HUFA Hypoxia Database Homepage

This site contains the data used in the experiments of the following paper:

Barquero-Pérez Ó, Santiago-Mozos R, Lillo-Castellano JM, García-Viruete B, Goya-Esteban R, Caamaño AJ, Rojo-Álvarez JL, Martín-Caballero C. "

Fetal Heart Rate Analysis for Automatic Detection of Perinatal Hypoxia Using Normalized Compression Distance and Machine Learning".

Front Physiol. 2017

If you use this data for your experiments, please, cite it.

The data is a Matlab/Octave file with 3 variables

  1. PacienteDepurado is a cell array. PacienteDepurado{i} is the actual data for patient i.
  2. NCamposNames is a cell array. NCamposNames{k} identifies the meaning of the column PacienteDepurado{i}(:,k). There are the following fields:
    • MatlabTime which is the time of each record row
    • FHR is the fetus heart rate (0.25 bps)
    • SIG is signal quality (0-> none, 1-> medium, 2->high)
    • MOV whether the baby movement is detected (0->no movement, 1-> movement)
    • MHR is the mother heart rate, Not considered in our experiments.
    • COIN, whether mother heart rate and baby heart rate coincide
  3. pacienteInfo has information related to the patient
    • HoraParto: birth time expresed in matlab time.
    • Tipo: type of delivery
    • PH: umbilical artery PH
    • Apgar10: Apgar score 10 minutes after delivery
    • Rea: reanimation type
    • clasenum: patient type (0 for controls; 1 for cases)

To download the data, click the following link: DATA

Contact: rsmozos at gmail