List of publications and research outputs

Jan Hendrik Kroeze (1958)

More details are available via email at jan . kroeze @ gmail . com (delete spaces)


1. Publications in refereed accredited journals

JOUBERT, P., KROEZE, J.H. & DE VILLIERS, C. 2013. A grammar of business rules in Information Systems. TD The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, 9(2):241-276, December 2013. Available:

AVERWEG, U.R. and KROEZE, J.H. 2012. Practitioner‑based research in Information Systems. TD: The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, 8(2):252-267, December. (ISSN: 1817-4434). Available: or (Revised version of “Probing some theoretical aspects of practioner-based inquiry research in Information Systems” – see 4 below.)

KROEZE, J.H., BOTHMA, T.J.D. & MATTHEE, M.C. 2011. Maneuvering multi-dimensional language data: A code shuttle with XML and database-operation functions. Journal for Semitics (JSem), 20(2):497-530. Available: (Revised version of “Round-tripping Biblical Hebrew linguistic data” – see 8 and 11 below.)

KROEZE, J.H., VAN DEN HEEVER, C.M. & VAN ROOY, A.J. (Bertus).  2011. Just how literal is the King James Version? Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages (JNSL), 37(1):27-56. (Available at (Revised version of paper: Just how literal is the translation of the King James Version? 13th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, Israel, August 2001.)

KROEZE, J.H., BOTHMA, T.J.D. & MATTHEE, M.C. 2010. Constructing an XML database of linguistics data. TD The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 139-174 (July). Available: Sabinet SAePublications / . (Revised version of “Building and displaying a Biblical Hebrew linguistics data cube using XML”, Israeli Seminar on Computational Linguistics (ISCOL), Haifa, Israel, 29 June 2006. Available online (seminar presentations): .)

KROEZE, J.H. 2009. Bootstrapping an XML schema of syntactic functions into a skeleton ontology. South African Journal of Information Management (SAJIM), 11(3). Available: / (Revised version of SASNES paper, Moving on from an XML schema to an ontology of syntactic functions for Biblical Hebrew, SASNES, 22 – 24 June 2009, Stellenbosch).

KROEZE, J.H., BOTHMA, T.J.D., MATTHEE, M.C., KRUGER, O.C. & KROEZE, J.C.W. 2009. Interactive network graphs of Biblical Hebrew data. Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages (JNSL), 35(1):75-95. Available: or (Revised version of 2008 AIBI paper: Designing an interactive network graph of modular linguistic data in an XML database of Biblical Hebrew. Madrid, Spain.)

KROEZE, J.H. 2008. The so-called nominative uses of 'et: a semantic solution. Journal for Semitics (JSem), 17 (2):484-516. Available online: . (Revised version of 1997 SASSEM paper: The so-called nominative uses of 'et: is there a semantic solution? University of Pretoria, Sept. 1997.)

KROEZE, J.H. 2007. A computer-assisted exploration of the semantic role frameworks in Genesis 1:1-2:3. Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages (JNSL), 33(1): 55-76. (Revised version of 2006 SASNES paper: Semantic role frameworks extracted from a multidimensional database of Gen. 1., 11-12 Sept 2006, Unisa). Download available on UPSpace.

PHAHLAMOHLAKA, L.J. & KROEZE, J.H. 2005. Sacred space in cyberspace: an African perspective. Journal for Semitics (JSem), 14(2): 413-440. (Revised version of SASRF paper: Information technology and the human person in an African context, Unisa, Pretoria, 28 & 29 August 2003.) Download available on UPSpace.

KROEZE, J.H., MATTHEE, M.C. & BOTHMA, T.J.D. 2004. Differentiating between data-mining and text-mining terminology. South African Journal of Information Management (SAJIM), 6(4) (Revised version of SAICSIT paper: Differentiating data- and text-mining terminology, 17-19 September 2003, Fourways.) Available: or

KROEZE, J.H. 2004. Towards a multidimensional linguistic database of Biblical Hebrew clauses. Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages (JNSL), 30(2): 99-120. (Revised version of Processing Hebrew clauses using three-dimensional arrays, Paper read at the AIBI VII conference in Leuven, Belgium, July 2004.) Download available on UPSpace.

KROEZE, J.H. 2003. The semantic functions of embedded constructions in Biblical Hebrew. Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages, 29(1): 107-120, Jul./Aug. (Revised version of The semantic functions of embedded constructions in Biblical Hebrew, Society for Biblical Literature, Cape Town, South Africa, July 2000). Download available on UPSpace.

KROEZE, J.H. 2002. The hof`al: simple passives, single passives and double passives - and reflexives? Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages, 28(1): 39-55. (Revised version of SBL paper, The hof`al: simple passives, single passives and double passives - and reflexives? Society of Biblical Literature, International Meeting, Krakow, Poland, July 1998.) Download available on UPSpace.

KROEZE, J.H. 2001. Alternatives for the nominative in Biblical Hebrew. Journal of Semitic Studies, 46(1): 33-50, Spring. (Revised version of 1997 SBL paper, Alternatives for the nominative in Biblical Hebrew, Society of Biblical Literature, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, November 1997.) Download

KROEZE, J.H. 1997. Semantic relations in construct phrases of Biblical Hebrew: a functional approach. Zeitschrift für Althebraistik, 10(1): 27-41. (Revised version of SBL paper, Semantic relations in construct phrases of Biblical Hebrew: a functional approach, Society of Biblical Literature, Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, November, 1995.) Download

KROEZE, J.H. 1996. The applicability of semantic functions to Biblical Hebrew. South African Journal of Linguistics, Supplement 33: 47-60, Dec. (Revised version of 1996 SASSEM paper, The applicability of semantic functions to Biblical Hebrew, Durban-Westville, May 1996.) Download 

KROEZE, J.H. 1994. A three-dimensional approach to the gender/sex of nouns in Biblical Hebrew. Literator, 15(3): 139-153, Nov. (Revised version of 1994 SASSEM paper, A three-dimensional approach to the gender/sex of nouns in Biblical Hebrew, RAU, Johannesburg). Download 

KROEZE, J.H. 1993. Underlying syntactic relations in construct phrases of Biblical Hebrew. Journal for Semitics/Tydskrif vir Semitistiek, 5(1): 68-88. (Revised version of 1993 SASSEM paper, Underlying syntactic relations in construct phrases of Biblical Hebrew,Univ. of Stellenbosch, September 1993.) Download 

KROEZE, J.H. 1991. Die chaos van die "genitief" in Bybelse Hebreeus. Journal for Semitics/Tydskrif vir Semitistiek, 3(2): 129-143. (Published in 1992.) (Revised version of 1992 SASSEM paper, Die chaos van die Hebreeuse "genitief", UOFS, Bloemfontein.) Download


