About the Lab

The Microscopic World of Mitochondria

The role of interorganellar cross talk is emerging in different physiological conditions. The major emphasis of the lab is to understand the dynamic regulation of mitochondrial functions and its cross talk with other subcellular organellar in different patho-physiological conditions. Protein modification by ubiquitin plays an important role in dynamic regulation of metabolic signaling. Our recent studies have focused on TRIM proteins family member of RING E3 Ligase in regulation of autophagy and metabolic adaptation and inflammatory conditions.

The other major interest is to understand the regulation of mitochondrial function through small RNA specifically miRNA. We strongly believe that nuclear encoded mitochondrial targeted transcript copy number is regulated by miRNA. We have shown miRNAs association with mitochondria and made significant progress in understanding its role in regulation of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA encoded transcripts.

Recent evidences suggest that outer membrane of mitochondria provides a novel platform for assembly of dynamic signaling complex regulating inflammation during infection. We are interested in understanding the mitochondrial localized complexes dynamic role in regulation of inflammation in normal cellular conditions and its significance in cancer cell metabolism.