Matias Cortes

I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics at York University in Toronto, and a Research Fellow at IZA, CReAM and RCEA

I am currently also a Steering Committee Member of the Canadian Labour Economics Forum (CLEF), a co-organizer of the Annual Conference of Costa Rican Economists (EconCR), and a Member of the John Charles Polanyi Prize Selection Committee.  

My primary research field is Labor Economics, with a focus on occupational mobility, technological change, wage inequality, the task content of occupations, and firm heterogeneity. I am also interested in the relationship between aggregate business cycle conditions and individual-level human capital acquisition. 

My research papers are available here; information about the courses that I teach is available here; and my CV is available here.

Contact Details:

Mailing Address: Room 1088 Vari Hall, Department of Economics, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario, M3J 1P3, Canada
