
Pokud neumíte anglicky, vraťte se tudy. (Sorry about that)

Hello! Welcome on the Kotlopot website! Since you have somehow ended up here, feel free to read the various articles.

This is just an index of all the texts about various topics. They document the world and all of its weird parts. Well, not all of them. The world is big. Return here at any time with the big link at the bottom.

Large Numbers series

100 000 circles

Large numbers

Beyond Graham's number

Why large numbers?


Lucid dreaming guide - all the others condensed

An important notice to all people with a great idea that could possibly save us all

A message to everybody on the entire internet and everywhere else - as long as they can read and write

Humans aren't special - they're spaceial (i.e. from space)

About the site

Frequently asked questions

Useful links

Coming soon