2. Papers accepted for publication in refereed accredited journals

3. Papers published/accepted in other peer-reviewed publications/journals


KROEZE, J.H. (UNISA), LOTRIET, H.H. (UNISA), MAVETERA, N. (NWU), PFAFF, M.S. (Indiana University), POSTMA, D.J.v.R. (UJ), SEWCHURRAN, K. (UCT) & TOPI, H. (Bentley University). 2011. ECIS 2010 Panel Report: Humanities-Enriched Information Systems. Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS), vol. 28, no. 1, article 24, pp. 373-392. Available at: and

MODIMOGALE, L. (UP) & KROEZE, J.H. (NWU). 2011 The Role of ICT within Small and Medium Enterprises in Gauteng. Communications of the IBIMA, Vol. 2011: 1-13, Article ID 369288, DOI: 10.5171/2011. Available: (Revised version of IBIMA 13 paper, Using ICTs to become a competitive SME in South Africa, 9 – 10 November  2009, Marrakech, Morocco).

MAVETERA, N. & KROEZE, J.H. 2010. Guiding Principles for Developing Adaptive Software Products,   Communications of the IBIMA, Volume 2010 (2010), 15 pages, Article ID 340296, DOI: 10.5171/2010.340296

Available: / (Revised version of IBIMA 13 paper, A Grounding Framework for Developing Adaptive Software Products, 9 – 10 November  2009, Marrakech, Morocco).

MAVETERA, N. & KROEZE, J.H. 2009. Issues in software development practices: a South African software practitioners' viewpoint. Communications of the IBIMA, 9(2):9-19. Available: (Revised version of IBIMA 11 paper, Issues in software development practices: a South African software practitioners' viewpoint, 4 - 6 January 2009, Cairo.)

4. Papers presented and published in national conference proceedings


JOKONYA, O., KROEZE, J.H. & VAN DER POLL, J.A. 2012. Towards a framework for decision making regarding IT adoption. In Contemplate. Connect. Collaborate Research – Proceedings of SAICSIT 2012 (Annual Research Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists), 1 to 3 October 2012, Centurion, South Africa, edited by Helene Gelderblom and Hugo Lotriet, Pretoria, South Africa, October 2012. ACM ISBN: 978-1-4503-1308-7, p. 316-325.

KROEZE, J.H., PRINSLOO, P., PONELIS, S., VENTER, I. & PRETORIUS, P.D. 2011. Graduateness of Computing Students in South Africa: A Panel Discussion. Abstract in proceedings of SACLA 2011, 6-8 July, Durban.

KROEZE, J.H. 2010. Ontology goes postmodern in ICT. In Fountains of Computing Research – Proceedings of SAICSIT 2010 (Annual Research Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists), 11 to 13 October 2010, Bela Bela, South Africa, edited by Paula Kotzé, Aurona Gerber, Alta van der Merwe and Nicola Bidwell, CSIR Meraka Institute, A Volume in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series, ACM Press, ACM ISBN: 978-1-60558-950-3, p. 153-159. Available: / Postprint available:

AVERWEG, U.R. & KROEZE, J.H. 2010. Probing some theoretical aspects of practioner-based inquiry research in Information Systems. In Fountains of Computing Research – Proceedings of SAICSIT 2010 (Annual Research Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists), 11 to 13 October 2010, Bela Bela, South Africa, edited by Paula Kotzé, Aurona Gerber, Alta van der Merwe and Nicola Bidwell, CSIR Meraka Institute, A Volume in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series, ACM Press, ACM ISBN: 978-1-60558-950-3, p. 12-18. Available: / Postprint available:

VAN DER MERWE, A. & KROEZE, J.H. 2008. Development and implementation of an institutional repository within a science, engineering and technology environment. In Riding the wave of technology – proceedings of SAICSIT 2008 (Annual research conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists), 6-8 October 2008, Wilderness, p. 237-245. Edited by C. Cilliers, L. Barnard and R. Botha. Port Elizabeth: SAICSIT. ISSN 978-1-60558-286-3.  (A volume in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series.) Available:

ALEXANDER, P.M. & KROEZE, J.H. 2005. What do we achieve by making Honours students write research papers? Proceedings of the 35th Conference of the Southern African Computer Lecturers’ Association, July 3rd – 6th, 2005, Kasane, Botswana, p. 5-10. (ISBN 99912-572-4-1.) Download

COOKE, P. & KROEZE, J.H. 2004. The impact of the internet on organisational culture within the IT industry. In Fulfilling the promise of ICT... - proceedings of SAICSIT 2004 (Annual research conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists), 4-6 October 2004, Stellenbosch, p. 166-175. Edited by G. Marsden, P. Kotzé and A. Adesina-Ojo. Pretoria: SAICSIT. ISBN 1-58113-982-9. (ACM International Conference Proceedings Series.) (Available: / ).

KROEZE, J.H., MATTHEE, M.C. & BOTHMA, T.J.D. 2003. Differentiating data- and text-mining terminology. In IT research in developing countries - proceedings of SAICSIT 2003 (Annual research conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists), 17-19 September 2003, Fourways, p. 93-101. Edited by J. Eloff, P. Kotzé, A. Engelbrecht and M. Eloff. Pretoria: SAICSIT. ISBN 1-58113-774-5. (ACM International Conference Proceedings Series.) (Available: / ).

KROEZE, J.H., LUTU, P.E.N., PRETORIUS, J. & LOUW, E.M. 2003. The challenges of teaching introductory programming concepts to large, diverse groups. Proceedings of the 33rd annual conference of the South African Computer Lecturers’ Association (SACLA 2003), Manyane, Pilanesberg, 29 June – 1 July 2003. Edited by J. Mende & I. Sanders. Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand (ISBN 1-86838-330-X) (CD-ROM format.) Download 


5. Papers presented and published in international conference proceedings

KROEZE, J.H. & VAN ZYL, I.J. DATABANK OF PUBLICATIONS IN AISeL CONTAINING HERMENEUTIC- (Kroeze and Van Zyl, 2015, The Theme of Hermeneutics in IS – The Need for a Structured Literature Review, AMCIS 2015 Proceedings). Available:   

VAN STADEN, C.J., VAN BILJON, J. & KROEZE, J.H. 2014. Adopting eModeration: Understanding the user experience in this organizational change. Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on IS Management and Evaluation (ECIME 2014), pp. 356-364.  Ghent, Belgium, 11- 12 September 2014, (ISBN 978-1-909507-55-5).

JOKONYA, O., KROEZE, J.H. & VAN DER POLL, J.A. 2014. A framework to assist organisations with IT adoption governance. Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2014), Changi, Singapore, 14-18 December 2014, pp. 1007-1015. (ISBN-13: 978-1-4799-4093-6.)

