Past LMMC Exams

The Lower Michigan Mathematics Competition is an annual contest held each spring between colleges in lower Michigan.  Teams of 2 or 3 students travel to a rotating location to take a 3-hour written test, followed by lunch and a discussion of solutions.  Here is some information about past years.  If you have more, please send it to me!  I can be reached at dgaebler [at] hillsdale [dot] echo delta uniform.

NOTE TO PAST ORGANIZERS: In some years, the competition was co-organized by several people.  If I've left you off (or someone you know), please let me know!  I've mainly populated the list of organizers based on who sent the email announcements, but would love to give others credit too.

UPDATE: In 2019-2020, Ricardo Alfaro collected and organized the 43 years of LMMC problems, as a tribute to John Fink for starting the competition back in 1977.  It's since  been updated a couple of times, and currently includes problems through 2024.  The problems are organized topically and accompanied by beautiful TikZ-coded graphics.  You can download this amazing resource here!

LMMC Table