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Just a simple Christian figure. Great head scan. I love the purple/pink attire. Not much to say.

Adrenaline 36

Mark Henry and Tony Atlas

If you have the latest Henry singles release then this isn’t that appealing of a pack but if you were smart (unlike me) and waited for this set then you were probably thrilled. Since this is pretty much the same Mark Henry figure that I previous relived I don’t have much to say about him. Tony Atlas however is exactly what I wanted. It’s so cool for me as an older fan to see the guys form the past come back and to get wrestling figures of them not only in there prime but also in there current state as well. It is a simple dress shirt style figure with the twist of Atlas’s sleeveless style. Nice different head scan and over all satisfying. It is interesting to note that 5 out of the 6 guys in this series are African American. Not sure if that is a new record in an action figure line but definitely a WWE figure record. RS Rated: 7

The Brian Kendrick and Ezekiel Jackson

This is another satisfying set in the series. Nice to see 2 new debut head scans in one pack for a change. It is disappointing that Ezekiel couldn’t have a removable cloth shirt but over all that can be overlooked. His head scan is great and they even added his tattoo on his right bicep. He has the Hardy style baggy pants mold which is a favorite of mine for playability purposes. And hey customizers out there. Can you say Ahmed Johnson? Kendrick is decent too. Although it’s not the greatest head scan (I was never a fan of the screaming scans) it is nice to have some variety. His figure is quite detailed with logos on the front sides and back of his trunks. His boots even have black detail all the way around. Can’t complain there. RS Rated: 8.3


AD 14

Eddie Guerro

This is the first Eddie I have with this half smirk head scan and I really like it. He has logos on either side of his tights and comes with solid gold boots. He even has his left fore arm tattoo. The back of his tights say Latino. Pretty basic all in all but something I am glad to now have in my collection.

RS Rating: 8



Yes it’s priceless. Well not really but it’s not to shabby. I just couldn’t pass up getting Ted Jr. in black like his dad use to wear. The head scan is nice and the attire is plain and simple. The logo work on the back is very well done. The Cody was stepped up a bit to. I like the attire and the detail work on his knee pads. I am not fond of the blue boots though. I mean did he ever where his blue boots with these trunks? Colors just seem to clash to me. They came with a chair (at least my version did) which is always a welcomed accessory.

RS Rating Cody: 7.5

RS Rating Ted: 9


Another debut figure and I had to snag him. I really Bourne in the black (as opposed to his up coming ra release in blue). His head scan has kind of a goofy grin on him. I guess it’s what I would expect to see him do during the middle of his 450 splash. The attire is nicely detailed. No complaints at all here. I have been wondering too is he supposed to be any relation to Matt Bourne? He came with Rey which is… well yeah I really didn’t need another Rey. HE has that short pants mold that has only been released a few times. I like how the mold looks but its not very good for play. Well it is and it isn’t. There is no room between his legs for head scissors and power bombs and such but his legs do bend well for a sit down position or a split. So it has some give and take. They sued the open masked rubber head scan which is one that I rather like. They came with a microphone which really doesn’t do it for me any more. But at least it has the WWE logo on it. I still hope that some day they will put it on all 4 sides.

RS Rating Evan: 9

RS Rating Rey: 7.5

Adrenaline 34 The last of the ECW Originals

Dreamer and Styles

I was on the fence about this set when I saw the proto shots but deep down inside I knew I was going to pick it up. Lets start with Joey shall we? Three words describe him. OH MY … yeah not so much. He’s Joey Styles not much else to say. I just wanted him with a tie unlike his ECW1 release which is the only other figure of him that I have. He is what he is. I do appreciate finally seeing a figure with a WWE microphone again!!! I mean is it that hard to put logos on a mic. In the BCA days they did it to all the mics. They even had different logos on them. And they were on all four sides!!! Kind of like bca ring skirts. They were on all four sides. Current Jakks ones only one side. But in the immortal words of everyone’s favorite Malibu Yuppie “You only see the front of the in the package” (no hate Jeremy just calling it like I see it). My only real gripe about this figure is that they didn’t give him the glasses as the accessories. I guess Joey got contacts and didn’t tell me.