AJIGINI, O.A., VAN DER POLL, J.A. & KROEZE, J.H. 2014. Towards a Model on Security Challenges during Closed Source Software to OSS Migrations. Nineth International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transanctions (ICITST 2014 proceedings), London, UK, 8 – 10 Dec. 2014, pp. 275-284. ISBN: 978-1-908320-31-5. Retrieved 29 January 2015 from

KROEZE, J.H. & VAN ZYL, I. 2014. Transdisciplinarity in Information Systems: Extended Reflections. Twentieth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2014 proceedings), pp. 1-10. Savannah, Georgia, 7-9 Aug. 2014. ISBN: 978-0-692-25320-5.

TERBLANCHE, J.T., KROEZE, J.H. & GILLILAND, S. 2013. Why using a design and creation strategy to translate a paper-based form into an e-registration web form using HCI principles falls within the context of Design Science. Proceedings of International Business Information Management Conference (22nd IBIMA), 13-14 November 2013, Rome, Italy (ISBN:978-0-9860419-1-4).

EYBERS, S., KROEZE, J.H. & STRYDOM, I. 2013. Towards a Classification Framework of Business Intelligence Value Research. Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS (itAIS 2013), Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Milan, Italy, 14 December 2013 ( ISBN: 978-88-6685-007-6. Available:

MUJINGA, M., ELOFF, M.M., & KROEZE. 2013 forthcoming. Towards a Heuristic Model for Usable and Secure Online Banking. Accepted for the 24th ACIS 2013 proceedings, Melbourne, Australia, 4-6 Dec. 2014.

JOKONYA, O., KROEZE, J.H. & VAN DER POLL, J.A. 2013. A Framework to Analyze e-Government OSS Adoption Benefits. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, Chicago, Illinois, August 15-17, 2013. ISBN: 978-0-615-55907-0. Available:

PONELIS, S.R., MATTHEE, M., BUCKLEY, S., KROEZE, J.H., VENTER, I.M. & PRETORIUS, P.D. 2012. Building capacity and developing human capital: An exploration of curriculum development in ICT programmes at South African universities. Proceedings of SIGGlobDev, ICIS 2012 (ICT Innovation in Developing Regions: Human Capital and Capacity Building for Development, 5th Annual SIG GlobDev Workshop), Dec. 2012, 24 pp. Available: or

AJIGINI, O.A., VAN DER POLL, J.A. & KROEZE, J.H. 2012. Towards a management framework to protect sensitive information during migrations. DeMset 2012 proceedings (The 2nd International Conference on Design and Modeling in Science, Education, and Technology: DeMset 2012), November 13 - 16, 2012, Orlando, Florida, USA (virtual paper), pp. 6-13 ISBN-13: 978-1-936338-76-4 CD / ISBN-13: 978-1-936338-77-1 Printed proceedings.

KROEZE, J.H. 2012. Interpretivism in IS – a postmodernist (or postpositivist?) knowledge theory. Proceedings of the 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2012 Proceedings), Seattle, Washington, USA, August 9-11, 2012, Paper 7, ISBN 978-0-615-66346-3. Available: (July 29, 2012) or

WESSELS, E., SMITH, M. & KROEZE, J.H. 2012. Social Network Analysis to optimize tax enforcement effort. Proceedings of the 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2012 Proceedings), Seattle, Washington, USA, August 9-11, 2012, Paper 39, ISBN 978-0-615-66346-3,. Available: (August 2, 2012) or

KROEZE, J.H., PONELIS, S.R., VENTER, I.M., PRETORIUS, P.D. & PRINSLOO, P. 2012. Aligning African Computing disciplines' graduate attributes with international standards. Proceedings of the 6th International Multi-conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics (IMSCI 2012), Orlando, Florida, USA, July 17-20, 2012, pp. 70-75, ISBN-13: 978-1-936338-66-5 (The 10th International Conference on Education and Information Systems (EISTA), Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2012 in the context of IMSCI 2012.) Available: or

KROEZE, J.H. 2010. The Mutualistic Relationship between Information Systems and the Humanities (full paper, edited version of inaugural lecture). Proceedings of the 15th International Business Information Management Association Conference (15th IBIMA), 6 - 7 November 2010, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 915-927. (Knowledge Management and Innovation: A Business Competitive Edge Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-4-5). Available:

TERBLANCHE, J.T.,  KROEZE, J.H. and GILLILAND, S. 2010. Guidelines for the design and creation of a web form to facilitate the registration of first time tax payers: An HCI approach (full paper). Proceedings of the 15th International Business Information Management Association Conference (15th IBIMA), 6 - 7 November 2010, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 1033-1043. (Knowledge Management and Innovation: A Business Competitive Edge Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-4-5). Available:

DU PLESSIS, D.P. and KROEZE, J.H. 2010. The Double Wave Data Warehouse hardware architecture for business intelligence implementation (full paper). Proceedings of the 15th International Business Information Management Association Conference (15th IBIMA), 6 - 7 November 2010, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 1008-1016. (Knowledge Management and Innovation: A Business Competitive Edge Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-4-5). Available:

VAN AARDT, C., GOEDE, R., TAYLOR, E., PRETORIUS, P.D. and KROEZE, J.H. 2010. Introduction of e-learning material to engineering students at the Vaal University of Technology: Measuring academic success (full paper). Proceedings of the 15th International Business Information Management Association Conference (15th IBIMA), 6 - 7 November 2010, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 994-1007. (Knowledge Management and Innovation: A Business Competitive Edge Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-4-5). Available:

VAN AARDT, C., GOEDE, R., TAYLOR, E., KROEZE, J.H. & PRETORIUS, P.D. 2010. Engineering Students at the Vaal University of Technology: Analysing learning style preferences (full paper). Proceedings of the 15th International Business Information Management Association Conference (15th IBIMA), 6 - 7 November 2010, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 976-993. (Knowledge Management and Innovation: A Business Competitive Edge Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-4-5). Available:

PRETORIUS, P.D., MADISA, V.G. & KROEZE, J.H. 2010. Achieving the efficiency frontier in IT service delivery (full paper). Proceedings of the 15th International Business Information Management Association Conference (15th IBIMA), 6 - 7 November 2010, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 1044-1055. (Knowledge Management and Innovation: A Business Competitive Edge Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-4-5). Available:

KROEZE, J.H., LOTRIET, H., MAVETERA, N., PFAFF, M.S., POSTMA, D., SEWCHURRAN, K. & TOPI, H. 2010. Humanities-enriched information systems. Panel discussion held at ECIS 2010, Pretoria, 6-9 June 2010. ISBN: 978-0-620-47172-5. Available: and and

