SUNY Old Westbury Faculty Senate 

Established September 1992

Welcome to the Faculty Senate! 

According to the the Faculty Bylaws, the Faculty shall have the responsibility to legislate and act as a policy making body in performance of its responsibilities as determined by the Board of Trustees and in keeping with the standards of Faculty governance recommended by the State University Faculty Senate.  The Faculty "have the obligation to participate significantly in the initiation, development, and implementation of the educational program."  For a full description of the Faculty responsibility, see the Faculty Bylaws.The Faculty Senate serves as the deliberative body for organizing and carrying out the business of the Faculty.  The Senate is composed of representatives elected by their respective constituencies.  According to the Faculty Bylaws, among the responsibilities of the Faculty Senate include advising the Chair of the Senate, and initiating studies and investigations pursuant to the purposes and responsibilities of the Faculty.  The Senate is also responsible for monitoring the implementation of college policies insofar as they have a direct bearing on the operation of academic programs.  The Faculty Senate carries out those directives of the voting faculty which are within the jurisdiction of the Senate and not otherwise delegated in the Faculty Bylaws.  For a full description of the Faculty Senate, see the Faculty Bylaws.

Faculty Governance Orientation Handouts

   Handout - SUNY Governance

 Handout - Governance Overview

 Handout - Senate Activities

 Handout - Role of Senators 

 Handout - Basic Rules of Order

Faculty Governance Process Handouts

Periodic Bylaws Review Process  

Role of the Faculty Senate Chair and Procedure for Nomination/Election Process

Senate Office Secretary

Senate Voting Membership            

Senate Executive Committee (EC)

It is the responsibility of the EC to act for the Faculty when the Faculty Senate is not in session.  The EC meets bi-weekly and they host bi-weekly Faculty and Senate meetings. Reference the Faculty Bylaws for a full description and direct any questions to the members listed here.

   See also:  EC Role Descriptions

Standing Committees

College-Wide Committees in the Faculty Bylaws

Other: Ad Hoc, Special, etc.

Note:  In the case of a vacancy of an elected position where there is no runner-up, the Faculty Senate Chair appoints a replacement.  For more information see the Faculty Bylaws.