
There are many Ancient Greek ideas and influences still surviving in present day Indian culture. This influence of Greek ideas might have happened after the invasion of India the Alexander the Great in the year around 300BC. In addition to that the rule of later day Indo-Greek kings also influenced Indian language,religion and culture.

The Greek influence can be seen in a subtle way , even in present day cultural traits of Indians. The objective of this site is to identify and present those cultural ideas, one by one for the benefit of Indians. So that , they will understand better their ways of thinking and action.

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I have published a book on Indus Valley Civilization and is available for free download in my Google web-site. A brand new theory has been proposed in this book stating that Indus sites are necropolis (burial sites) and not metropolis as popularly imagined so far. Further, the Indus scripts have been deciphered and Indus code has also been explained. For more details follow the link:



Hercules always kills everything to learn even basic minimum Knowledge-- Some kind of primitive man---but becomes sophisticated by the end of his labors. It is important to know, why he was put under the bondage of Eurystheus? and was forced to perform those difficult labors. In the beginning Hercules was wild and impatient man, and he killed his first wife and her children out of raging anger (similar to road rage of modern times). As a punishment he was put under the bondage of his cousin and king Eurystheus, the labors which he carried out ultimately made him a civilized man. Even though originally it was a "calendar story", subsequently over a period , philosophers had used the story for teaching moral principles. This story is similar to the story of Gilgamesh and Enkidu. Gilgamesh was equally violent like Hercules.

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Read the story of Gilgamesh and Enkidu of Sumerian Mythology. Gilgamesh is precursor to Hercules, He was also violent and unruly and Enkidu was sent to moderate his violent nature. (note the similarity). This shows that Hercules story itself is modified form of Gilgamesh story.



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