Psych Drugs

Want to learn about psychotropic medications quickly and easily? Then check out this free application! With Psych Drugs, you can learn important and useful information about various psychotropic medications such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, and anti-anxiety medications. For each medication, you will find:

  • Generic name

  • Brand name

  • Class

  • Indications

  • Dosage forms

  • Maximum daily dose for adults

  • Maximum daily dose for children

  • Half-life

This application is ideal for all medical and mental health professionals, psychiatric residents, medical students, psychology students, therapists, counselors, and of course curious lay people who just want to familiarize themselves with psychotropic medications.

Psych Drugs is fully browseable and searchable. You can use the search box to type a psychotropic medication you are looking for, or you can scroll alphabetically through the list and quickly jump to a letter with an A-Z side panel. Simply tap on the medication to learn about it.

You can save your favorites with a touch of a button.

Any questions or suggestions? E-mail Psych Drugs-support