Mario Andrés Velásquez Méndez

Profesor Asociado

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Departamento de Matemáticas

Of: 310

Ed: 404

Ciudad Universitaria

Bogotá D.C,


Tel: +57 601 316 5000 ext: 13192


About me

I am mainly interested in algebraic topology, currently I am working on the different models for (twisted) equivariant K-theory and K-homology as for example configuration spaces or Drinfeld doubles and on computational methods for the Isomorphism Conjectures (especially for matrix groups), and its connections with non-commutative geometry and orbifolds invariants. Here my CV.

I got my PhD at Universidad de los Andes with Bernardo Uribe and in an initial phase with Thomas Schick (Here my thesis).

I was a postdoc at the Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Campus Morelia. In Morelia my mentor was Daniel Juan.