Red Alert Millenium
Welcome Back, Commander...
Genre: RTS (Real Time Strategy)
Style: "Westwood RTS"
Special thanks + credits to:
Electronic Arts EA
Welcome to our modded version of Red Alert (as our tribute to Westwood Studios & Petroglyph, the original creators of the Command & Conquer games serial).
-The currrent version (1.5) is usually available here, it was always offered in our downloads section, which is normally located down this page.
*Note: this game is not any (perfect or not) mod, not any 'rip-off fest' (or test), and is not any attempt to do so, but: full install game and is our tribute to Westwood Studios work, and their contribution in re-defining RTS genre, so we don't insist on any perfections, but only trying to bring a retro gameplay, as we used to have, with the Red Alert games serial, and for everyone to enjoy, in another, interesting way.
*Those who want to donate: (all donated funds go for humanitarian aid) so they can do that on the link below, in the downloads section.
(Donations, to the humanitarian organisations are distributed over the Australian offices, Melbourne, 3000).
...incoming transmission...
The latest: dev. logs, news, etc.
-Removing the any third-party assets, used prior version 1.4 is now finished
and current v1.5 and onward, also features more return to the old Red Alert 1 art,
with a few structures / units also custom-made, to suit the game engine requirements.
The new multi-player factions are added (eg. Croatia, Australia, Brazil, China, etc. - with their strengths and handicaps).
The version 1.5 is now finalized and usually available on the site here, somewhere from 2011.
Please, note that: with the end of x86 architectures, and from the start of x64 processors: the game may
not be available further by that time, with no view if / or when it would be updated, thanks.
Install the game, from the .exe installer file, and than go to shortcut, on your desktop.
You can play the Singleplayer campaigns, at it's classic 2 sides settings: Soviets, or Allies, with almost
all feel of Red Alert 1, and the improved optimized engine, with the usual scroll coasting available.
Red Alert Millenium is usually available for download here
For those who like the game and want to donate - click here
We can be contacted for the last version of the installer if you are unable to download it from here,
which also means automatic - agreeing to this site terms & conditions and disclaimer.
Our DEVELOPMENT SCREENS SECTION, from our fans, testers, and RA Millenium freaks
(Please, note that images here may be from older development versions, and present look - be different)
(development screen from v1.5 the multi player, by: "retro maniac")
Development videos may be available and listed in this section
Our goal is is always to support, and further promote and prolong the life of the BEST of RTS genre ever,
this way, combining the various artistic feel from best RTS games, into this unique game, inspired
by the Westwood's Red Alert game serial, but: RAM being an ORIGINAL game today, that still develops...
In our contacts to EA, and Westwood, we are answered that: "EA reckognises, and appreciates the work
of such authors" as we are, and they "may likely be interested publishing such works in the future".
So, gamers, prepare, get ready, go buy a new mouse, and - here it comes: RED ALERT MILLENIUM
Music section also has some cool music from other legendary RTS games , as: "7-th Legion",
"Dark Reign 2", KKND 2 Crossfire" and so on... The rest of music is original Red Alert 1 music, by Frank Klepacki,
and game music of legendary Oztronix Band, as well, that draws close to Frank Klepacki style, in their CD
concept dedicated to C&C serial, and included into this game... (In our contact, Frank Klepacki has expressed
his thanks, for having his music included in this game, as well...). Any time, Frank, you fully deserve it...
We are contactable, at any time, for any issues, questions, etc, on the email above,
and we'll always do our best to do what we can help with, depending on the amount of time available...
Field commander, capt. MichaelMV, and Red Alert Millenium development team.
(community members, and supporting the C&C games since the days of Dune II) - for the record:
we purchased every C&C game, played several times over and over, moded, and: lived it, and still do,
so that our ORIGINAL game, Red Alert Millenium - is now coming out, of this dedication...
"Ignorance and prejudice are the ballast of our ship of state - however, ships without ballast are not seaworthy and cannot sail in the tempests, nor reach a safe harbor." - George Orwell
"He who controls the past commands the future. He who commands the future conquers the past." - George Orwell
"In the war, we learn what's behind the scenes, same as at times of peace: money and profit for the rich, death and suffering for the poor."
(capt. Michael M V, the Field Commander, zone west, Land Down Under)
***Red Alert Millenium is proudly, based on the enhanced Westwood 2D+ game engine,
that is additionally improved by us, for the needs of this game, so that dream of playing
Red Alert "the way it should be" can be continued, and live forever, if possible.
We always thank to EA, and their always kind staff, for continued understanding and
support so far, and hoping for more titles in C&C universe coming soon, of course.
Red Alert Millenium Development Team
All information on this site is provided for the information and entertainment purposes only, and we would not be held liable
for any damages resulting from the (correct or wrong) interpretation (or usage) of the information or content from it.
By coming (landing) to this website, it is assumed that you have automatically agreed with the terms of this disclaimer.
Red Alert Millenium Development Team