Here is a new link for Virtual Manipulatives to help out with your math work. These manipulatives included Base 10 Blocks, Pattern Blocks, Number Lines, Clocks, and more.

I've just added 4 new Esti-Mystery videos for all different grade levels. Find them on the Number Talks page.

Hello Hawthorne Bears!

We really miss having you at school. In the meantime, this site has links to many different math resources that you can use to keep your math brains sharp during your time away from school.

This includes the Greg Tang Spring Challenge. You can click on the Spring Challenge, and select your grade, and it will give you an activity that you can do each day. Complete the game board, and let me know, and you will have a certificate from Greg Tang when school starts back up. You can access this at

I am now recording daily videos called Number Talks. These are fun activities that involve playing with numbers. You can watch these videos at

There are also links to Prodigy and For these two sites, the links I provided will send you to Rapid Identity.

The district has also provided a big list of resources to do online.

DreamBox is a really cool math program that is offering free 90 day subscriptions at

Kahn Academy is a great way to review math skills that we've been working on. It is free, and includes some great videos.

There is also a website called Sumdog that has math and spelling games available.

Check back often, as we will be adding new stuff to this site every day.


Mr. Pie