Welcome to the Organic Nanomaterials and Devices Lab 

유기 나노 재료 소자 연구실에서는 함께 연구할 대학원 학생 및 학부 연구생을 모집하고 있습니다. 

상담을 원하는 학생은 kh.lee@inha.ac.kr로 연락하기 바랍니다. 


     2S331B, Inha University

100 Inharo Nam-gu, Incheon 22212, Korea

인천광역시 남구 인하로 100

인하대학교 2남331B호 (22212)

Tel: +82 32-860-7462

News and Updates

[Congratulations]  The paper "Tuning Gate Potential Profiles and Current-Voltage Characteristics of Polymer Electrolyte-Gated Transistors by Capacitance Engineering" has been accepted in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. (2024. 03)

[Welcome] 권정현 학생이 석사과정 대학원생으로 입학했습니다. 환영합니다! (2024. 03)

[Congratulations]  The paper "Highly Conductive and Mechanically Robust Composite Cathodes Based on 3D Interconnected Elastomeric Networks for Deformable Lithium-Ion Batteries" has been accepted in Ecomat. (2024. 03)

[Congratulations]  우리 연구실 연구결과가 2023년 교육부 학술연구지원사업 우수성과 50선에 선정되어 부총리겸 교육부장관상을 수상하였습니다. 모두 축하합니다!! (2023. 12)

[Congratulations]  The paper "Approaching Theoretical Limits in the Performance of Printed P-Type CuI Transistors via Room Temperature Vacancy Engineering" has been accepted in Advanced Materials. (2023. 11)

[Congratulations]  The paper "High‑performance lithium–sulfur batteries utilizing charged binder and solid‑state ionogel electrolyte" has been accepted in Macromolecular Research. 허정무 학생 축하합니다 (2023. 11)

[Welcome] 이유나 학생이 석사과정 대학원생으로 입학했습니다. 환영합니다! (2023. 09)

[Congratulations]  The paper "LEGO-like Assembly of Fibrous Modules for Display Textiles" has been accepted in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. (2023. 08)

[Congratulations]  The paper "Photopatternable and self-healable ionogels for organic thin-film transistors" has been accepted in Organic Electronics. (2023. 07)

[Congratulations]  The paper "Sub-Band Filling and Hole Transport in Polythiophene-Based Electrolyte-Gated Transistors: Effect of Side-Chain Length and Density " has been accepted in Advanced Functional Materials. (2023. 05)

[Welcome] 이재은, 전보근, 박성혁 학생이 석사과정 대학원생으로 입학했습니다. 환영합니다! (2023. 03)

[Congratulations]  ENGE 2022 국제학술대회에서 김다은, 김수정 학생Best Poster Award 수상하였습니다. 김다은, 김수정 학생 축하합니다. (2022. 11)

[Congratulations]  The paper "Tuning Threshold Voltage of Electrolyte-Gated Transistors by Binary Ion Doping" has been accepted in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. (2022. 10)

[Congratulations]  The paper "Copper Halide Anion Engineering for p-channel Electrolyte-Gated Transistors with Superior Operational Reliability" has been accepted in Journal of Materials Chemistry C. (2022. 08)

[Congratulations]  The paper "Self-healable and tough polymer electrolyte composites based on associative nanostructural networks" has been accepted in ACS Applied Polymer Materials. (2022. 07)

[Congratulations]  The paper "3D printed solid-state composite electrodes and electrolytes for high-energy-density flexible microsupercapacitors" has been accepted in Journal of Energy Storage. (2022. 06)
