Curriculum Vitae

Juan Manuel Pérez-García

Current position

Professor Ecology Area. Dept. of Applied Biology. University Miguel Hernández. Elche (Spain).juanmapg(at)      jperez(at)

Academic background

2020-2023 Postdoctoral fellow "Juan de la Cierva - incorporación" in  Grupo de Investigación en Ecología y Conservación de la Biodiversidad. Department of Applied Biology. University Miguel Hernández. Elche. (Spain). 

2017-2019 Postdoctoral fellow "Juan de la Cierva - formación" in  Conservation Science and Complex Ecological Research Group. Department of Animal Science. University of Lleida. Lleida (Spain). 

2015-2017 Lecturer in Ecology. Dept. of Applied Biology. University Miguel Hernández. Elche. Alicante (Spain).

2009- 2014 PhD in Conservation and Management of Mediterranean Ecosystems, University Miguel Hernández (Spain). Doctoral Thesis: "Modelos predictivos aplicados a la corrección y gestión de la electrocución de aves en tendidos eléctricos [Predictive models applied to the correction and management of bird electrocution on power lines]" 

2006 - 2008  MsC in Biodiversity Conservation, University of Alicante (Spain)

1998 - 2004  Bachelor in Environmental Sciences, University of Alcalá de Henares (Spain)

 Other positions

2009 - 2017 - Environmental Consultant (self-employed)

2010 - Act.  Coordinator of Bird Ringing Group ARDEA of Elche (Spain).

Short Curriculum Vitae PDF

Research projects 



Scientific and technological awards