RS Rating : 7.5

On to Tommy. Now we all know that there are serious flaws with that shirt mold. The main being the chin in chest disease but with this figure it isn’t nearly as bad as say a Balls Mahoney. I really do like the logo on the shirt though it’s a bit outdated. He really should have had the WWE ECW logo that he wears now. He has those damn rocky taped fists. Just one thing that makes me hate the Rocky line. I’m just waiting for the day for Side of Beef to be released in the CS line as Meat (staziac). Now the head. OH the head. They really should of called this series “Constipation Aggression” seeing that 1/3 of the set has a face that only a bad poop could produce. But in all seriousness it’s a pretty decent yelling scan. I love the hair on this figure. I think if the wasn’t screaming that this head had potential of being the greatest scan of him yet. But the screaming kind of degrades it some. Still not too bad. The pants and boots are awesome. The decoration on those eras are really ace in my opinion.

RS Rating : 7

Finlay and Hornswoggle

Lets start with Horny. If you have the original release of him this one isn’t much better. His hat lacks the gold trim detail and his face is dirty. I like having a dirty face version but other than that there isn’t much new here. Finlay is the money maker of this set. He has the same body scan as always but a much better head scan. Not perfect but probably the best we have seen. And yes this figure is the other one in the Poopless Aggression series. The attire is great decorated with Celtic knots and a shamrock. The boots are very nicely decorated as well. One of the best things about this figure is the movement of the legs. I’m not sure if they are a different leg mold or not but they really have a good range of rotation. So I have three main reasons why you should buy this set: 1 a second shalaly (no idea how to spell that one), 2 a second hat, and 3 a great Finlay figure.

RS Rating Finlay: 8

RS Rating Hornswoggle: 7.5

Adrenaline 33

Edge and Vickie Guerrero

This here is a very solid set. It features both a debut figure and a new head scan for edge (I think. Though it may have been a da scan im not sure). I love this edge with the new head and his tattoos are very detailed. The attire is his plain grey tights so nothing to special there. Vicky is brought out in her debut figure. They sued the large chest diva mold for her which is really not fitting. She would have better been in the old diva mold if anything. But they tried to use the “moola” trick with her by padding her shirt. Man that shirt is hideous. She also has cloth pants and new foot mold to look like dress sandals. Her head scan is really good and fits Vicky quite well. The set comes with a microphone and this one actually has the WWE logo on it! That should not create such excitement but for some reason its rare to see. To bad they haven’t figured out how to put it on all 4 sides of the mic base. Over all a very nice pack.

RS Rating Edge: 9

RS Rating Vickie: 8.5

Katie Lea and Paul Burchill

Another solid set in this series. Katie Lea has a great debut figure. She has a nice detailed top and comes with the rubber skirt that is almost getting stale it is so over used. Her head scan is nicely done, not perfect but nice never the less. Paul has a nice new head scan and is very representative of his current look. His pants are nicely detailed and he has what looks like a new glove mold (or perhaps it was the one used for rey mysterio).

RS Rating Katie: 8

RS Rating Paul: 8.5

Wrestle Mania 2 Packs

HBK v. Ric Flair

I really wanted to get this set just for Ric in his fair well attire. Would have been great to get his robe apparently that’s just asking too much. He is plain and simple just like all of his figs. He has the less developed torso and smaller arms which fit. He has those claw hands which aren’t my favorite but whatever. The boots and trunks detailed with the RF logo and he comes with new style knee pads. HBK is an okay figure too. I would like to see him with a more modern head scan some time soon. The tattoo is nice and multi colored which hasn’t been the norm for his figures. The accessories are a drag, water bottle and stupid stick again.

RS Rating HBK: 6.5

RS Rating Flair: 8

Adrenaline 32

Santino Marella and Maria

Well as many of you know I got my first Jakks error figure and it drove me bananas! So I had to get a replacement. The original Santion figure I had had “ORTON” on the back of the trunks. I just wasn’t happy with this so I went out and got the right version. If anyone is interested in the ERROR version it is up for bids on eBay:

The real Santino is a great figure. The head scan is nice and he is fully tattooed. He comes in his debut attire I believe which is nice to have. He has current style knee pads. The back tattoo I simply amazingly detailed. Its almost worth the price of the set alone just to see that detail.

