My alternative history is the new now.

    Censorship is a more popular form of subjectivity than imagination -- invisible college   

Physics research is just debugging reality.

Many people are wondering where lattice QCD is going in the UK. Well I think the answer is now clear. In the UK  I was given access to high performance computers .  Do I find working with computers stressful??

The random links that define us.

Being an international dude, I do need to know the time around the world. I also need to be able to transla te stuff. Hey my opinions matter as well. You can read all about them in my BLOG.  I hope you keeping some kind of record". If I am not in my office, you may be able to track me down. For really up to date hot information on m e via twitter. My job search for a University position. A page to collect my  job searches outside the University system.

I have created a list of my top 10 songs.

Some quotes .....

Passion is inversely proportional to the amount of real information available Benford's law of c ontroversy

The phrase "computer literate user" really means the person has been hurt so many times that the scar tissue is thick enough so he no longe r feels the pain.

-- Alan Cooper, The Inmates are Running the Asylum

The man of the future. Hands on a keyboard, eyes on a CRT, in touch with the body of information and thought that the world been storing since the world began. It would all be accessible to computational man.

Quote from the book Hackers by Steven Levy

Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wande r off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which ha s no relation to reality . Nikola Tesla

How helpful to us in astronomys peda ntic. accuracy, which I used to secretly ridicule. Albert Einstein