Legends of the Ring (TNA RA)

TNA Cross the Line 2

Hulk Hogan

I don’t normally buy many DA scale figures (or should I say DI) but I really liked the head scan of this Hogan and for the price point, it was a nice inexpensive souvenir on my trip ton NYC. First off, his head is massive. Seems that Jakks has been in a habit of head swelling. It is a good likeness to a current style Hogan and has a molded on bandana. He has his typical attire and comes with his signature weight belt. Jakks put in a bit of effort and made a new mold for sunglasses for the Hulkster in order to fit his head and it turned out nicely. They even went as far as to put the detailed Hulkamania logos on his wrist bands. Unfortunately they remembered to include his new hideous forearm tattoo. Ideally, this will be turned into an RA custom for myself soon enough. RS Rated: 8

Jakks Legends of the Ring 1

Jeff Jarrett

The long awaited delivery of the unofficial continuation of classic superstars has finally arrived. Since this is my first review of this new series lets start with the packaging. The shape, bubble placement, and general look is classy. The texture of the carding however is not glossy like WWE packaging was and comes off looking a bit cheap. I do appreciate the company of origin logos that appear on the packaging. Much like Jakks first line they went with the option of featuring a current picture of the superstar on the packaging. I wonder if this will be a trend or if next series they will resort to photos of the figure. In this case Jarrett features the NWA logo. The figure is plain to represent his wrestling debut. This is okay and I hope to use Ralph gear to turn him into a decent Double J. His head scan is kind of this side of bad. IT seams to be a modified version of his TNA deluxe head with different sculpted hair. He has this horrid open mouth yelling scan. He comes with red tights and knee pads and un-detailed white boots. He’s pretty plain but I’m glad to have him.

RS Rated: 6

Hulk Hogan

Quite possibly one of the last figures needed to complete Hogan’s legacy in the Jakks RA version. He comes with a black robe that has cheaply done red trim. Meaning that the trim is only on the outer edges and doesn’t go throughout. This causes exposed rough edges when putting on the sleeves that are easily tucked in. Hard to explain in text. The figure features the Thunder Lips head scan with a darkened mustache so nothing much new here. He has a tan skin tone and black trunks with a Japanese character. He has red knee pads and white boots with a small black stripe accenting the bottom.

RS Rated: 9


This represents one of the most anticipated figures in the history of Jakks. Everyone knows he’s a man called Sting. He does this. He does that. He’s strong as a bull and he’s quick as a cat. But did you know he has a skin tone fit for the cast of the Jersey shore? Not a fan of that choice. Lets go to the head. It is huge. I’m talking Macy’s day parade balloon big. Ok that was harsh but it is a tad large. He has black orange and blue face paint. He has short flat blond surfer style hair. Now this is one place that I would expect a screaming head scan. I mean Sting was always howling and probably should have his mouth open but instead we get a straight face but I’ll take it. He has blue tights with a nice scorpion symbol that makes you wish it were made by Mattel so you could actually do the scorpion death lock. He also has tall orange kickers. Unfortunately this makes him a bit tall. A jacket would have really kicked this figure up.

RS Rated: 7

Kevin Nash

This figure apparently represents a classic TNA version of Nash. Personally I feel that TNA is too young to have classic figures but I guess asylum era figures would be acceptable. Nash has a decent head scan with short brown hair. Like most of the figures in this set he has a dark tan. He comes with a black top that says nash and black pants and wrist tape. His short hair may make the scan useful for an early short hair version of Oz or Diesel.

RS Rated: 5

Kurt Angle

Are you kidding me? Classic? It is apparently a classic New Japan Pro Wrestling figure but I doubt that that could be considered classic. Since he is useless to me he will stay in the package and will soon be up on ebay. From the package we can see he has a black singlet with a red white and blue star. He features new style knee pads with stars as well and black shoes. His head is big and melon like with a screaming head scan. If they wanted to do I classic Kurt I think they could have gotten away with a non bald tall booted version.

RS Rated: 0.1

Ruthless Impact


Now this here is a figure fit for the legends line. Sting has his classic crow look with black and white face paint, long tights, black singlet, and scorpion logos. He has black MMA style gloves. I would have rather seen him in the nWo Hogan gloves. This sting is great for the early WCW Crow version sting. And for the price of 3 for $15 at Walgreens it’s a steal. Of course this is part of Jakks basic series so there are no frills. No baseball bat, and no ring jacket. But hey, at least they gave him scorpions on his tights. He comes with laced boots. RS

Rated: 8

Kevin Nash

Well originally I only wanted the sting figure from this set, but for the low price on three of them I picked him up. This Nash has long hair tided back in a pony tail. Great for late WCW version and even a Diesel when he wore the pony tail. Not a figure I really wanted at first but for the price I’m glad I nabbed it.

RS Rated: 8

Black Machismo Jay Lethal

Anything that reminds me of the Madness of the Macho Man is pure awesomeness. Jay comes in classic macho man attire with orange tights with white stars. He also has yellow boots. If you look at him from afar you may just mistake him for the real Randy Savage. Nice figure but I’m not into TNA much so you will Probably find him on ebay.

RS Rated: 7