
What is the latest news?

2023/04/21 IISc, India
2023/02/07 NAS, Thailand
2022/06/11 NSYSU accepted, Taiwan
2022/12/06 Beijing Institute of Technology, China
2022/11/30 Academia Sinica, Taiwan (update)

What is the HEP Rumors Asia Page?

This is a page where people may submit rumors regarding faculty jobs in Asia. This information can help facilitate the faculty job market in Asia.

How to submit a rumor?

Please send an email to heprumorsasia[at]gmail [dot] com. Please let us also know about any new job openings or other improvements.

Can I also just submit job announcements without any rumours?

Yes, please!

Will my name appear on this site without prior notice? 

No. We will always ask first, if we can publish your name here.

Can you take my name off the site?

Yes, certainly.  You can request the administrator to remove your name from the site.

Who is behind this site?

A group of individuals who wants to make the Asian HEP faculty job market more transparent. Indeed, most of our motivations is similar to the motivation behind the US rumor mill (US rumor mill history). Sadly speaking the academic job market is still extremely tight and a relieve is not foreseeable to us.

Why is there no rumour about position XY? 

Because noone submitted any rumours. If we have names, but the persons want to stay anonymous, we will announce that position XY has chosen a shortlist and not give any names.

Is there a guarantee that the rumour is correct

Not at all. We do not have the ability to fact-check any rumour.