Home - Matthew J. Hancock, Ph.D.

Matthew J. Hancock, Ph.D.

Microfluidics Expert, Consultant | MIT PhD, ACE

Partner at Veryst Engineering, LLC

hancock (at) alum.mit.edu

Research Interests

Fluid Mechanics in Medicine, Materials Science, and Biology. I integrate mechanics-based theoretical tools including scaling arguments, analytic techniques and numerical simulations to develop models, methods and devices for cross-disciplinary problems at the intersection of medicine, materials science, biomedical engineering, and biology. Topics include: microfluidic devices for point-of-care diagnostics, biomaterial synthesis and patterning; self-assembly applied to bottom up tissue engineering; bioinspired directional textured surfaces with applications to droplet pathways for digital microfluidic devices.

Experience & Skills

Mathematical modeling and simulation of complex systems, partial differential equations, microfluidics, solid-fluid interaction, wave propagation, multiple scales and singular perturbations, mass transport, numerical analysis. Integration of theory and experimental observations to achieve accurate predictions of physical phenomena. MATLAB, COMSOL Multiphysics, Surface Evolver, Mathematica, Excel


B. Math (1998), M. Math (1999), University of Waterloo

Ph.D. Environmental Fluid Dynamics (2005), MIT

Instructor in Applied Mathematics (2004-2008), MIT

Research Fellow, Brigham & Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School (2008-2011)

Research Fellow, Dept. of Engineering Sciences and Mechanics, Penn State (2011-2012)

Visiting Scientist, Technology Labs, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard (2012-2013)
