
UNIT 3 - Electricity


Static electricity Quiz Monday, November 28, 2019

Circuits and Ohms Law Quiz - Friday, December 6, 2019

1D Electricity Unit Test will be Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Electricity unit will begin with a look at static electricity.

We will then focus on the properties of electric circuits and how these can be built and modeled, including determiining the resistance of a load from its current and potential

The final week of this unit will focus on the ways that electricity is produced and used, including a look at alternative energy sources and energy efficiency and the home Hydro Bill. The SEEDS Energy Page will be used for several of these activities.

RESEARCH PROJECT - 2014. Students will be selling a power plant to a specific Canadian community. Check out the full project description and research booklet in the document attached at the bottom of this page, "2.55 Power Plant Research". Click HERE to sign up for your topic and presentation date

LABS & ACTIVITIES - check here for digital copies of labs and an overview of the key labs for the unit

Electrostatic Series Lab - Submitted for Marks

Measuring Current Electricity Lab - Practice lab

Plotting Resistance Lab - Submitted for Marks

DEMOS & ANIMATIONS - Check out some of the Electricity animations at PhET - The university of Colorado physics site. The interactive lab to demonstrate Faraday's Law is very good at illustrating how magnetic fields are used to generate electricity.

NOTES & LESSONS - check here for notes posted from class

WORKSHEETS & PRACTICE - Sample worksheets on Ohms Law problems, calculating power and energy efficiency.



Earth Energy. If you missed it in class, check out the video on alternative energy sources shown on "The Nature of Things"S45E4. The full video is 45 minutes long, with the last 15 minutes dealing with making energy smart choices in home design. Film Maker Bill Lishman tours the world looking for alternative energy sources for producing electricity. See Bill Lishman's house where he has maximized his energy efficiency

Renewable Energy in Germany - how Germany is replacing it's nuclear electrical power plant. - Youtube 10 min

Pencil Circuits: Can a line drawn by a pencil conduct enough electricity to power a light bulb? Check the video to find out.

Law of Conservation of Energy - Mr. Parr helps you understand how energy conversions happen with this song. You tube video - 3 minutes

Alternative Notes - Click here to find handouts and worksheets provided by a student teacher in 2014

REVIEW DAY PICTURES - give these review questions a try!

Unit Documents

Unit Outline

Review - goes through each section of the text and sample questions you might see from that section along with a comprehensive vocabulary list.

Making Study Notes

See the TEST MATRIX to determine the importance of each topic from the unit and what type of questions you will be required to answer.

Use THIS REVIEW DOCUMENT to answer a variety of question types for each of the topics. Questions are grouped by question type, not by topic.

Use THIS NOTE BUILDER to identify key topics and skills for building a study note