Maria Maria has a great figure for her debut in the retail Jakks line. She has the same head scan as her former release as an internet exclusive. The only difference is a bit more eye makeup and red tinted hair. She is in pink attire which is actually pretty detailed. The top is pink with black trim and she has one arm stocking. Both hands have nail polish detail and her boots are detailed with socks as well. Her briefs are detailed with silver spots and a belt that says Maria. Really a spot on figure if I say so myself. As far as accessories go there is much to be desired. Just a water bottle and a mic. Granted water bottles are a bit difficult to come buy now days and both are good for what they are but nothing special here.

RS Rating Santino: 8

RS Rating Maria: 8.5

Jesse and Festus

This set is simply golden and flawless if you ask me. Jesse has a great head scan. His attire is very colorful and detailed on the front and back. But Festus is what makes it for me. He is one of the greatest characters in recent WWE history. The Pavlovian Power House is complete in his plain old black attire and has his left arm tattoo. The head scan is perfect and hilarious. I only hope we get a post ring bell version of his head down the pike. The set comes with both a chair and a trashcan with lid. Great accessories, 2 new head scans, 2 debut figures, I say that’s worth a recommendation from me. So I got 2 words for ya. Biscuits and gravy!

RS Rating Jesse: 9

RS Rating Festus: 9.5

Adrenaline 29

Miz and Layla

I held off on getting these figs for a long time but thanks to the Ringside Collectables Blow out Sale I was finally able to snag them. The miz is a great fig. Love the black hair and the attire is quite detailed from the socks to the pants to the gloves. They even included the rocky hat which, although it fits odd due to his fohawk, is still a nice touch. I also didn’t’ notice until I got it that they did make layla’s attire slightly different.

RS Rating Miz: 8

RS Rating Layla: 8

Adrenaline 31


Chuck: Chucks debut figure in the RA style was a big disappointment for me. Keep in mind he has appeared in both the TTL and R3 styles as Chuck when he teamed in the homosexual love duo Billy and Chuck. What at trip that was. The body style is right on. Pants have a painted on chain much like the up coming Y2J and the Hogan now gloves were a perfect choice. So what’s the problem? The freaking head!!! It’s as good ol’ JR would say “Bowling shoe ugly!” I mean it really looks nothing like chuck. Must have been a non scanned head or something.. I really don’t know. Not to mention the molded on bandana which I can live with. No I cant live with the bandana. It is totally un scanned for. Since TTL they had the ability to make a removable detailed bandanna as seen on the undertaker ABA TTL figs and no I’m not referring to the Terry Funk one either. Over all it’s better than using any of the past Chuck figs but not much.

RS Rating: 4

Michelle: Well I have to say Jakks is really pushing the Diva figs as of late. They used to be few and far between but now we are getting 2 per set. The attire on Michelle is great and highly detailed. The small chest torso was a perfect match for her body type (unlike the one chosen for Lillian! I mean come on lets be serious they aren’t that big). My only g ripe on this fig is the head. It’s not Chuck bad but it’ really doesn’t capture her that well. I think because she typically wrestles with her hair in a pony tail.

RS Rating: 8


Striker: A suited fig so it’s really nothing all that special but none the less I’m glad to have him in my collection. A suited Striker was a must. I just cant help but to think that this head scan looks allot like the villain in Wedding Crashers.

RS Rating: 8

Big Daddy V: I just really hate when we don’t get a figure of someone until they are removed from the active roster. Well this is an example of that. I have to admit I am not a big fan of the head scan. I am glad that it is new and not the same old Vis head that we have seen a 1000 times but it just doesn’t really capture his likeness well. The cloth pants with suspenders tie the figure together very well. And the tattoo work is amazing. IM not a tat expert but I think they got them all.

RS Rating: 8.5