RET Lesson Plan Database (2009 to present)

You have just discovered the Research Experiences for Teachers Partners Linking Urban Schools ( lesson plan database!

You can begin your search for lesson plans by selecting a broad content area from the left navigation bar or by typing in key search terms in the google search box in the top right hand side of this page (and each content page). If you use the first method, you will discover folders that will further organize the lessons within the topic area. Feel free to browse and select lessons based upon your personal interests and needs. If you decide to use a lesson plan, please cite us and, if you are ambitious, provide feedback to its author, as all of us would like to improve our own lesson plan for future implementation.

Though we do our best to maintain the quality and accuracy of these lesson plans, like all things on the web, some links may be broken, some services may no longer be provided or some vendors may no longer exist. You know your local classroom needs best, therefore, make sure that if you choose to implement a lesson not specifically designed by you or someone in your district, be sure it fits with the local needs and safety recommendations. Also, always test all protocols, suggestions, web-links, activities and readings prior to using them with your students.

If you are interested in the Research Experiences for Teachers Program, feel free to investigate the following links provided.

The NURET Program is a six-week summer research experience for middle and high school mathematics and science teachers and Community College STEM faculty. Participants work in research laboratories across the campus in addition to those affiliated with the Gordon Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems (CenSSIS) at Northeastern and the Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing. The professional development component of the summer program is provided by the Center for STEM Education (formerly CESAME).

Applications are available for the 2013 Summer Program. Please visit - (Please note this program is contingent upon available funding)

Summer Program Dates – 1/24/13 – 8/1/13