
Longitude: W 91°.69,  Latitude: N 41°.84, Elevation: 815 feet (248 meters)

Since 1986


   A 23.5 cm Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope and CCD camera are pictured here.  The observatory also uses a 30cm f/5 reflecting telescope and other instruments.  For more, visit the ASTRONOMY page.



   Station call sign: WØABC.  Shown is an Icom 746 Pro; an HF/VHF transceiver used as a base station. The station uses other HF/VHF equipment and various antennas. Maidenhead Grid Square Location = EN41du.  For more, visit the RADIO page.


Ongoing Astronomical Activities:

 + CCD photometry of variable stars

 + Asteroid occultation timings

 + Astrophotography & video astronomy

 + Public education

 + Astronomical League Master Observer

 + Charter member Cedar Amateur Astronomers, Inc.

Ongoing Amateur Radio Activities:

 + Field operation

 + VHF/UHF radio communication via satellite

 + Local VHF "Nets"

 + Communication with DX (distant) amateur stations

 + Severe weather spotting - SkyWarn

 + Local and DX emergency communication activities

 + Antenna construction/experimentation/testing