Definately the Bondage falls, Belief becomes Conviction.

LIBERATION and REDEPMTION, embedded only and always within Conviction!

This is addressed to the human spiritual beings who individually are strictly, earnest seekers only.

These human spiritual beings must be willing to examine and investigate this matter most objectively!

Religious fanatics and irresponsible enthusiasts, amongst the human spiritual beings should and may hold aloof, because they are detrimental to THE TRUTH.

And as for human spiritual beings, of malevolence and prejudice, they shall find their individual sentencing, right within their very words.

THE HOLY GRAIL MESSAGE, will only touch those particular individual human spiritual beings, who do still augment within them, a Spark Of TRUTH, and The Longing or The Yearning to evolve into True human spiritual beings, upon the gross material earthly surface plane.

To all such human spiritual beings, will THE HOLY GRAIL MESSAGE, Become a Shining Light and Crossing-Staff for!

The Knowledge derived from THE HOLY GRAIL MESSAGE, would absolutely Lead the Spirit within the human spiritual beings, unswervingly, out of the Chaos of the present time Confusion.

Consequently, within all strict adherence to THE WISDOM INCORRIGIBLE LIVING LIGHT OF ALMIGHTY GOD, The proceeding WORD, Does Not Bring Fresh or NEW (NORMS ESSENTIAL WORTH) Religion, but intuitively, and spiritually intended as the perceptive torch, to supportively dissipate aid to all serious seekers, the patient listeners, or earnest readers, amongst the human spiritual beings, consequently in order for them to be able to find the Right Path, which would invariably leads them, towards the longed-for Luminous Heights.

But only those human spiritual beings, who assertively bestir themselves, can advance Spiritually.

And those human spiritual beings who rather indulge, as fools in implementation of extraneous help, for this purpose, in the form of, Ready-Made Opinion of other human spiritual beings, only walk their individual paths, just as if on crutches, while ignoring their own healthy (Hygienic Extension Annulling Life Terminating Hazzard) Limbs in the process.

But at the very moment inert, when the human spiritual beings, boldly utilize all and every ability, which directly lay, dormant and slumbering within themselves, and also awaiting their individual call, consequently to aid, most supportively in their ascent, amounts to the fact that the human spiritual beings, invariably employ the talent entrusted to them, in accordance, with their CREATOR"S WILL, and they will easily Over-Come, all Obstacles, which procrastinate and seek to deviate and divert the human spiritual beings.

Therefore, AWAKE human spiritual beings!

GENUINE FAITH, Lay embedded only within CONVICTION, and CONVICTION COMES MOST EXCLUSIVELY, Through an Infallible weighing and examining!

Every Individual personal human spiritual beings, should see that they are TRULLY ALIVE, right within THE WONDERFUL CREATION OF ALMIGHTY GOD!



A heavy burden presses upon, all gross material, earthly human spiritual female-beings, since the delusion was spread abroad, that the human spiritual female-being's main vocation is Mother-Being-Stage.

Some human spiritual beings, look upon female-beings, who do not marry, and also upon human spiritual female-beings, whose marriages are childless, with false pity and frequently, even with hidden malicious joy.

The expression " Old Maid " or " Elderly Spinster ", which is really an honorable name, is frequently used with an undertone of mockery and pitying shrug of the shoulder, as if marriage were the highest goal, for the human spiritual female-being, on the gross material earth, indeed her absolute vocation!

That this false opinion has gained a substantial foothold and spread so devastatingly over thousands of years, is one of the achievements of Lucifer, who is aiming at the debasement of the human spiritual female-beings, which consequently delivered the most crushing blow at true humanity.

Because the human spiritual beings should take a thorough look around them! The evil outgrowths of this false opinion, have from the very beginning, trained the thoughts of human spiritual beings" parentage and the young human spiritual female-beings, to concentrate upon gross material earthly security, through marriage.

Everything is directed towards this - even the young human spiritual female-being's education, all her thoughts, all her speeches, and all her activities from the days of her human spiritual child-being, until she has attained maturity.

Then the opportunity is sought or offered, and when this fails, it is brought about, by forceful means, in order to make acquaintances, with final aim of marriage.

