
Welcome to the Kyola Lego Fire & Rescue Website. Here you can learn and explore the Department, view the latest news, and much more.

The Kyola Lego Fire & Rescue covers an area of approximately 700 sq km and incorporates rivers, flood plains and mountainous terrain. Approximately 300,000 residents rely on the KFRS for fire and rescue support.

Kyola Fire and Rescue Service cares about its people and the communities it serves. We want to listen to your concerns and provide a service that best meets your needs.

Whatever your interest in the fire service, I hope you find the information on this website both interesting and informative. I hope you enjoy your visit.

The KFRS is a proud member of the Lego Metro Fire District. The LMFD is a group of Lego fire departments. And through the LMFD we share a mutual aid agreement with all other Lego Fire Departments to provide assistance when required. Our standing agreement is for up to 5x Pumpers, 1x Aerials, 1x Rescues, 1x Hazmat & 5x wildfire tankers.

For more information on the LMFD please visit the LMFB homepage.

Our public information officer adds additional content to this site as it becomes available.

Check back often, and feel free to contact us via e-mail...your comments and suggestions are always welcome.

since 23 Jan 2013. Site operational @ google since 2009.