齊藤 真理恵 / Marie Saitou Ph.D.

Tenure-Track Principal Investigator,
Norwegian University of Life Sciences,
Centre Of Integrative Genetics (CIGENE), Norway (11.2020-)

Email: mariesaitou[at]gmail.com


twitter: @marie_saitou

CV Summary

Marie Saito (Saitou), Ph.D.

Tenure-Track Principal Investigator, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre Of Integrative Genetics (CIGENE), Norway (11.2020-)

Email: mariesaitou[at]gmail.com






Ph.D. Biological Anthropology, 3. 2017 - Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo

Advisor: Dr. Takafumi Ishida

Thesis “Evolutionary Study on Deletion Polymorphism of the GSTM1 Gene in Humans”

B.S. Biological Anthropology, 3. 2012 – Faculty of Science. The University of Tokyo

Advisor: Dr. Takafumi Ishida


Tenure-Track Principal Investigator, Centre for Integrative Genetics, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, 11.2020-

Postdoctoral Scholar, Section of Genetic Medicine, the University of Chicago, 2.2020-10.2020

Advisor: Dr. Xuanyao Liu

Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Biological Sciences, University at Buffalo, 4.2017-1.2020

Advisor: Dr. Omer Gokcumen


Evolutionary Anthropology, Human Genomics, Population Genetics, Computational Biology, Statistical Medicine


The University of Chicago, Section of Genetic Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA, 2.2020-Present

Postdoctoral Scholar, Advisor: Dr. Xuanyao Liu

- Developing a statistical method to detect trans-ethnic eQTL in human population

University at Buffalo, Department of Biological Sciences, Buttalo, NY, USA, 4.2017-1.2020

Postdoctoral Scholar, Advisor: Dr. Omer Gokcumen

- Developed a network-based method to identify population-specific adaptation of genomic structural variants with a mathematical engineer

- Developed a statistical method to detect the insertion sites of polymorphic duplication in human genomes

- Determined the evolutionary history and functional effect of a polymorphic deletion in the human growth hormone receptor by combining population genetics and transcriptome analyses with experts of genome-editing of laboratory mice

- Characterized the functional differentiation of human salivary glands during development by a transcriptome analysis with oral biologists

- Determined a key gene of cellular senescence by a comparative transcriptome analysis with cellular biologists

The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Science, Tokyo, Japan, 4.2012-3.2017

Graduate Student, Advisor: Dr. Takafumi Ishida

- Identified a non-neutral haplotype associated with a metabolic gene deletion by population genetics analysis with a theoretical population geneticist

- Determined an independent gene deletion polymorphism in humans and chimpanzees by combining ddPCR, genome read-depth analysis and phylogenetic analysis

- Obtained primary cells from animal tissue and maintained the cell culture repository


In Preparation

9. Saitou, M., Masuda, N., Gokcumen, O., Integrative selection analysis on human structural variants reveals putatively adaptive loci with unusual population differentiation

Preprint(s) - available at biorxiv

8. Saitou, M, Gaylord, E., Xu, D., Neznanova, L., Nathan, N., Grawe, A., Chang, L., Ryan, W., Ruhl, S., Knox, S., Gokcumen, O., Functional specialization of human salivary glands and origins of proteins intrinsic to human saliva

7. Resendez, S.*, Saitou, M.*, Parisi, L.R., Wu, F., Nakagome, S., Satta, Y., Atilla-Gokcumen, G.E., Mu, X.*, Gokcumen, O.1* Sex-specific phenotypic effects and evolutionary history of an ancient deletion polymorphism of the human growth hormone receptor [*co-first author]

Peer-Reviewed Research Articles

6. Li, N, Saitou, M, Atilla‐Gokcumen GE , The Role of p38 MAPK in Triacylglycerol Accumulation During Apoptosis, Proteomics, 1900160

5. Saitou, M., Gokcumen, O., Resolving the insertion sites of polymorphic duplications reveals a HERC2 haplotype under selection, Genome Biology and Evolution, Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2019, Pages 1679–1690

4. Saitou, M.*, Lizardo DY.*, Taskent RO, Millner A, Atilla-Gokcumen, GE**, Gokcumen, O**. An evolutionary transcriptomics approach links CD36 to membrane remodeling in replicative senescence. Molecular Omics , 2018, 4,14:237 [inside cover article] [*co-first author]

3. Saitou, M., Satta, Y. Gokcumen, O., Ishida, T. Complex evolution of the GSTM gene family involves sharing of GSTM1 deletion polymorphism in humans and chimpanzees. BMC Genomics, 2018, 19:293

2. Saitou, M., Satta, Y. Gokcumen, O. Complex Haplotypes of GSTM1 Gene Deletions Harbor Signatures of a Selective Sweep in East Asian Populations G3: GENES, GENOMES, GENETICS 2018, 8(9): 2953–2966 [selected for the image carousel on the journal website]

1. Saitou, M and Ishida, T Distributions of the GSTM1 and GSTT1 Null Genotypes Worldwide are Characterized by Latitudinal Clines. The Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention VOLUME 16, 2015, Issue Number 1, 355-361

Peer-Reviewed Review Articles

1. Saitou, M., Gokcumen, O., An evolutionary perspective on the impact of genomic copy number variation on human health, Journal of Molecular Evolution. 2020 Jan;88(1):104-119.


