Errata to TOCS10

All typos are present only in the official journal version. A version without them can be downloaded here.

    1. Pp. 652–653, proof of Lemma 27: as in 5 should be replaced with as in (A) throughout p. 652. On the contrary, the proof of 5 on p. 653 should be replaced with the proof of (E). Despite the text being misleading the hyperlinks work correctly.

    2. These typos have been introduced by the VTeX Production Department while implementing the author's comments from the proofreading stage.

    3. P. 654, line -13: l(F)=0 should be replaced with l(F)=-1. Accordingly, l(P)=0 on the same line should be replaced with l(P)=-1. Otherwise, if formula F does not contain any terms, it may happen that l(t)=l(F)=0 in violation of the inequality l(t)>l(F) on line -6 on the same page. Although this situation cannot lead to self-referentiality of the term t, it can be avoided completely by making l(F) negative for all term-free formulas.

    4. Thanks to Meghdad Ghari for pointing out this mistake.

    5. P. 659, line -16: C5 should be replaced with C6.

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