked out belt that I think this suit had. At least as I remember from his Hasbro figure but I’m not going to get too nit picky. The Figure is pretty plain but is what I would expect for HTM. He has the same head scan that we have seen in the past. He has white boots and this time comes in black tights. They are decorated with white guitars that are accented with brown. This is the first Honky figure to not have any wording on the back of his tights but with the greatness that is that jumper I can’t complain.

Greg the Hammer Valentine

Here is another repaint that I have just been dying to get my hands on. The black hair is all you need to see to set you back to that crazy year when the Hammer was a slick greaser! Reminds me of the WrestleMania 6 debacle that was “hunka hunka honky love.” It’s the same head scan as his other release but that’s fine with me. His tights say Greg in white on the front leg and on the back in yellow say “The Hammer.” His boots have a picture of the arm holding a big hammer on them. He also comes with the new style knee pads which I’m not a big fan of seeing on classic figures but oh well. My main complaint was that he didn’t come with any sun glasses or ring jacket. That would have really made this figure solid.


Just wanted to point out that this set comes with 2 guitars. And this time they have updated the guitars with a new elastic strap. The original strap came with a soft plastic strap so this is a bit of an upgrade. Kind of funny to see jakks HTM figs have come full circle. Originally came with a blue suit and still has the same guitar (but now with an upgrade).

The Mouth From the South Jimmy Hart

This has to be my favorite Jimmy Figure that I own. He comes in hot pink attire with key board accents. I love the key board tie as that is something that is a Jimmy Hart trade mark. He comes with white glasses which is a nice little change. Also comes with a plain megaphone. No detail on this item.

The way it should have been released. Featuring Ralphs leather jacket.

RS Rating: 9.5

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