You have just found my personal collection of candidates for the IgNobel Prize :)

Women’s Preferences for Penis Size: A New Research Method Using Selection among 3D Models

Prause N., Park J., Leung S., Miller G.

PLOS ONE (2015), 10: e0133079. [DOI]

Women’s and men’s sexual preferences and activities with respect to the partner’s age: evidence for female choice

Antfolk J., Salo B., Alanko K., Bergen E., Corander J., Sandnabba N.K., Santtila P.

Evolution and Human Behavior (2015), 36: 73–79. [DOI]

The Negative Association between Religiousness and Children’s Altruism across the World

Decety J., Cowell J.M., Lee K., Mahasneh R., Malcolm-Smith S., Selcuk B., Zhou X.

Curr. Biol. (2015), 25: 2951–2955. [DOI]

Testing Carlo Cipolla’s Laws of Human Stupidity with Agent-Based Modeling

Tettamanzi A.G.B., Pereira C.D.C.

in 2014 IEEE/WIC/ACM Int. Joint Conf. Web Intell. (WI) and Intell. Agent Tech. (IAT), pp. 246–253. [DOI]

What is the most interesting part of the brain?

Behrens, T.E.J., Fox, P., Laird, A., and Smith, S.M.

Trends in Cognitive Sciences (2013), 17: 2–4. [DOI]

Penis size interacts with body shape and height to influence male attractiveness

Mautz B.S., Wong B.B.M., Peters R.A., Jennions M.D.

PNAS (2013),110: 6925–6930. [DOI]

Sexual Deprivation Increases Ethanol Intake in Drosophila

Shohat-Ophir G., Kaun K.R., Azanchi R., Mohammed H., Heberlein U.

Science (2012), 335: 1351–1355 [DOI]

Anatomical connections between brain areas activated during rectal distension in healthy volunteers: A visceral pain network

Moisset X., Bouhassira D., Ducreux D., Glutron D., Coffin B., Sabaté J.-M.

European Journal of Pain (2010), 14: 142-148. [DOI]

The importance of stupidity in scientific research

Schwartz M. A.

Journal of Cell Science (2008), 121: 1771–1771. [DOI]