Kyoto Nonclassical Logic Workshop II

[The Kamo River seen from the bridge Shijo Ohashi towards the north]


The aim of this one-day workshop is to discuss and exchange new ideas and recent developments related to nonclassical logics, especially paraconsistent and substructural logics, and its philosophical issues.

Date & Venue

  • Date: October 26, 2016.
  • Venue: Room 478, Research Building No. 2, Yoshida campus, Kyoto University. (No. 34 of this map)



10:00--10:40: Hitoshi Omori "Expansions of subintuitionistic logics"

10:40--11:20: Igor Sedlár "Paraconsistent epistemic logic"

11:20--11:40: Coffee break

11:40--12:20: Ryo Ito "Mathematical reasoning and paraconsistent logic"

12:20--13:00: Adam Přenosil "Four-valued algebras and their logics"

13:00--14:10: Lunch

14:10--14:50: Zach Weber "Non-contractive sets"

14:50--15:30: Shunsuke Yatabe "Nonstandard models of "Classical" truth theories"

15:30--15:40: Coffee break

15:40--16:20: Carles Noguera "Elementary equivalence in models of first-order many-valued logics"

16:20--17:00: Petr Cintula "Fuzzy class theory revisited"

17:00-- Drinks and/or Dinner


The workshop is organized by Zach Weber and Hitoshi Omori. For any inquiries, please write to Hitoshi at: hitoshiomori [at] gmail [dot] com.