Facilitating research and innovation with sustainable actions and initiatives in a transparent and equitable manner

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Most recent publication

"Acknowledging and citing core facilities" Kivinen et al, EMBO Reports (2022): e55734 


Executive MBA - Management of Research Infrastructures, University of Milan Bicocca (IT), 2024

PhD in Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University (USA), 2000

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry & Mathematics, William Smith College (USA), 1994 (ΦΒΚ)

Current Position

Senior Programme Manager - AnaEE-ERIC, Gif-sur-Yvette, France


Experience in coordinating and managing a variety of actions and operations, related to Research Infrastructures and (core) facilities spanning analytical and experimental technologies in the life sciences.

Research experience in photophysical spectroscopic processes  in photosynthetic systems, synthetic polymers and charge-transfer molecules.

Professional Trace

Science management Publications

Katja Kivinen et al August 2022 EMBO Reports (2022): e55734 https://doi.org/10.15252/embr.202255734 

Saskia Lippens et al March 2019 EMBO Reports 20(4):e48017 DOI: 10.15252/embr.201948017

Representative Research Publications