MAVETERA, N. & KROEZE, J.H. 2010. Considerations in Grounded Theory Research Method: A Reflection on the Lessons Learned (full paper). Proceedings of the 14th International Business Information Management Association Conference (14th IBIMA), 23 - 24 June 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1454 - 1469. (Business Transformation through Innovation and Knowledge Management: An Academic Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-3-8). Available:

MAVETERA, N. & KROEZE, J.H. 2010.  An Ontology-Driven Software Development Framework (full paper). Proceedings of the 14th International Business Information Management Association Conference (14th IBIMA), 23 - 24 June 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1713 - 1724. (Business Transformation through Innovation and Knowledge Management: An Academic Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-3-8). Available:

NEL, D.F., KROEZE, J.H. and LOTRIET, H. 2010. ICT to disempower? A perspective on ICT as postmodern agent (full paper). Proceedings of the 14th International Business Information Management Association Conference (14th IBIMA), 23 - 24 June 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1382 - 1393. (Business Transformation through Innovation and Knowledge Management: An Academic Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-3-8). Available: . Preprint (Information Technology as an agent of Postmodernism) available at: .)

PRETORIUS, P.D., MADISA, V.G. & KROEZE, J.H. 2010. Using queuing theory to reduce the number of abandoned calls at a central service desk (full paper). Proceedings of the 14th International Business Information Management Association Conference (14th IBIMA), 23 - 24 June 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1063 - 1074. (Business Transformation through Innovation and Knowledge Management: An Academic Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-3-8). (Won one of the two best paper awards.) Available:

SMIT, D., KROEZE, J.H. and KIRLIDOG, M. 2010. Optimizing the value chain in the automotive industry using B2B portals (full paper). Proceedings of the 14th International Business Information Management Association Conference (14th IBIMA), 23 - 24 June 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 484-495. (Business Transformation through Innovation and Knowledge Management: An Academic Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-3-8). Available:

MODIMOGALE, L. and KROEZE, J.H. 2009. Using ICTs to become a competitive SME in South Africa. Full (virtual) paper – Published in Proceedings of the 13th International Business Information Management Association Conference (13th IBIMA), 9 – 10 November  2009, Marrakech, Morocco (Knowledge Management and Innovation in Advancing Economies: Analyses & Solutions, edited by Khalid S. Soliman, ISBN: 978-0-9821489-2-1), p. 504-513. Available:

MAVETERA, N. and KROEZE, J.H. 2009. A Grounding Framework for Developing Adaptive Software Products. Full (virtual) paper – Published in Proceedings of the 13th International Business Information Management Association Conference (13th IBIMA), 9 – 10 November  2009, Marrakech, Morocco (Knowledge Management and Innovation in Advancing Economies: Analyses & Solutions, edited by Khalid S. Soliman, ISBN: 978-0-9821489-2-1), p. 1128-1138. Available:

WINDELL, A.C. and KROEZE, J.H. 2009. The use of disruptive technologies for competitive advantage in the banking sector of South Africa. Full (virtual) paper – Proceedings of the 12th International Business Information Management Association Conference (12th IBIMA), 29 - 30 June 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 1404-1411. (Creating Global Economies through Innovation and Knowledge Management: Theory & Practice, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-1-4.), pp. 1404-1411. [Available online: ].

JOUBERT, P., LOUW, S., DE VILLIERS, C. and KROEZE, J.H. 2009. A revised modelling quality framework. Proceedings of ICEIS 2009, Milan, Italy, 6-10 May 2009, Vol. III (Information Systems Analysis and Specification), pp. 162-167. (ISBN: 978-989-8111-86-9.) Download

MAVETERA, N. & KROEZE, J.H. 2009. Issues in software development practices: a South African software practitioners' viewpoint. Full (virtual) paper, International Business Information Management Conference (11th IBIMA), 4 - 6 January 2009, Cairo. (Published in conference proceedings - see 5 above.) Available: - See 3. above.

KROEZE, J.H., BOTHMA, T.J.D. & MATTHEE, M.C. 2008. From tags to topic maps: using marked-up Hebrew text to discover linguistic patterns. Paper read at Conf-IRM 2008, the 2008 International Conference on Information Resources Management, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 18-20 May 2008. Available online: or  

KROEZE, J.H., BOTHMA, T.J.D., MATTHEE, M.C. & KROEZE, J.C.W. 2008. Visualizing mappings of semantic and syntactic functions. Paper read at INFOS2008, The 6th International Conference on Informatics and Systems, Cairo, Egypt, March 2008. (Published in conference proceedings - see 5 above.) Available online: 

KROEZE, J.H. 2006. Building and displaying a Biblical Hebrew linguistics data cube using XML, Israeli Seminar on Computational Linguistics (ISCOL), Haifa, Israel, 29 June 2006. Available (conference proceedings): (Published as: Constructing an XML database of linguistics data - see 1 above.)

6. Conference papers presented (but not published)


VAN STADEN, C.J., VAN BILJON, J.A. & KROEZE, J.H. 2013. Best practices towards eModeration. Paper read at the UNISA CSET ODL Conference, 5-6 September 2013, Mount Grace Country House & Space, Magaliesburg, South Africa.

JOUBERT, P., KROEZE, J.H. & DE VILLIERS, C. 2013. Complexity in Information Systems Development. Draft paper read at SIG Philosophy Workshop, AMCIS 2013, Chicago, Illinois, 16 August 2013.

KROEZE, J.H. 2012. Transdisciplinarity in IS: The next frontier in Computing disciplines. Draft paper read at SIG Philosophy Workshop, ICIS 2012, Orlando, Florida, 17 December 2012.

KROEZE, J.H. 1999. August. Morphological noun declension classes in Biblical Hebrew: a synchronic approach. Paper. SASSEM conference. University of the North, Pietersburg. (Unpublished.)

KROEZE, J.H. 1998. August. The second commandment - a translation of mercy and justice. Paper. International Organisation for the Study of the Old Testament. XVI th Congress. Oslo, Norway. (Unpublished.)

KROEZE, J.H. 1998. September. A theoretical comparison of S.C. Dik’s and Gesenius’ semantic categories. Paper. SASSEM conference. (Potchefstroom University for CHE, Vanderbijlpark.) (Unpublished.)

KROEZE, J.H. 1996. September. Semantic and pragmatic functions as exegetical aids: illustrated with reference to 2 Sam. 12: 1-6. Paper. OTTSA congress. University of Stellenbosch. (Unpublished.)


7. Books


VAN DER MERWE, C.H.J., NAUDÉ, J.A. & KROEZE, J.H. 1999. A Biblical Hebrew reference grammar. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press. (Biblical Languages: Hebrew, 3.) (ISBN: 1-85075-861-1 / 1-85075-856-5 pbk.)

