Kao što je i obećano na strani gde je obrađena tema binarni broj u decimalni broj , na ovoj strani imate rešenje problema binarni broj s pokretnim zarezom u realni broj.Takođe, program je modifikovan tako da sada briše sve nepotrebne nule , a i prepoznaje negativan broj.(vidi sliku) Što se tiče algoritma pokušajte da ga napišete sami na osnovu programa. ukoliko vas interesuje malo opširnije tema o brojevnim sistemima pogledajte sadržaj na sledećoj adresi :


Dole je priložen kod programa , koji i dalje nije apsolutno savršenstvo pa je u skladu s time u pripremi program za konvertovanje broja unetog s tastature iz bilo kog brojevnog sistema u bilo koji drugi brojevni sistem. U okviru priloga imate i dokument sa više tehničke škole , koji je napisao mr. Veličković Zoran , a predstavlja uvod u brojevne sisteme i odličan je za razumevanje ove teme, i onome ko nije preterano dobar u matematici. Upotrebljen je i za izradu ovog programa.

Programski kod (revizija izvršena 09/02/2012):

U prilogu se nalazi Binary to Real.rar arhiva s kompletnim rešenjem pisanim za IDE SharpDevelop C#,

koje možete preuzeti i u okviru koga se nalazi i Release folder sa exe fajlom programa.Neophodan .Net framework 4.0 ili noviji.


* Created by SharpDevelop.

* User: Peric Zeljko

* Date: 7.10.2011

* Time: 8:51



* Simple console program for conversion of

* Binary numbers to Real numbers



using System;

namespace Binary_to_Decimal


class Program


public static void Main(string[] args)



// declaration of variables


string [] DecimalFloat = new string[2];

string Binary = "";

bool RealRelevance = false;

bool BinaryRelevance = false;

int Index = 0;

int Lenght = 0;

int Exponent = 0;

int Cipher = 0;

double BaseExponent = 0;

double RealNumber = 0;

double D = 0;

double F = 0;

string Negative = "";

string DecimalPart = "";

string FloatPart = "";

string Letter = "";


// not very desirable but necessary

// begining of program label


begining :


// Hello message to user


Console.Title = "Program Binary to Real ";


Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;



Console.WriteLine(" Binary to Real");



// Get number from Console



Console.Write("Enter binary number (exmpl: 1001) : ");

Binary = "";

Binary = Console.ReadLine();




// Check if it is Real number


RealRelevance = false;

RealNumber = 0;

RealRelevance = double.TryParse(Binary,out RealNumber);

if (RealRelevance == true)



// clear sign plus or minus


if (Binary.Contains("-"))


Binary = Binary.TrimStart('-');

Negative = "- ";

RealNumber = -1 * RealNumber;


else if (!Binary.Contains("-") && !Binary.Contains("+"))


Negative = "";


else if (Binary.Contains("+"))


Binary = Binary.TrimStart('+');

Negative = "+ ";

RealNumber = double.Parse(Binary.ToString());



// Clears number from 0 if it is number with float point

// with all possibilites


// exmpl. 0001101,01010000 = 1101,0101


if ( Binary.Contains(","))


DecimalFloat = Binary.Split(',');

DecimalPart = DecimalFloat[0];

FloatPart = DecimalFloat[1];

DecimalPart = DecimalPart.TrimStart('0');

if (DecimalPart =="")


DecimalPart = "0";


FloatPart = FloatPart.TrimEnd('0');

if (FloatPart =="")


FloatPart = "0";


if (DecimalPart =="0" && FloatPart =="0")


Binary = "0";


if (DecimalPart !="0" && FloatPart =="0")


Binary = DecimalPart;


if (DecimalPart =="0" && FloatPart !="0")


Binary = DecimalPart + "," + FloatPart;


if (DecimalPart !="0" && FloatPart !="0")


Binary = DecimalPart + "," + FloatPart;




// if it is decimal number




Binary = Binary.TrimStart('0');

if (Binary =="")


Binary = "0";




else if (RealRelevance == false)



Console.WriteLine("Error , you didn't entered a number at all..");



// goto jump is not very desirable but necessary


goto end;



// Check Binary number relevance


Index = 0;

Lenght = 0;

Letter = "";

Lenght = Binary.Length;

for (Index=0;Index<Lenght ;Index = Index + 1)


Letter = Binary.Substring(Index,1);

if (Letter != "0" && Letter != "1" && Letter !=",")


BinaryRelevance = false;

Index = Lenght;




BinaryRelevance = true;



if (BinaryRelevance != true)



Console.WriteLine("Error , you didn't enter binary number ...");



// goto jump is not very desirable but necessary


goto end;



// Resolving conversion from Binary to Decimal

// If it is Float number, split number to Decimal and Float part

// exmpl. 11.011(2) DecimalPart = 11 and FloatPart = 011


if (Binary.Contains(","))


DecimalFloat = Binary.Split(',');

DecimalPart = DecimalFloat[0];

FloatPart = DecimalFloat[1];


// Decimal part first


Exponent = 0;

BaseExponent = 0;

Cipher = 0;

D = 0;

Index = 0;

Lenght = 0;

Letter = "";

Lenght = DecimalPart.Length;

for(Index=0;Index<Lenght ;Index=Index+1)


Exponent = Lenght - Index - 1;

Letter = DecimalPart.Substring(Index,1);

Cipher = int.Parse(Letter.ToString());

BaseExponent = double.Parse(Math.Pow(2,Exponent).ToString());

D = D + (Cipher * BaseExponent);



// Float part second


Exponent = 0;

BaseExponent = 0;

Cipher = 0;

F = 0;

Index = 0;

Lenght = 0;

Letter = "";

Lenght = FloatPart.Length;

for(Index=0;Index<Lenght ;Index=Index+1)


Exponent = Index+1;

Letter = FloatPart.Substring(Index,1);

BaseExponent = double.Parse(Math.Pow(2,-Exponent).ToString());

Cipher = int.Parse(Letter.ToString());

F = F + (Cipher * BaseExponent);


RealNumber = D + F;


// goto jump is not very desirable but necessary



goto write;



// Resolving conversion from Binary to Decimal

// If it is Decimal number

// exmpl. 1001




Exponent = 0;

Cipher = 0;

RealNumber = 0;

Index = 0;

Lenght = 0;

Letter = "";

Lenght = Binary.Length;

for(Index=0;Index<Lenght ;Index=Index+1)


Exponent = Lenght - Index - 1;

Letter = Binary.Substring(Index,1);

BaseExponent = double.Parse(Math.Pow(2,Exponent).ToString());

Cipher = int.Parse(Letter.ToString());

RealNumber = RealNumber + (Cipher * BaseExponent);




// not very desirable but necessary

// write label




// Write result


if (RealNumber == 0)


Negative ="";



Console.WriteLine("Binary number : " + Negative + Binary);


Console.WriteLine("Real number : " + Negative + RealNumber.ToString());



// not very desirable but necessary

// end of program label





Console.Write("Do you want to run program again y / n : ");

Letter = Console.ReadLine();

if ( Letter == "Y" || Letter == "y")


goto begining;



