Attention Nova High School Students and Parents!

Summer Math Assignments

2023-2024 School Year

As you are enjoying your summer vacation, spend some time reviewing the concepts you have learned over the past year. We all know how hard you worked to master the concepts you covered last year and it is important to practice them to stay sharp. Most of you have other hobbies whether its sports, music, debate, acting, etc. and you are not going to go all summer not practicing them. The same dedication must be applied to those awesome math skills you have!

You can use this page to find suggested summer review content and other useful resources to help you this summer. Depending on what course you are taking next year, you will want to visit the course link on the left to see what suggested summer requirements you have. Each class is different, so make sure you know what you have signed up for. If you think you might be switching courses, work in whatever course you plan to take all year next year even if you haven't received your schedule change to that course yet!

Thanks and have a wonderful summer!

May 10, 2023 content will be live for 2023-2024 school year. 

 The summer letter can be found below for 2023-2024

 Click Here for Summer Letter Link