VAN DER MERWE, C.H.J., NAUDÉ, J.A. & KROEZE, J.H. 1997. Bybels-Hebreeuse naslaangrammatika. Vol. 1. Kaapstad: Nasionale Boekdrukkerye-Groep. 341 pp. (ISBN: 0-7972-0675-2 paperback.)

VAN DER MERWE, C.H.J., NAUDÉ, J.A. & KROEZE, J.H. 1997. Biblical Hebrew reference grammar. Vol. 1. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems. (Electronic version for use with hypertext system Logos Library System.)


8. Chapters in books

KROEZE, J.H., MATTHEE, M.C. and BOTHMA, T.J.D. 2013. Computational Information Systems: Biblical Hebrew. Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics (EHLL) (4 Vols.), edited by Geoffrey Khan, Vol. 1. Boston, MA: Brill. Volume 1, pp. 527-534. (ISBN13: 9789004176423; E-ISBN: 9789047429869) Download pdf. Also see:  (Revised version of 2010 SASNES paper, Forty years of Biblical Hebrew information systems, 13 Sept. 2010, NWU VTC, Vanderbijlpark. Slides: Download.) ( )

KROEZE, J.H. 2012. Postmodernism, interpretivism, and formal ontologies. In Research Methodologies, Innovations and Philosophies in Software Systems Engineering and Information Systems, edited by Manuel Mora, Ovsei Gelman, Annette Steenkamp, and Mahesh Raisinghani. Hershey PA: Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global). Pp. 43-62. ISBN 978-1-4666-0179-6 (hardcover) -- ISBN 978-1-4666-0180-2 (ebook) – ISBN 978-1-4666-0181-9 (print & perpetual access). (Revised version of SAICSIT 2010 paper, “Ontology goes postmodern in ICT”.) Available:

KROEZE, J.H. & MATTHEE, M.C. 2009. Discovering unknown patterns in free text (updated version). Encyclopedia of data warehousing and mining, 2nd edition, edited by J. Wang, Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, Vol II, Data-Pro-I, pp. 669-675. (ISBN 978-1-60566-010-3 (hardcover) / ISBN 978-1-60566-011-0 (ebook).) Download.

KROEZE, J.H., BOTHMA, T.J.D. & MATTHEE, M.C. 2009. Slicing and dicing a linguistic data cube. In Handbook of Research on Text and Web Mining Technologies, edited by M. Song & Y.B. Wu, Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, IGI Global, Vol. I, p. 288-300 (ISBN: 978-1-59904-990-8; 964 pp.) (See .) Download (Revised version of 2004 SASNES paper, Slicing and dicing cyber cubes of Biblical Hebrew clauses, August 2004, RAU, Johannesburg.)

KROEZE, J.H. 2007. Round-tripping Biblical Hebrew linguistic data. In Managing Worldwide Operations and Communications with Information Technology (Proceedings of 2007 Information Resources Management Association, International Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 19-23, 2007), edited by M. Khosrow-Pour, p. 1010-1012. Published in book format and on CD by IGI Publishing, Hershey, PA. (CD ISBN: 978-159904930-4.) (Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-59904-929-8.) Download 

KROEZE, J.H. 2006. Discovering unknown patterns in free text. Encyclopedia of data warehousing and mining, edited by Prof. J. Wang, Hershey, PA: Idea Group Reference, p. 382-386. (ISBN: 1-59140-557-2 (hard cover) / 1-59140-559-9 (ebook).) Download

PHAHLAMOHLAKA, L.J. & KROEZE, J.H. 2004. Information technology and the human person in an African context. In The integrity of the human person in an African context: perspectives from science-and-religion, Proceedings of the eleventh seminar of the South African Science and Religion Forum (SASRF) of the Research Institute for Theology and Religion held at the University of South Africa, Pretoria on 28 & 29 August 2003. Edited by CW du Toit. Pretoria: Research Institute for Theology and Religion, Unisa, p. 177-204. (ISBN 1-86888-300-0.) Download (Revised version published as "Sacred space in cyberspace: an African perspective" - see 1. above.) 

KROEZE, J.H. 2002. Developing a multi-level analysis of Jonah using html. (In Cooke, J., ed. Bible and computer: The Stellenbosch AIBI-6 conference. Proceedings of the Association Internationale Bible et Informatique “From alpha to byte”. University of Stellenbosch 17-21 July, 2000. Leiden: Brill. p. 653-662.) (ISBN 90-04-12459-0.) Download 

KROEZE, J.H. 1997. Alternatives for the accusative in Biblical Hebrew. (In Wagner, A., Hrsg. Studien zur hebräische Grammatik. Freiburg: Universitätsverlag / Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. p. 11-25.) (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, Bd. 156.) (ISBN 3-7278-1139-0.) Download  (Revised version of  SBL paper, Alternatives for the nominative in Biblical Hebrew,Society of Biblical Literature, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, November 1997.)


9. Other publications


KROEZE, J.H. 2012. Transdisciplinarity in IS: The next frontier in Computing disciplines. Sprouts: Working Papers on Information Systems, 12(2). Available: (Revised and extended version of chancellor's address read at the UNISA graduation ceremony, Durban, South Africa, 25 May 2012, 14:00.) (Read as discussion paper to SIGPhil workshop at ICIS 2012.)

KROEZE, J.H., PRETORIUS, P.D. & ROODE, J.D. 2010. The role of an ICT research professor in South Africa. Sprouts: Working Papers on Information Systems, 10(32), 8 pp. (Available: or (Revised version of an unpublished paper read at SACLA, 29 June – 1 July 2009, Mpekweni Beach Resort.)

KROEZE, J.H. 2009. Information Systems and the humanities: a symbiotic relationship? (Inaugural lecture, 13 Nov. 2009). Vanderbijlpark: North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus. (Vaal Triangle Occasional Papers: Inaugural lecture 5/2009. ISBN 978-1-86822-583-5.) (Scientific Contribution Series H.)

MAVETERA, N. & KROEZE, J. 2009. Practical considerations in Grounded Theory Method Research. Sprouts: Working Papers on Information Systems, Vol. 9 No. 32. [Online]. Available:, ISSN 1535-6078

KROEZE, J.H. 2007. Linguistic information [systems] - a humanistic endeavour. Innovate, 02: 38-39. (Published by University of Pretoria, EBIT.) Download / Preprint available (with legible reference list): KROEZE, J.H. 2007. Linguistic Informatics: A Humanistic Endeavor. Sprouts: Working Papers on Information Systems, 7(19). Available:


10. Participation in national conferences, workshops and short courses


VAN STADEN, C.J., VAN BILJON, J.A. & KROEZE, J.H. 2013. Best practices towards eModeration. Paper read at the UNISA CSET ODL Conference, 5-6 September 2013, Mount Grace Country House & Space, Magaliesburg, South Africa. 