It is thoroughly hammered into the young human spiritual female-being, that her existential life, shall be joyless, unless she can go through marriage, at the side of a human spiritual male being, as a husband. And that otherwise, she shall never be taken seriously.

Wherever, a member of young human spiritual female-beings turns, she is confronted with the glorification of the gross material earthly love, with gross material bliss, as it's highest aim! Thus due to artificial pressure, the very idea is conjured, that the young human spiritual female-being, who cannot achieve marriage, is to be pitied, and has partially wasted her existential life time, on the gross material earth.

Right from the very moment, of her birth, all thoughts, all desires and all plans are aimed at marriage, which is profoundly engrained, as to become a part of her blood!

But all this, is a clever temptation, of Lucifer, with the purpose of debasing the human spiritual female-beings and eventual destruction of the human spiritual beings!

These constraints must now be removed, from the young human spiritual female-beings, on the gross material earth, if they are to ascend. Only from the ruins, of the present delusion, can greatness and loyalty ( purity ) arise!

The WISOM INCORRIGIBLE LIVING LIGHT, The Will of ALMIGHTY GOD, consequently envisaged noble human spiritual female-beings, could by no chance unfold, through the most cunning of Lucifer's plots, against the human spiritual beings, all of whom, could originally have done nothing else, but strive towards the LIGHT, had they, unerringly, and relentlessly followed, and also submitted to the guidance of The Primordial Laws of Creation ( "Light At Work" ).

The human spiritual being, at last should become spiritually conscious, because they are Spirits! Recognize, and also the human spiritual beings should have the courage to accept the fact, that maternal bliss, which was considered the highest goal and the most sacred destiny of gross material, earthly human spiritual female-beings, is to be rooted, in The Animistic!

The human spiritual female-beings" most sacred vocation, however, lies much higher, it lies in The Spiritual!

Not once, did the thought occur to the human spiritual beings, that everything they have praised so far, was merely meant for this gross material earth, for the existential life on earth, with all it's restrictions!

Because marriage and procreation, exist only in the gross material part of The Subsequent Creation, the earth, whereas the female-beings, exist in all Creation. This fact should give the human spiritual beings, cause to consider! But to the contrary, this was expecting much of them!

Just as in the instances of wild animals, which the human spiritual beings try gradually, to drive into a carefully-built and well contained path, which they cannot distinguish from the free and beautiful forest, but which lead them into captivity, so exactly has the human spiritual beings driven their young human spiritual beings, only towards one goal ( marriage ).........towards the human spiritual male-beings! As if that was their destiny!

The delusion created by this false view, was very much akin, to the placement of barriers right and left, which is paramount and also prevented these poor young human spiritual children-beings, from thinking in any but this single direction.

And many young human spiritual female-beings, "escaped" by suddenly embarking upon marriage, which she had contracted with great reluctance, only because she refused to fall a miserable prey, during her old age, to the consequences of this wrong opinion, which undoubtedly hang, like threatening sword, over every young human spiritual female-beings" head!

When in the first upheavals, of a new epoch, the human spiritual female-being, wished to flee, from this unhealthy situation, which however the human spiritual beings had not recognized, for what it really was, this merely indicated an inner contradiction, developing quite subconsciously, a rebellion of the human spiritual beings, which had been hitherto suppressed.

Unfortunately, the human spiritual beings had slipped into something much worse, into the idea of companionship and thus of companionate marriage. Although in a different form, yet it is basically, still the same excrescence of Lucifer's idea, aiming at the ' debasement of Female-Beings of Creation. No Purity could arise there-from, because the Darkness, lays a sinister spell, on everyone, thereby holding them firmly in it's grip and oppressing them continually!

That which is false, was bound to remain, even when it appeared in a different form. The stroke that would liberate true Female-Beings, can now only come from on High. Humanity, itself is unable to achieve it because they have entangled and enslaved themselves too much, too far!

Neither, Laws nor new forms, can help here any longer! Salvation lies only in an understanding of all the Primordial Laws of Creation. At last, the human piritual beings must accept the Truth, as it really is, and not as the human spiritual beings, imagined it to be, because the human spiritual beings have been so susceptible to Lucifer's prompting!

