Kyoto Philosophical Logic Workshop III

[The Philosopher's walk after the cherry blossoms seen from the bridge Ginkakuji-nishi-bashi]


The aim of this workshop is to discuss and exchange new ideas and recent developments related to philosophical logics, broadly construed.

Date & Venue

  • Date: September 7--9, 2017.
  • Venue (for Sep. 7 and 9): Yoshida Izumidono, Kyoto University. (Building number 76 of this map)
  • Venue (for Sep. 8): Seminar room 2 of Shirankaikan Annex, Kyoto University. [Access information]



September 7:

The third workshop on connexive logic, co-organized by Heinrich Wansing and Hitoshi Omori (see here for further details)

11:00--12:00 Norihiro Kamide "Bi-classical connexive logic and its modal extension: Cut-elimination, completeness and duality" [abstract] [slides]

12:00--13:00 Tomasz Jarmużek "Connexive logics defined by relating semantics and tableau approach" [abstract] [slides]

13:00--14:30 Lunch

14:30--15:00 Sara Ipakchi "A justification for Aristotle Thesis AT on the basis of LNC" [abstract]

15:00--16:00 Wolfgang Lenzen "Is connexive logic based on a gross misunderstanding? A Leibnitian approach" [abstract] [slides]

16:00--16:15 Coffee break

16:15--17:15 Heinrich Wansing "Connexive Logic and Chellas-Segerberg Semantics" [abstract]

17:15--18:15 Andreas Kapsner "What is Connexivity? Lessons from Constructive and Conditional Logics" [abstract]

19:00-- Dinner

September 8:

09:15--10:15 Yasuo Deguchi "Analytic Nishida: Metaphysics of Self and Non-classial Logic" [abstract]

10:15--11:15 Rafał Urbaniak "Paradoxes of informal provability and many-valued indeterministic provability logic" [abstract]

11:15--12:15 Toshiharu Waragai "Lesniewski's Ontology from a Syllogistic Point of View" [abstract] [slides]

12:15--13:30 Lunch

Special session on Leibniz's logic

13:30--14:30 Ryosuke Igarashi "A Comparison of the Logical Systems of Leibniz and Kant" [abstract]

14:30--15:30 Hiroyuki Inaoka "Mathematics as make-believe: Infinite diagram in Leibniz's mathematical study" [abstract]

15:30--15:45 Coffee break

15:45--16:45 Shinji Ikeda "Extension and Space in Leibniz’s Theory of Abstraction" [abstract]

16:45--17:45 Wolfgang Lenzen "The evolution of the system of Leibniz’s logic" [abstract] [slides]

18:30-- Dinner

September 9:

10:00--11:00 Vít Punčochář "Between material and strict implication" [abstract] [slides]

11:00--12:00 Igor Sedlár "Term negation in first-order logic" [abstract] [slides]

12:00--13:30 Lunch

13:30--14:30 Yasuo Nakayama "Philosophical Basis for Dynamic Belief-Desire-Obligation Logic" [abstract] [slides]

14:30--15:30 Shunsuke Yatabe "Thinking (deflation-theoretic) truth as a logical connective" [abstract]

15:30--15:45 Coffee break

15:45--16:45 Makoto Kanazawa "Lambek Calculus and Context-Free Grammars: Some Unresolved Issues" [abstract] [slides]

16:45--17:45 Heinrich Wansing "Disentangling FDE-based Paraconsistent Modal Logics" [abstract]

18:30-- Dinner


Kyoto Philosophical Logic Workshop III is supported by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) through grant 16K16684。


The workshop is organized by Hitoshi Omori. For any inquiries, please write to Hitoshi at: hitoshiomori [at] gmail [dot] com.