KROEZE, J.H. 2012. The difference between multi-, inter- and transdisciplinarity in IS, Unisa, 27 June 2012, School of Computing, research seminar.

KROEZE, J.H. 2011. Publish to flourish – an essential and inherent part of M & D studies. Research workshop, Engineering, Unisa, Florida, 21 July 2011.

KROEZE, J.H., PRINSLOO, P., PONELIS, S., VENTER, I. & PRETORIUS, P.D. 2011. Graduateness of Computing Students in South Africa: A Panel Discussion. Abstract in proceedings of SACLA 2011, 6-8 July, Durban. (Being revised for submission as article to accredited journal).

KROEZE, J.H., MATTHEE, M.C. and BOTHMA, T.J.D. 2010. Forty years of Biblical Hebrew information systems. Paper read at SASNES 2010, 13 Sept. 2010, NWU VTC, Vanderbijlpark. (To be published, see 8 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 2010. Ontology goes postmodern in ICT. Full paper read at SAICSIT 2010, Oct. 2010, Bela-Bela. Published in proceedings - see 4. above.

KROEZE, J.H. 2009, 2010. How to successfully complete a master’s or PhD thesis. Presented at NWU VTC and MGI in 2009, NWU Mafikeng in 2010. Download 

KROEZE, J.H., PRETORIUS, P.D., SEYMOUR, L., GILLILAND, S., KIRLIDOG, M. 2010. Challenges faced by divergent ICT schools regarding branding and establishing research foci. Panel discussion held at SACLA 2010, Cullinan, 4-6 June 2010. ISBN:  978-0-620-47173-2 SACLA Proceedings 2010. Available:

MODIMOGALE, L. & KROEZE, J.H. 2009. ICT Adoption by South African SMEs. Poster presented at SAICSIT 2009. Download. (See 5. above: Using ICTs to become a competitive SME in South Africa.)

KROEZE, J.H. & PRETORIUS, P.D. 2009. The role of an IT research professor: an essay-in-progress. SACLA, 29 June – 1 July 2009, Mpekweni Beach Resort (Published in Sprouts, see 9 above.) Abstract available: )

KROEZE, J.H. 2009. Moving on from an XML schema to an ontology of syntactic functions for Biblical Hebrew. SASNES, 22 – 24 June 2009, Stellenbosch (Published as: Bootstrapping an XML schema of syntactic functions into a skeleton ontology - see 1. above).

VAN DER MERWE, A. & KROEZE, J.H. 2008. Development and implementation of an institutional repository within a science, engineering and technology environment. Paper read at SAICSIT conference, 6-8 October 2008, Wilderness. (Published - see 4 above.)

MAVETERA, N. & KROEZE, J. 2008. Practical issues in Grounded Theory Method Research. In the proceedings of the M & D Graduate Symposium, preceding SAICSIT 2008, 6 October 2008, Wilderness, edited by C. Cilliers, L. Barnard and R. Botha. Port Elizabeth: NMMU.

KROEZE, J.H. 2006. Semantic role frameworks extracted from a multidimensional database of Gen. 1. Paper read at SASNES conference, 11-12 Sept 2006, Unisa. (Published - see 1 above.) 

ALEXANDER, P.M. & KROEZE, J.H. 2005. July. What do we achieve by making Honours students write research papers? Proceedings of the 35th Conference of the Southern African Computer Lecturers’ Association, July 3rd – 6th, 2005, Kasane, Botswana, p. 5-10. (ISBN 99912-572-4-1.) (Published in conference proceedings - see 4 above.)

COOKE, P. & KROEZE, J.H. 2004. September. The impact of the internet on organisational culture within the IT industry. Paper read at SAICSIT 2004. Stellenbosch. (Published in conference proceedings - see 4 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 2004. August. Slicing and dicing cyber cubes of Biblical Hebrew clauses. Paper read at the SASNES conference in Johannesburg, August, RAU. (Revised version published as book chapter - see 8 above.)

PHAHLAMOHLAKA, L.J. & KROEZE, J.H. 2003. August. Information technology and the human person in an African context. The eleventh seminar of the South African Science and Religion Forum (SASRF) of the Research Institute for Theology and Religion. University of South Africa, Pretoria. (Published in conference proceedings - see 8 above; revised  version published as: Sacred space in cyberspace: an African perspective - see 1. above.)

KROEZE, J.H., MATTHEE, M.C. & BOTHMA, T.J.D. 2003. September. Differentiating data- and text-mining terminology. Paper. SAICSIT 2003 (Annual research conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists). (Fourways.) (Published - see 4 and 1 above.)

KROEZE, J.H., LUTU, P.E.N., PRETORIUS, J. & LOUW, E.M. 2003. July. The challenges of teaching introductory programming concepts to large, diverse groups. Paper. SACLA 2003 (Conference of the South African Computer Lecturers’ Association). Manyane, Pilanesberg. (Published in conference proceedings - see 4 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 2000. Die semantiese funksies van ingebedde konstruksies in Bybelse Hebreeus. Paper read at the research discussion group, Faculty of Theology, PU for CHE, Potchefstroom, Apr. 2000. (English version published as: The semantic functions of embedded constructions in Biblical Hebrew - see 1 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 1999. August. Morphological noun declension classes in Biblical Hebrew: a synchronic approach. Paper. SASSEM conference. University of the North, Pietersburg. (Unpublished - see 6 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 1998. The second commandment and religious pluralism in South Africa. Paper read at a seminar regarding hermeneutical problems, Faculty of Theology, PU for CHE, Potchefstroom, Nov. 1998. (Unpublished.)

KROEZE, J.H. 1998. The importance of valid semantic categories for the hermeneutics of the Old Testament. Paper read at a seminar regarding hermeneutical problems, Faculty of Theology, PU for CHE, Potchefstroom, Nov. 1998. (Unpublished.)

KROEZE, J.H. 1998. September. A theoretical comparison of S.C. Dik’s and Gesenius’ semantic categories. Paper. SASSEM conference. (Potchefstroom University for CHE, Vanderbijlpark.) (Unpublished - see 6 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 1997. September. The so-called nominative uses of `et: is there a semantic solution? Paper. SASSEM conference. (University of Pretoria.) (Published in JSem - see 1 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 1996. September. Semantic and pragmatic functions as exegetical aids: illustrated with reference to 2 Sam. 12: 1-6. Paper. OTTSA congress. Universiteit of Stellenbosch. (Unpublished - see 6 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 1996. May. The applicability of semantic functions to Biblical Hebrew. Paper. SASSEM conference. Durban-Westville. (Published - see 1 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 1994. September. A three-dimensional approach to the gender/sex of nouns in Biblical Hebrew. Paper. SASSEM conference. RAU, Johannesburg. (Published - see 1 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 1993. September. Underlying syntactic relations in construct phrases of Biblical Hebrew. Paper. SASSEM conference. Univ. of Stellenbosch. (Published - see 1 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 1992. Onderliggende sintaktiese verhoudings in constructus-verbindings van Bybelse Hebreeus. Paper read at a colloquium for post-graduate theological students, Seminary, Potchefstroom, Oct. 1992. (English version published as: Underlying syntactic relations in construct phrases of Biblical Hebrew - see 1 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 1992. May. Die chaos van die Hebreeuse "genitief". Paper. SASSEM conference. UOFS, Bloemfontein. (Published - see 1 above.)