Astellas Foundation for Research Abroad on Metabolic Disorders, Japan (10 out of 210 competitiveness) $38K, 2017-2018.

Graduate Program for Leaders in Life Innovation (GPLLI), the University of Tokyo, Japan. $70K, 2013-2017.

Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DC1) (The best notable scholarship for Ph.D. students in Japan) $68K for stipend and $28K for the research. 2014-2017.


The Genetics Society of America travel award ($425) (The conference was cancelled due to COVID-2019), 2020.

Excellent Oral Presentation Award at the 21st meeting of the Society of Evolutionary Studies, Japan, 2019.

DeLill Nasser Award ($1K), Genetic Society of America, 2019.

Young Investigator Award ($2K), Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution meeting (full cover of attendance cost and travel cost), 2019.

Three-Minute Presentation: First Place, Tenth Annual Postdoctoral Research Symposium, June 13, 2018, University at Buffalo, USA, 2018.

Registration Award, Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution meeting, 2018.

Young Scientist Oral Presentation Award, The 70th Annual Meeting of Anthropological Society of Nippon, 2016, Niigata, Japan, 2016.

Best Question Award; a Nobel laureate Dr. Barry Marshall selected a young researcher who asked the most interesting question after his keynote lecture at the 9th international HOPE meeting with Nobel laureates, Tsukuba, Japan, 2016.

School of Science, Dean’s Award, the University of Tokyo, Japan, 2012.

Prize at the paper competition for students in Science and Technology, newspaper of The Daily Industrial News, Japan; the awarded opinion paper is entitled “The role of traditional biology to convey the attraction of science”, 2011.


One-time Lecture, Human Evolutionary Genetics (Instructor: Dr. Omer Gokcumen), University at Buffalo, Fall, 2019

Teaching Assistant: Experiments of Human Genetics, the University of Tokyo, Fall, 2015


A summer intern student about her biointormatics project at University at Buffalo, 2019

- Ceylin Zeibek from Bilkent University, Turkey.


Manuscript reviewing

Referee for Genetics, Genomics, Genes and Genetic Systems, American Journal of Human Biology, Plos One, Data in Brief

I am an Early Career Reviewer of Genetic Society of America (2019-present)



The Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, The Genetics Society of America, The Society of Evolutionary Studies Japan


Japenese (native), English (fluent), German (rudimentary)


Xuanyao Liu, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Chicago, USA

Address: 5841 S. Maryland Ave., N417E,

Section of Genetic Medicine, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, 60637, USA

Email: <xuanyao@uchicago.edu>

Phone: +1-773-784-5351

Omer Gokcumen, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, University at Buffalo, USA

Address: H532 Hochstetter Hall, Department of Biological Sciences, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA, 14215

Email: <gokcumen@gmail.com>

Phone: +1-716-645-4937

Yoko Satta , Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Evolutionary Studies of Biosystems,

SOKENDAI (The Graduate university for Advanced Studies), Japan

Address: Department of Evolutionary Studies of Biosystems,

The Graduate University of Advanced Science,

Shonan Village, Hayama, Kanagawa, 240-0193, Japan

Email: <sattayk@soken.ac.jp>

Phone: +81-46-858-1574

Stefan Ruhl, DDS, PhD

Professor, Department of Oral Biology, School of Dental Medicine, University at Buffalo, USA

Associate Chair, Oral Biology, University at Buffalo, USA

Address: Foster Hall, Room 213A, Buffalo, NY 14214-309, USA

Email: <shruhl@buffalo.edu>

Phone: +1-716-829-6073

Amanda D. Melin, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor,

Department of Anthropology and Archaeology and Department of Medical Genetics,

University of Calgary, Canada

Canada Research Chair

Address: 2500 University Drive,

Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4

Email: <amanda.melin@ucalgary.ca>

Phone: +1-403-210-7579

Takafumi Ishida, Ph.D.


Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Address: Room 363, Faculty of Science Bldg.2, Department of Biological Sciences,

School of Science, The University of Tokyo 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, JAPAN

Email: <tishida@bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp>

Phone: +81-3-5841-4633