Miguel Ottina

Mathematician -- Ph.D. in Mathematics
DeFi Research Analyst

I obtained my Ph. D. in Mathematics in 2009 (and my degree in Mathematics in 2005) from the University of Buenos Aires (Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales).

After doing research in Algebraic Topology for approximately 15 years, I decided to shift to the blockchain industry. I am particularly interested in Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and I am already an expert in Automated Market Makers. I have written a book on this topic.

e-mail:    miguelottina (at) gmail (dot) com


Ottina, M., Steffensen, P. and Kristensen, J. Automated Market Makers. Apress. 2023. Amazon.

Whitepapers (DeFi)

Ottina, M. The Rebalancing Automated Market Maker. 2023. Link.

Publications in Algebraic Topology