

I was born in the summer of 1946, into a Country that had been torn apart by two World-Wars. A child of hope, a child of conflict, a baby boomer...

Upon my tiny shoulders I carried the dreams of many who had sacrificed their lives so that I might live. Live to put an end to war, forever. Live to make this planet a better place. Live to give my children, and their children’s children, a better future. To help to construct a free and a fairer society out of the debris of death and mindless destruction that remained everywhere. A new Society where hate would be absent, where tolerance could breathe, and a place where mankind might be truly liberated.

Soon, those in power gave me free medical care, free schooling, freedom of expression, freedom to worship, and a freedom to think for myself. TV became my window on the world...

As the welfare state arose I witnessed it aid many in need, yet in time it anesthetized a lot of other people into greedy inaction. At primary school things began well, then after examination the bright were given privilege, and others like me, at age 11 separated into Comprehensive ignorance. Meanwhile Society continued to divide itself into the majority who had little, and the minority who had much.

In the 60s, liberty turned into immorality and drug taking, discipline into anarchy, accountability into frivolity, and sufficiency into greed. Young minds were being warped and destroyed by those who sought peace with flowers, confusing pleasure with happiness, and freedom with irresponsibility.

As a Country we manufactured goods and sold them around the world, artesian jobs became plentiful, and money bought consumerism, and affordable debt. Sport became the opium of the masses, and democracy was taken for granted. We were led to believe that all politicians were the same, whatever party they represented. So the majority lost interest, and thus, the rich scheming minority became our unelected rulers.

I have watched Socialism kill millions, Capitalism millions more, and Liberalism stand by and watch it all happen. In a world where a massive surfeit of grain is still being burnt, I have observed countless people starving. Even in this land of plenty, poverty has returned to many. In the name of patriotism I have watched terrified children burnt to death by projectiles aimed from thousands of miles away, and seen dictatorships flourish on the proceeds of drug money. I have experienced the internet blossom for a while and then bring forth bad fruit. Pornography damaging many.

Social Media came into being, quickly enslaving and manipulating the young, masses who staring at a small device, rarely see the sky, or hear a bird sing. I have witnessed the planet become polluted and desecrated. Unique species of creatures become extinct, and many souls not give a dam about it. I have been fed outright lies from the government and the media, as all our actions, affiliations, and movements are recorded to keep us subjugated. Courts have become unfair, justice subverted, and to preach Christianity, is becoming a hate crime. Terrorism is the norm.

Today 99% of the Worlds wealth belongs to 1% of the population.

And now it seems to me that we are heading for another World War.

I apologize for not succeeding, but I have not stopped trying or praying!


Before he became a new fish, Peter led a varied and mostly irreverent life during which he published several secular novels and books of poetry.

Available on Amazon Books

ISBN 9781798952351 - Why Existence?

ISBN 9781517341480 – Josh’s Story

ISBN 9781500655679 - Fists and Flowers

ISBN 9781500577384 - Interplanetary Milkmen

ISBN 9798624125681 –The Restored Mind-Mill of Joseph Smith

ISBN 9781729306895 – Peter John Scott’s Poetry (with commentary)

Copy the ISBN number into the Amazon search bar (book section) followed by the title of the book, exactly as printed above.

Then click the ‘Paperback’ link (in blue) to read a synopsis.

Published by and available as a Kindle eBook or as a Paperback.

Fists and Flowers - Synopsis Not long after the turn of the nineteenth century, when steam was replacing sail, Stanley Taylor was born in a rudimentary attic room in the seamen's pub, the Ship and Bottle Inn. The rowdy pub lay at the bottom of Hessle Road, in the town of Kingston-upon-Hull, not far from the busy quayside, usually jammed with steamships and creaking fishing boats. Infant Stanley was not to blame for what transpired immediately after he took his first breath, but that intake of oxygen would dramatically change the destiny of both himself, his pugilist father Thomas Taylor, and his kith-and-kin. Especially his granddaughter Anne in her search for her real father!

Interplanetary Milkmen - Synopsis This true and ancient chronicle (honest) documents the experiences of two men - Wiltham Aspic (Wilt), and William Woodcroft (Woody) who were self-employed dairymen looking forward to retirement. Milking the mucj (pronounced - much, remember that!)massive beasts at least four times as large as an elephant, they conducted their business upon several planets that even today remain beyond our knowledge (oh yes - apart from this book). More than close colleagues, Wilt and Woody were friends and not adventures, explorers, missionaries, or on any noble quest, just ordinary folk like you and I. To them the great ocean of limitless Space was no more extraordinary to behold than a garden pond is to our eyes, and as we might travel to work by car or some other means, to them a journey in one variant of zoot ship or another (there were loads of them!) was a normal mode of transportation. However, the road to disaster for Wilt and Woody began with rumblyfreda!

Peter John Scott's Poetry - Synopsis A selection of poetry written since the 1960's to the present day...

Josh's Story - Synopsis At first Josh could not understand why wealthy Laura Levielam, a stunningly beautiful middle class Jewish girl was hitting on him – a poor, not very sophisticated, or even good-looking working-class gentile. How was it that she knew all about him, and was willing to sacrifice everything to be at his side forever? But Josh was soon to discover, as strange predictions began to come true, and abnormal events started to take place, that things were not as they seemed to be, and Laura was not who he, or she, thought she was!

Why Existence? - Synopsis Turned off by religion, so is George the confused guppy. Take a tour of the fish tank and follow George on his quest to make sense of it all. At times amusing, often sad, meet some nice fishes, and some not so nice. Encounter fish tank warming, and bigoted aquatic creatures who are certain that they know best.

The Restored Mind - Mill of Joseph Smith - Synopsis What really happens to a member of the Mormon (Latter Day Saints) church. My introduction to the mind-mill began one Sunday morning, when as a baby, swaddled in white, I was proudly taken to the nearest mind-mill. Here in front of family-friends, and assorted relations, I was handed over to a total stranger who was dressed in medieval garb. Chanting customary words, he sprinkled my head with water over an ancient stone font. Apparently it was considered good fortune if I did not cry - I screamed. Perhaps I had glimpsed my future as a Mormon.

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