
I am interested in the intersection of law, psychology & economics (theory & experiments). My publications include mathematical models (applied game theory) and lab experiments (including statistical analysis) as well as traditional legal discourse.

Selected publications:

Information-Sensitive Leviathans, Journal of Public Economics 2016, vol. 144, 1-13 (co-authors C. Thöni, A. Nicklisch)

Punishment Despite Reasonable Doubt - A Public Goods Experiment with Sanctions under Uncertainty, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies (JELS) 2010, vol. 7(4), 847-867, (co-authors A. Nicklisch, C. Thöni) 

The Transatlantic Divergence in Legal Thought: American Law and Economics vs. German Doctrinalism,  Hastings International and Comparative Law Review 2008, vol. 31, 295-360  (co-author M. Gelter)

- also published in Chinese, German, Iranian, Portuguese, Russian (Harvard Law & Economics Discussion Paper No. 14-2007) 

Rückschaufehler ("Hindsight Bias") bei Sorgfaltspflichtverletzungen, Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht (ZSR) 2011, 5-26 (co-author V. Roberto)

Personal information:

Lawyer (Dr., LL.M.) and Psychologist (B.Sc., M.Sc.); University of Vienna, Columbia University, etc.

Permanent positions: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Germany; the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, the Vienna University of Economics, Austria

Visiting positions: Center for the Study of Rationality at Hebrew University, Israel; University of Amsterdam, Netherlands; University of Nottingham (Economics/CeDEx), UK; University of Frankfurt, Germany. 

Lectures: at numerous universities, including Princton University, University of Oxford and Columbia University.

Languages: German, English, Spanish and French (fluently).

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