11. Participation in international conferences, workshops and short courses


EYBERS, S., KROEZE, J.H. & STRYDOM, I. 2014. Rethinking the value of Business Intelligence and Analytics (BI&A) - a balanced scorecard approach. Paper read at ITOM 2014 (Pre-ECIS workshop). Tel Aviv, 8 June 2014,  pp. 1-9.

JOUBERT, P., KROEZE, J.H. & DE VILLIERS, C. 2013. Complexity in Information Systems Development. Draft paper read at SIG Philosophy Workshop, AMCIS 2013, Chicago, Illinois, 16 August 2013.

KROEZE, J.H. 2012. Transdisciplinarity in IS: The next frontier in Computing disciplines. Draft paper read at SIG Philosophy Workshop, ICIS 2012, Orlando, Florida, 17 December 2012.

KROEZE, J.H., PRINSLOO, P., PONELIS, S.R., VENTER, I.M. & PRETORIUS, P.D. 2012. Graduateness of Computing students in an African context. Poster abstract published in Proceedings of the18th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2012 Proceedings), Seattle, Washington, USA, August 9-11, 2012, Paper 11, ISBN 978-0-615-66346-3, or (July 29, 2012).

KROEZE, J.H. 2011. Interpretivism in IS – a postmodern epistemology? Presented at AMCIS 2011 Philosophy Workshop, Detroit, August 2011, as work in progress. (Being revised for submission as full paper.)

KROEZE, J.H. 2010. The Mutualistic Relationship between Information Systems and the Humanities (full paper, edited version of inaugural lecture). Proceedings of the 15th International Business Information Management Association Conference (15th IBIMA), 6 - 7 November 2010, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 915-927. (Knowledge Management and Innovation: A Business Competitive Edge Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-4-5). Available: (Published in conference proceedings – see 5 above.) (Accepted for a discussion paper at the AIS Special Interest Group on the Philosophy and Epistemology of Information Systems (SIGPHIL) Workshop, held concurrently with the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2011) in Shanghai, China on December 4-7, 2011.)

TERBLANCHE, J.T. and KROEZE, J.H. 2010. Guidelines for the design and creation of a web form to facilitate the registration of first time tax payers: An HCI approach (full paper). Proceedings of the 15th International Business Information Management Association Conference (15th IBIMA), 6 - 7 November 2010, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 1033-1043. (Knowledge Management and Innovation: A Business Competitive Edge Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-4-5). Available: (Published in conference proceedings – see 5 above.)

DU PLESSIS, D.P. and KROEZE, J.H. 2010. The Double Wave Data Warehouse hardware architecture for business intelligence implementation (full paper). Proceedings of the 15th International Business Information Management Association Conference (15th IBIMA), 6 - 7 November 2010, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 1008-1016. (Knowledge Management and Innovation: A Business Competitive Edge Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-4-5). Available: (Published in conference proceedings – see 5 above.)

VAN AARDT, C., GOEDE, R., TAYLOR, E., PRETORIUS, P.D. and KROEZE, J.H. 2010. Introduction of e-learning material to engineering students at the Vaal University of Technology: Measuring academic success (full paper). Proceedings of the 15th International Business Information Management Association Conference (15th IBIMA), 6 - 7 November 2010, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 994-1007. (Knowledge Management and Innovation: A Business Competitive Edge Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-4-5). Available: (Published in conference proceedings – see 5 above.)

VAN AARDT, C. (VUT), GOEDE, R., TAYLOR, E., KROEZE, J.H. & PRETORIUS, P.D. 2010. Engineering Students at the Vaal University of Technology: Analysing learning style preferences (full paper). Proceedings of the 15th International Business Information Management Association Conference (15th IBIMA), 6 - 7 November 2010, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 976-993. (Knowledge Management and Innovation: A Business Competitive Edge Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-4-5). Available: (Published in conference proceedings – see 5 above.)

PRETORIUS, P.D., MADISA, V.G. & KROEZE, J.H. 2010. Achieving the efficiency frontier in IT service delivery (full paper). Proceedings of the 15th International Business Information Management Association Conference (15th IBIMA), 6 - 7 November 2010, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 1044-1055. (Knowledge Management and Innovation: A Business Competitive Edge Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-4-5). Available: (Published in conference proceedings – see 5 above.)

KROEZE, J.H., LOTRIET, H., MAVETERA, N., PFAFF, M.S., POSTMA, D., SEWCHURRAN, K. & TOPI, H.  2010. Humanities-enriched information systems. Panel discussion held at ECIS 2010, Pretoria, 6-9 June 2010. ISBN: 978-0-620-47172-5. Available: (Published in conference proceedings – see 5 above.)

MAVETERA, N. & KROEZE, J.H. 2010. Considerations in Grounded Theory Research Method: A Reflection on the Lessons Learned (full paper). Proceedings of the 14th International Business Information Management Association Conference (14th IBIMA), 23 - 24 June 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1454 - 1469. (Business Transformation through Innovation and Knowledge Management: An Academic Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-3-8). Available: (Published in conference proceedings – see 5 above.)

MAVETERA, N. & KROEZE, J.H. 2010.  An Ontology-Driven Software Development Framework (full paper). Proceedings of the 14th International Business Information Management Association Conference (14th IBIMA), 23 - 24 June 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1713 - 1724. (Business Transformation through Innovation and Knowledge Management: An Academic Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-3-8). Available: (Published in conference proceedings – see 5 above.)

NEL, D.F., KROEZE, J.H. and LOTRIET, H. 2010. ICT to disempower? A perspective on ICT as postmodern agent (full paper). Proceedings of the 14th International Business Information Management Association Conference (14th IBIMA), 23 - 24 June 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1382 - 1393. (Business Transformation through Innovation and Knowledge Management: An Academic Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-3-8). Available: . Preprint (Information Technology as an agent of Postmodernism) available at: .) (Published in conference proceedings – see 5 above.)

