Kyoto Nonclassical Logic Workshop III

[The famous rock garden in Ryoanji]


The aim of this workshop is to discuss and exchange new ideas and recent developments related to nonclassical logics, broadly construed.

Date & Venue

  • Date: September 25, 2017.
  • Venue: Yoshida Izumidono, Kyoto University. (Building number 76 of this map)



September 25:

11:00--12:00 Zach Weber "On Substructural Logic and Metatheory"

12:00--13:00 Takuro Onishi "Unifying two plans in relevant logic"

13:00--14:30 Lunch

14:30--15:30 Igor Sedlár "Abstract completeness of some lattice-valued modal logics"

15:30--16:30 Kazushige Terui "The noble art () of diagrammatic reasoning in algebraic logic"

16:30--16:45 Coffee break

16:45--17:45 Adam Přenosil "Reconstructing involutive residuated lattices from their negative cones"

17:45--18:45 Petr Cintula & Marta Bílková "Lindenbaum-style proof of completeness for infinitary logics"

19:00-- Dinner


Kyoto Nonclassical Logic Workshop III is supported by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) through grant 16K16684.


The workshop is organized by Hitoshi Omori. For any inquiries, please write to Hitoshi at: hitoshiomori [at] gmail [dot] com.