¡Welcome to pyCloudy!

This is the web site dedicated to the Python library pyCloudy, a set of tools to deal with photoionization code Cloudy (www.nublado.org).

This library allows you to:

  • Define and write input file(s) for Cloudy code. As you can have it in a code, you may generate automatically sets of input files, changing parameters from one to the other.
  • Read the Cloudy output files and play with the data: you will be able to plot line emissivity ratio vs. the radius of the nebula, the electron temperature, or any Cloudu output.
  • Build pseudo-3D models, a la Cloudy_3D. This means: run a set of models, changing parameters (e.g. inner radius, density) following angular laws, read the outputs of the set of models and interpolate the results (Te, ne, line emissivities) in a 3D cube.

A good introduction to what pyCloudy is able to do is available in the pyCloudy.pdf document attached to this page (see below this text).

The library is hosted by pypi and can be found here: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyCloudy/

It is easily installed using pip or easy_install. You can also download the sources from the site above and install it with the classical python setup procedure.

There is a github repository for the code (it started with version 0.8.27) here: https://github.com/Morisset/pyCloudy

There is no complete manual for now, but some examples are provided in this site (see the examples on the left). You can also browse the reference manual there: https://morisset.github.io/pyCloudy_Manual/html/index.html

There is also a discussion group, where you can share experience, ask for help, thanks the developers ;-) Here it is: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/pycloudy

Citing pyCloudy: Morisset, C., 2013, pyCloudy, Astrophysics Source Code Library, record ascl: 1304.020, available from ADS: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013ascl.soft04020M