PRETORIUS, P.D., MADISA, V.G. & KROEZE, J.H. 2010. Using queuing theory to reduce the number of abandoned calls at a central service desk (full paper). Proceedings of the 14th International Business Information Management Association Conference (14th IBIMA), 23 - 24 June 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1063 - 1074. (Business Transformation through Innovation and Knowledge Management: An Academic Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-3-8). (Won one of the two best paper awards.) Available: (Published in conference proceedings – see 5 above.)

SMIT, D., KROEZE, J.H. & KIRLIDOG, M. 2010. Optimizing the value chain in the automotive industry using B2B portals (full paper). Proceedings of the 14th International Business Information Management Association Conference (14th IBIMA), 23 - 24 June 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 484-495. (Business Transformation through Innovation and Knowledge Management: An Academic Perspective, edited by Khalid S. Soliman. On CD: ISBN: 978-0-9821489-3-8). Available: (Published in conference proceedings – see 5 above.)

MODIMOGALE, L. & KROEZE, J.H. 2009. Using ICTs to become a competitive SME in South Africa. Full (virtual) paper – Published in Proceedings of the 13th International Business Information Management Association Conference (13th IBIMA), 9 – 10 November  2009, Marrakech, Morocco (Knowledge Management and Innovation in Advancing Economies: Analyses & Solutions, edited by Khalid S. Soliman, ISBN: 978-0-9821489-2-1), p. 504-513. (Published in conference proceedings – see 5 above.)

MAVETERA, N. & KROEZE, J.H. 2009. A Grounding Framework for Developing Adaptive Software Products. Full (virtual) paper – Published in Proceedings of the 13th International Business Information Management Association Conference (13th IBIMA), 9 – 10 November  2009, Marrakech, Morocco (Knowledge Management and Innovation in Advancing Economies: Analyses & Solutions, edited by Khalid S. Soliman, ISBN: 978-0-9821489-2-1), p. 1128-1138. (Published in conference proceedings – see 5 above.)

WINDELL, A.C. & KROEZE, J.H. 2009 (Forthcoming). The use of disruptive technologies for competitive advantage in the banking sector of South Africa. Accepted for IBIMA12, 29-30 June 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Published in conference proceedings - see 5 above.)

JOUBERT, P.J., LOUW, S., DE VILLIERS, C. & KROEZE, J.H. 2009. A revised modeling quality framework. ICEIS 2009, Milan, Italy. (Published in conference proceedings – see 5 above.)

MAVETERA, N. & KROEZE, J.H. 2009. Issues in software development practices: a South African software practitioners' viewpoint. Full (virtual) paper, International Business Information Management Conference (11th IBIMA), 4 - 6 January 2009, Cairo. (Published in conference proceedings and journal - see 5 and 3 above.)

KROEZE, J.H., BOTHMA, T.J.D., MATTHEE, M.C., KROEZE, J.C.W. & KRUGER, O.C. 2008. Designing an interactive network graph of modular linguistic data in an XML database of Biblical Hebrew. Paper read at AIBI-8, the Bible and Computers 2008 Conference (Bible and Computers: Present and Future of a Discipline), El Escorial (Madrid), 16-19 June 2008. (Published as: Interactive network graphs of Biblical Hebrew data - see 1 above.)  

KROEZE, J.H., BOTHMA, T.J.D. & MATTHEE, M.C. 2008. From tags to topic maps: using marked-up Hebrew text to discover linguistic patterns. Paper read at Conf-IRM 2008, the 2008 International Conference on Information Resources Management, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 18-20 May 2008. (Published in conference proceedings - see 5 above.)   

KROEZE, J.H., BOTHMA, T.J.D., MATTHEE, M.C. & KROEZE, J.C.W. 2008. Visualizing mappings of semantic and syntactic functions. Paper read at INFOS2008, The 6th International Conference on Informatics and Systems, Cairo, Egypt, March 2008. (Published in conference proceedings - see 5 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 2007. Round-tripping Biblical Hebrew linguistic data. Paper. IRMA 2007 International conference. (Published in conference proceedings/book chapter - see 8 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 2006. Building and displaying a Biblical Hebrew linguistics data cube using XML, Israeli Seminar on Computational Linguistics (ISCOL), Haifa, Israel, 29 June 2006. Available (conference proceedings): (Published - see 1 and 5 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 2004. July. Processing Hebrew clauses using three-dimensional arrays. Paper read at the AIBI VII conference in Leuven, Belgium, July 2004. (Revised version published in JNSL, 2004 - see 1 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 2001. August. Just how literal is the translation of the King James Version? Paper. 13th World Congress of Jewish Studies. Jerusalem, Israel. (Forthcoming - see 2 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 2000. July. The semantic functions of embedded constructions in Biblical Hebrew. Paper. Society for Biblical Literature. Cape Town, South Africa. Published - see 1 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 2000. July. Developing a multi-level grammatical analysis of Jonah using html. Paper. Association Internationale Bible et Informatique (AIBI). Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Published - see 8 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 1998. July. The hof`al: simple passives, single passives and double passives - and reflexives? Paper. Society of Biblical Literature. International Meeting. Krakow, Poland. (Published - see 1 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 1998. August. The second commandment - a translation of mercy and justice. Paper. International Organisation for the Study of the Old Testament. XVI th Congress. Oslo, Norway. (Unpublished - see 6 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 1997. November. Alternatives for the nominative in Biblical Hebrew. Paper. Society of Biblical Literature. Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California, USA. (Published - see 1 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 1996. July. Alternatives for the accusative in Biblical Hebrew. Paper. Society of Biblical Literature. International Meeting. Dublin, Ireland. (Published - see 8 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 1995. November. Semantic relations in construct phrases of Biblical Hebrew: a functional approach. Paper. Society of Biblical Literature. Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. (Published - see 1 above.)


12. Theses and dissertations


KROEZE, J.H. 2008. Developing an XML-based, exploitable linguistic database of the Hebrew text of Gen. 1:1-2:3. PhD(IT) thesis. University of Pretoria. (Unpublished.) Available:

KROEZE, J.H. 2003. Differentiating data- and text-mining terminology. (M.IT mini-dissertation (research article), UP.) 22 pp. (Published - see 1 above.)

KROEZE, J.H. 1995. Semantiese verhoudings in constructus-verbindings van Bybelse Hebreeus: toegespits op Spreuke. (Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, PU for CHE.) 335 pp.

KROEZE, J.H. 1988. Die Hebreeuse genitief: ’n semanties-sintaktiese studie met besondere verwysing na die boek Spreuke. (Unpublished MA mini-dissertation, PU for CHE.) 217 pp.

KROEZE, J.H. 1983. ‘n Taalsleutel by die Hebreeuse teks van Spreuke 1-9. (Unpublished Th.B. research essay, PU for CHE.) 86 pp.