The human spiritual Female-Beings was debased and dishonored by the thought, that every Female-Being is supposed to consider Mother-Being, as the principal purpose of Female-Beings" existence. Because she was thereby degraded and bound to the Animistic : Lucifer had need to do more than disseminate this idea, which was thus absorbed and gradually developed into the definite belief, still dominating the human spiritual beings" mind, ( Memory Interpreter Natural Disciplines ) presently, forcing it into the very direction, that would prevent the human spiritual beings, from soaring upwards, towards Pure and Luminous Heights!

Thus, the dirty fists of Luciferian henchmen, oppress the whole of gross material earthly, human spiritual Female-Beings. Away with these henchmen! The human spiritual Female-Being must free themselves, from the clutches that hold them down! Because, this belief alone has brought in it's train, everything which must dishonor the human spiritual Female-Beings.

The beautiful little Cloak of Sacred Mother-Being-Stage, the high praise bestowed upon Mother-Being's Stage Love, can never alleviate the pressure of the dark fists of Lucifer, nor could make these black fists luminous! The human spiritual beings should listen carefully to the Author's Grail Message! Through this belief, the gross material earthly human spiritual Female-Beings, was transformed into a mother-animal-Stage!

Wake up, human spiritual Female-Beings, both the human spiritual Male and Female Beings, at last recognize the absolute horror of this idea of Lucifer! Because One of the Sacred Rights, of the human spiritual beings, is at stake!

LUCIFER Could well be proud of this achievement!

The Author of the Message has already stated once before, that through Female-Beings of Creation, Lucifer sought to deliver the most crushing blow against real humanity, and alas, Lucifer succeeded only too well!

The human spiritual beings only need to follow carefully and closely the thoughts, Lucifer had sown among the human spiritual beings with great cunning and malice! Lucifer had deceitfully flattered the human spiritual beings with the thought, that Mother-Being-Stage, was human spiritual Female-Beings" highest task. But in order to attain to Mother-Being-Stage, the gross material earthly instinct is required, and it is this instinct, which Lucifer wanted to place on a higher pedestal, through the thought of Mother-Being-Stage, so that, it would become the dominant factor and force the thinking of the human spiritual beings, on the gross material earth, into one direction. A plan which was conceived by Lucifer, with admirable cunning!

Lucifer played upon the feelings of the human spiritual beings, as very carefully, as a first class artiste, would play upon an instrument, dangling Mother-Being-Stage and Mother-Being-Stage-Love, alluringly before their eyes, as a shield for Lucifer's intentions, so that the human spiritual beings were unable to recognise, what exactly was lurking in background! And Lucifer succeeded completely!

The human spiritual beings, could hear the alluring tune of Lucifer, vibrating purely within them, but they have overlooked the dirty, greedily clutching hands that brought forth the melody! The highest goal and most sacred calling! That was before the eyes of the human spiritual beings, they see bright and Luminous! But in spite of all it's brightness, Mother-Being-Stage is merely the purest radiation of the Animistic, but not the Spiritual!

The Animal is set Aglow, and attains it's greatest height in Mother-Being-Stage, becoming merged in it and yielding itself completely to it, because the Animal itself originates in the Animistic Spheres. It attain greatness there-in, becomes bright and Luminous. The human spiritual beings possess something still stronger, which should and must stand above the Animistic, if and when the human spiritual beings, wish to be complete Human Beings........... the Spirit!

Being of the Spirit, the human spiritual beings cannot and must not remain in the Animistic. They must refrain from making the highest of their goals, something which belongs unconditionally to the Animistic Realm, and which must forever remain there, in accordance with the Primordial Laws of Creation.

With exceptional cleverness, Lucifer thus, laid his snare, forcing the human spiritual beings into Animistic, and holding them captive there. This was achieved all the more easily because the human spiritual beings saw all the beauty and luminosity which emanates from everything that is pure, and which is therefore also a part of the highest Animistic radiation.

YES, Mother-Being-Stage is certainly Sacred, and it's Crown, Mother-Being-Stage-Love, but nevertheless this is not the highest goal of the human spiritual Female-Beings, not their Mission in Creation! The Mother-Being-Stage is rooted in the Animistic, and is only set Aglow by pure volition. Even if this is not always so with the human spiritual beings, it is definitely always the case with Animals.

In spite of this, however, Mother-Being-Stage, remains within the highest radiation of the Animistic, which alone can directly coalesce with the Gross Matter.