
12º Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de Macroeconomia

Natal - RN, Brasil

14 a 16 de junho de 2024

Dia 14 de junho (sexta-feira)

17h20 - 19h40

Yvan Becard (PUC-Rio)

Private Output Multipliers

Mehdi Bartal (Mohammed VI Polytechnic University - UM6P)

João Quelhas (Banco de Portugal)

A Temporary VAT Cut in Three Acts: Announcement, Implementation, and Reversal

com Tiago Bernardino (IIES – Stockholm University), Ricardo Duque Gabriel (Federal Reserve Board) e Márcia Silva-Pereira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

Marcos Sonnervig (EPGE-FGV)

Cyclical Employment Inequality

com Valerio Ercolani (Bank of Italy) 

Rafael Gonçalves (Princeton University)

Expectations and Frictions: Lessons from a Quantitative Model with Dispersed Information

com Marcel Ribeiro (São Paulo School of Economics)

Christiano Penna (CAEN-UFC)

Brazil's growth decomposition: New data and methods

com Fabrício Linhares (CAEN-UFC)

Tiago Cavalcanti (Cambridge University and São Paulo School of Economics)

Forest Loss for Economic Gain? Deforestation and Structural Transformation in sub-Saharan Afric

com Kilian Kamkar (Cambridge University)

Dia 15 de junho (sábado)

9h - 11h

Pedro Portugal (Banco de Portugal e Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

On the Asymmetrical Sensitivity of the Distribution of Real Wages to Business CycleFluctuations

com Rodrigo Barrela (Banco de Portugal) e Eduardo Costa (CEGIST - Instituto Superior Técnico)

Comentários: Tomas Martinez (Insper)

Dejanir Silva (Purdue University)

Sticky Inflation: Some Unpleasant New Keynesian Arithmetic 

com Saki Bigio (UCLA) e Nicolas Caramp (UC Davis)

Comentários:  Pedro Teles (Banco de Portugal e Universidade Católica Portuguesa)

11h - 11h20 | Café

11:20 - 12:00

Carlos Eugênio Costa (EPGE-FGV)

Reassessing the Efficiency-Equity Trade-off: Progressivity’s Impact on Growth

Com Artur Rodrigues (EPGE-FGV)

Pedro Teles (Banco de Portugal e Universidade Católica Portuguesa)

Behavioral Sticky Prices

com Miguel Santana (Northwestern University) e Sérgio Rebelo (Northwestern University)

12h - 15h | Almoço

15h - 16h

Carlos Carvalho (Kapitalo Investimentos e PUC-Rio)

Leavers and Stayers after Mass Layoffs: Labor and Credit Market Outcomes

com Natália Corado (PUC-Rio), Gustavo Gonzaga (PUC-Rio) e Bruno Perdigão (IMF e BCB)

Comentários: Paulo Rodrigues (Banco de Portugal e Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

16h - 17h

Marco Bonomo (Insper)

Can Austerity News be Expansionary? Evidence from Daily Fiscal Expectations

com Miguel Bandeira, Carlos Carvalho e Marcos Mendes.

João Victor Issler (EPGE-FGV)

The Language of Economic Cycles: A Real-Time Textual Approach to Recession Prediction

com Caio Vinícius Dianin (U.T.), Lucas Lucio Godeiro (U.T.), Luiz Renato Lima (U.T.)

Márcio Garcia (PUC-Rio)

The Impact of Settlement Currency on Foreign Exchange Forward Contracts

Com Matheus Franciscão (PUC-Rio)

17h - 18h

Catarina Reis (Universidade Católica Portuguesa)

Optimal Prudential Taxation

com Daniel Belchior (University of Minnesota)

Comentários: Carlos Eugênio da Costa (EPGE-FGV)

Dia 16 de junho (domingo)

9h - 11h

Cezar Santos (Inter-American Development Bank e CEPR)

Consumer Loans, Heterogeneous Interest Rates, and Inequality

com Marco Bonomo (Insper), Tiago Cavalcanti (Cambridge University and São Paulo School of Economics) Fernando Chertman (BCB) Amanda Fantinatti (São Paulo School of Economics) Andrew Hannon (ECB)

Comentários: Izabel Correia (Universidade Católica Portuguesa)

Paulo Rodrigues (Banco de Portugal e Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

Saving for sunny days: The impact of climate (change) on consumer prices in the euro area

com Mirjam Salish (Oesterreichische Nationalbank) e Nazarii Salish (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid)

Comentários: Felipe Iachan (EPGE-FGV)

11h - 11h20 | Café

11h20 - 12h

Felipe Iachan (EPGE-FGV)

A dynamic spatial theory of residential real estate returns

com Leandro Gorno (EPGE-FGV)

Luciene Torres (São Paulo School of Economics)

Educational outcomes and enfranchisement

com Tiago Cavalcanti (Cambridge University and São Paulo School of Economics), Pedro Cavalcanti Ferreira (EPGE-FGV), Filipe Fiedler (UCLA) e Cezar Santos (IADB and CEPR)

12h - 15h | Almoço

15h - 16h

Fernando Mendo (PUC-Rio)

Central Bank Balance Sheet Policies: A Comparative Statics Approach

com Saki Bigio (UCLA and NBER), Tobias Linzert (ECB), Julian Schumacher (ECB), and Dominik Thaler (ECB)

Comentários: Bernardino Adão (Banco de Portugal)

16h - 16h40

Marcel Peruffo (University of Sidney)

Beyond the Initial Boost: Unraveling the Long-Term Implications of UBI and CCT in a Developing Context

com Pedro Cavalcanti Ferreira (EPGV) e André Cordeiro Valério (EPGE-FGV)

Thomas Martinez (Insper)

Minimum Wage, Business Dynamism, and the Life Cycle of Firms

com André Victor D. Luduvice (FRB Cleveland) e Alexandre B Solaci (IMF)

16h40 - 17:40

Nuno Lourenço (Banco de Portugal)

Evaluating the economy under different climate scenarios: the case of a small open economy

com António Antunes (Banco de Portugal) e Bernardino Adão (Banco de Portugal)

Comentários: Yvan Becard (PUC-Rio)


Marco Bonomo, INSPER (

Pedro Cavalcanti Ferreira, Fundação Getúlio Vargas (

Delfim Gomes Neto, Universidade de Vigo (

Pedro Teles, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (