Vol 2 Updates

Global Member Care

This page updated March 2021

Volume Two

Crossing Sectors for Serving Humanity

Kelly O’Donnell and Michèle Lewis O’Donnell, Editors

This section lists additional materials/links to help you stay current and connect/contribute across sectors. The materials build upon the resources mentioned at the end of the chapters in the book (many of the links are posted in the Vol 2 Resources section on this website).

As of January 2018, we have stopped adding updates in this section for the Crossing Sectors book. Since its publication in late 2013 and through 2016, we have been able to list a variety of materials, as you will see below (three+ years). For recent updates see the Featured Resources section on our MCA website.

Many of these materials, like the chapters and resources included in the book, could easily fit under the heading of “Global Integration”--how we integrate our life/work into some of the tough issues facing humanity in line with our values/beliefs. In fact, the title of volume two in the Global Member Care series could actually be Global Integration in Member Care: Crossing Sectors for Serving Humanity.

Staying Current

It can be overwhelming trying to keep up with the new information and complicated issues affecting our world. We suggest that you sign up for our free Global Integration Updates and Member Care Updates. Have a look at the the examples of the Updates below too. They can help you develop a gird to track with relevant materials—reports, resources, news, etc.—to support your work in mission/member care and across sectors. Another suggestions is to read Executive Summaries/Key Messages, print them out if possible, and then read more of the document based on your interests. A third suggestion is to look at the Vol 2 Application section of this website, which gives concise ideas about how best to make use of this book. Finally, develop a caravan of colleagues for mutual support and learning across the sectors.

Global Integration Update December 2017

Three Year Index of Resources and Reflections

Global Integration Update October 2016

Global Grids: New Strategies for Staying Informed

Global Integration Update December 2015

Staying Current–Navigating the News

Member Care Update September 2017

Summary and Listing of 100 Updates

Member Care Update February 2017

New Global Member Care Model (Missio Dei)

The Missio Dei-Global Member Care Model, 2016

Resource Updates as of January 2017

Disclaimer: The inclusion of these materials as well as the opinions and recommendations expressed in these materials do not necessarily reflect their endorsement. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the materials lies with the reader.

Part One

Overview: Crossing Sectors for Serving Humanity

**Global Integration Updates--resources to help colleagues across sectors connect and contribute on behalf of the major issues facing humanity. Member Care Associates. See for example the many materials in the August 2015 Update, Faith-Based Partners in Transformation and the December 2015 Update, Staying Current--Navigating the News (Part One includes: Newsletters/Updates from some of the larger and more influential organizations; World Reports on special topics, and c) News/Media Sources. Part Two provides examples of recent resources from the UN, humanitarian, and the global health/mental health sectors.)

**Multi-Sectoral Member Care: Engaging Our World as Global Integrators, Journal of Psychology and Theology, Winter 2016, 44(4), Kelly and Michele O'Donnell

**One Humanity: Shared Responsibility, United Nations (humanitarian action/change en route to the World Humanitarian Summit) (February 2016)

**World Humanitarian Summit's Restoring Humanity: Global Voices Calling for Action, Sept. 2015.

**Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. United Nations (1 August 2015)

This is the final draft of the outcome document for the Post-2015 Development Agenda to be adopted by the UN General Assembly, September 2015. It includes at the core the 17 sustainable development goals and their 169 targets for social, economic, and environmental development.

**Laudato Si': On Care for Our Common Home, Pope Francis (June 2015)

This is the Pope’s compelling encyclical on the care for our common home--the environment, climate change, stewardship of the earth, etc. It is available in eight languages.

**Global Mental Health: Tracking and Trekking Across Sectors (powerpoint presentation given at William James College, Center for Multicultural and Global Mental Health, USA, 26 June 2015, Kelly and Michele O'Donnell)

** Ending Extreme Poverty: A Moral and Spiritual Imperative. This is a concise inter-faith Statement by various religious organizations, resulting from a recent gathering convened by the World Bank Group (April 2015).

**World Development Report 2015: Mind, Society, and Behavior (World Bank, Dec 2014). "Development policies based on new insights into how people actually think and make decisions will help governments and civil society achieve development goals more effectively. A richer and more accurate understanding of human behavior can make it easier to tackle such difficult development challenges as increasing productivity, breaking the cycle of poverty from one generation to the next, and acting on climate change...." (from official Press Release) Watch the two and a half minute summary-taster: http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2014/12/02/development-economics-policy-redesign-world-bank-report

**Human Development Report: Sustaining Human Progress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience. United Nations Development Program. "The Human Development Report Office (HDRO) is pleased to inform that the 2014 Human Development Report 'Sustaining Human Progress: Reducing Vulnerability and Building Resilience' was launched in Tokyo, on 24 July 2014. The 2014 Report highlights the need for both promoting people's choices and protecting human development achievements. It takes the view that vulnerability threatens human development, and unless it is systematically addressed, by changing policies and social norms, progress will be neither equitable nor sustainable." http://hdr.undp.org/en/content/human-development-report-2014

**The Age of Sustainable Development. Free online course by Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, Earth Institute ,Columbia University [note: this is an EXCELLENT and compelling course; to get a feel for it , register for free and watch the final five lectures, about 15-20 minutes each, numbers 66-70].


**UN Secretary General’s Synthesis Report on the Post 2015 Agenda for Sustainable Development (4 December, 2014–a crucial document for understanding where the world is heading with a view towards how we might connect/contribute); http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/5527SR_advance%20unedited_final.pdf

see the website also: UN Sustainable Development–Knowledge Platform http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/

**Outcome Document on the Sustainable Development Goals (July 2014), Open Working Group. http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/owg.html

**The Conference of NGOs in Consultative Status with the United Nations (CoNGO) http://www.ngocongo.org; See also the CoNGO Newsletter (e.g., June 2014) http://ngocongo.org/newsletters_2014/CoNGO_Newsletter_June_2014.pdf

**Now for the Long Term: Report of the Oxford Martin Commission for Future Generations, October 2013 http://www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/downloads/commission/Oxford_Martin_Now_for_the_Long_Term.pdf

**Global Risks 2014 (9th edition), World Economic Forum http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GlobalRisks_Report_2014.pdf

**United Nations General Assembly Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals. Policy Brief 4: Recommendations on Human Rights. (Helpful update/perspectives on the macro picture/efforts for development, justice, and wellbeing for all.)

**Global Slavery Index 2013. Walk Free Foundation (inaugural index/report) http://www.globalslaveryindex.org/report/

**Planetary Manifesto, Lancet, 8 March 2014 (one page, petition)


**American Psychologist, Special Issue on Peace Psychology, October 2013 http://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/special/4016810.aspx

**Reuters Photos of the Year 2013 (warning: some are graphic and disturbing) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_wXWIjTFf8


**Sidibe, M. (31 October 2013). Churches as barricades against exclusion. Speech given at the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches, Busan Korea). Note:Michele Sidebe is the Executive Director of UNAIDS. http://www.unaids.org/en/media/unaids/contentassets/documents/speech/2013/10/20131031_EXD_SP_WCC_en.pd

**United Nations General Assembly Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals. Policy Brief 4: Recommendations on Human Rights.

(Very helpful update/perspectives on the macro picture/efforts for development, justice, and wellbeing for all.)


**United Nations Year in Review 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nntbLKgGajw (see also Year in Review 2014 etc.)

Christian Mission

**Our Global Families: Christians Embracing Common Identity in a Changing World(2015), Todd Johnson and Cindy Wu. http://bakerpublishinggroup.com/books/our-global-families/349570

**Diaspora Missiology: Reflections on Reaching the Scattered Peoples of the World(2015), Michael Pocock an Enoch Wan. https://missionbooks.org/products/detail/diaspora-missions

**Serving God in a Migrant Crisis: Ministry to People on the Move (March 2016), Patrick Johnstone and Dean Merrill. http://www.gmi.org/products/books/gmibooks/serving-god-migrant-crisis/

**Progressive Pentecostalism, development, and Christian development NGOs: A challenge and an opportunity, Bryant Myers, International Bulletin of Mission Research, 39(3), (July 2015, pp.115-120)


**Health, Healing, and Shalom: Frontiers and Challenges for Christian Health Missions (2015), edited by Bryant Myers https://missionbooks.org/products/detail/health-healing-and-shalom

**Ending Extreme Poverty: A Moral and Spiritual Imperative, Statement by various religious organizations, World Bank (April 2015)


** Together Towards Life: Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes, World Council of Churches, 2013 (http://cwmission.org/missiontoolkit/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/WCC-Statement-on-Mission-Evangelism.pdf). See also the four papers discussing this major statement, as well as referencing other recent statements such as that by Pope Francis in Evangelii Gaudium ((Joy of the Gospel) in the October 2014 issue of IBMR, available for free access online after registering (http://www.internationalbulletin.org/archive/all/2014/10 ).

**Taylor, W., van der meer, A., & Reimer, R. (Eds.) (2013). Sorrow and blood: Christian mission in contexts of mission, persecution, and martyrdom. Pasadena , CA: William Carey Library. http://missionbooks.org/products/detail/sorrow-blood

Part Two

Good Practice in the Humanitarian Sector

**Global Integration Update (Feb 2016). Working Together Well: The Journey to Help Our World (several new humanitarian reports and resources)

**mhGAP Humanitarian Intervention Guide: Clinical Management of Mental, Neurological, and Substance Use Conditions in Humanitarian Emergencies,WHO and UNHC, (2015).

**A Path Appears: Transforming Lives, Creating Opportunity. Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn (2014). http://www.amazon.com/Path-Appears-Transforming-Creating-Opportunity/dp/038534991

** Sacred Aid: Faith and Humanitarianism, edited by Michael Barnett and Janice Gross Stein (2012)

**Silent Disasters, short videos from around the world, by the International Federation of the Red Cross https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=IFRC+silent+disasters

[note: suggest starting with the opening 50 second video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8z5v0iaVtY]

**Humanitarian Needs Assessment--The Good Enough Guide (2014). Assessment Capacities Project and Emergency Capacity Building Project.


**On-Site Operations Coordination Centre (OSOCC), Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, United Nations--links below are for the site and the manual:



**Online Training Centre--ICRC and Online Training Platform--IFRC,

--"The ICRC Online Training Centre is a collection of e-learning modules on international humanitarian law (IHL) and other areas of the ICRC's work. It reinforces the ICRC’s capacity to reach actors who have an influence on the fate of people affected by armed conflict and other situations of violence, be they arms carriers, civil servants, judges, lawyers, humanitarian practitioners, students, university professors or National Societies."


--"The Red Cross Red Crescent Learning platform (www.ifrc.org/learning-platform) is a global yet local online learning community. It consists of hundreds of short, free, high quality, self-directed, multilingual Red Cross Red Crescent courses covering both programmatic as well as support focused functions and activities as well as professional and personal development."


The online training modules are available to anyone as self-paced courses and are provided free of charge.

**World Disasters Report: Focus on Culture and Risk--2014, IFRC


**Staying Alive: Safety and Security Guidelines for Humanitarian Workers in Conflict Areas, by David Lloyd Roberts (International Committee of the Red Cross, 2006 revised edition) http://www.icrc.org/eng/resources/documents/publication/p0717.htm Also available in Arabic.

** Where Is Everyone? Responding to Emergencies in the Most Difficult Places (2014) Medecins sans Frontieres http://www.msf.org.uk/msf-report-where-everyone-responding-emergencies-most-difficult-places

**Humanitarian Accountability Partnership, People In Aid, et al. (2013). The core humanitarian standard (draft 13 December 2013). Email to request a copy: secretariat@hapinternational.org http://www.hapinternational.org/what-we-do/hap-standard/the-core-humanitarian-standard.aspx

**Intervention: International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work, and Counselling in Areas of Armed Conflict : http://www.interventionjournal.com/Special Section on “Peacebuilding and Psychosocial Work: Narrowing the Gap” (Volume 12:1—March 2014); Note that previous issues are available online starting one year prior to the current issue.

**Interaction. (2013, revised). PVO standards: Accountability, transparency, effectiveness.


[Note: There are specific reference to proselytism in Section 7.1.5 of the PVO Standards Interpretive Guidance and Member Guidelines(http://www.interaction.org/document/pvo-standards-interpretive-guidance-and-member-guidelines) as noted below:]

7.1.5 A member should:

1. Adhere to a policy and practice of non-discrimination at point-of-service. The promise, delivery or distribution of assistance should be given according to the need of individuals, families and communities and will never be preconditioned on faith, administered in a coercive manner, or tied to the embrace or acceptance of a particular political or religious creed;

2. Adhere to, through normal practice, systems and deeds, clear institutional policies that demonstrate respect for and sensitivity to the religious traditions of the individuals, families and communities served;

3. Use good judgment, based on local realities, in the printing of religious text or the display of other forms of messages or symbols on aid packages;

4. Establish guidelines for the appropriate usage and balance of religious messages and/or teachings in relief or development programs, to ensure that any message is non-coercive, culturally sensitive and respectful of the dignity, values, history, religion and culture of the people served.

**WHO and Kings College London, (2011). The humanitarian emergency perceived needs scale (HESPER): Manual with scale. Geneva: Author.


Corruption and Good Governance

** Transparency International (2010). Preventing corruption in humanitarian operations. Berlin: Author.http://www.transparency.org/whatwedo/pub/handbook_of_good_practices_preventing_corruption_in_humanitarian_operations

**PETRA People Network. Promoting peace, transparency, and accountability in the international Christian community—and beyond (weblog with updated resources and perspectives). http://petranetwork.blogspot.com/

**Uniting Against Corruption: Good Principles and Good Practices, PETRA People Network, April 2014 (includes 10 key docs/resources, to fight corruption from the church-mission community, humanitarian sector, and the UN)


Faith-Based Perspectives

**Religious Actors in Development--Time to Fix Our Blind Spot, by Merl van Meerkerk and Brenda Bartelink (28 January 2015) http://www.thebrokeronline.eu/Blogs/Human-Security-blog/Religious-actors-in-development-Time-to-fix-our-blind-spot

Part Three

Good Practice from the Human Health Sector

**Faith-Based Health Care, The Lancet, (7 July 2015) . “An estimated 84% of the world’s population is religiously affiliated. Faith is a powerful force in the lives of individuals and communities worldwide. This Series argues that building on the extensive experience, strengths, and capacities of faith-based organisations (e.g., geographical coverage, influence, and infrastructure) offers a unique opportunity to improve health outcomes.”

**Monthly Newsletter from the NGO Forum for Health, Geneva (resources, events, issues, etc.).


**Safeguarding Health in Conflict (website for this new coalition, focusing on protecting workers, services, and infrastructures).http://www.safeguardinghealth.org/mission

**Global Health 2035: A World Converging within a Generation

**The Lancet Commission on Investing In Health (published online December 2013)


**The political origins of health inequity: Prospects for change. (15 February 2014) The Lancet, Volume 383, Issue 9917, Pages 630 – 667. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(13)62407-1

Cite or Link Using DOI

**WHO Resolution 134 R8 (24 January 2014). Contributing to social and economic development: Sustainable action across sectors to improve health and health equity (follow-up of the 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion) http://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/EB134/B134_R8-en.pdf ["Recognizing that a number of mental disorders can be prevented and that mental health can be promoted in the health sector and in sectors outside health and that global support is necessary for national and local work on mental health and development, including through the Mental Health Action Plan and the WHO MINDbank;"]

**International Council of Nurses. (2007). Occupational health and safety management programme for nurses. Geneva: Author. ["Nurses are the principal group of health care personnel providing primary health care at all levels and maintaining links between individuals, families, communities and the rest of the health care system. Working with other members of the health care team and other sectors or on their own, nurses explore new and better ways of keeping well, or improving health and preventing disease and disability. Nurses improve equity and access to health care and add quality to outcome of care." page 7] http://www.icn.ch/images/stories/documents/publications/guidelines/guideline_occupationalhealth.pdf

**WHO, UNICEF, et al. (2013). The world we want: Report on the global thematic consultation on health (April 2013). Geneva: Author.


**WHO. (24 January 2014). Resolution 134 R8: Contributing to social and economic development: Sustainable action across sectors to improve health and health equity (follow-up of the 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion) http://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/EB134/B134_R8-en.pdf

Mental Health

**Global Mental Health: Sharing and Synthesizing Knowledge for Sustainable Development, Global Mental Health, September, 2016 Kelly and Michele O'Donnell

**mhGAP Intervention Guide for mental neurological and substance use disorders innon-specialized settings (version 2.0, WHO, 2016)

**mhGAP Humanitarian Intervention Guide: Clinical Management of Mental, Neurological, and Substance Use Conditions in Humanitarian Emergencies,WHO and UNHC, (2015).

** Mental Health Atlas 2014, World Health Organization (2015) This new edition of Mental Health Atlas…is providing much of the baseline data against which progress towards the objectives and targets of the Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020 is to be measured.”

** Global Mental Health—new online journal from Cambridge University Press

**Member Care Associates. GMH-Map (website; see the new section highlighting online updates/newsletters for global mental health.


**T ranscultural Psychiatry (Dec. 2014)--Special journal issue on GMH; free access to the opening editorial, 12 pages with reflections on contributions from GMH and concerns about GMH http://tps.sagepub.com/content/51/6.toc

**Critical cultural awareness: Contributions to a globalizing psychology. John Chambers et al. American Psychologist, 2014, 69(7), pp. 645-655.

**Tracking and Trekking with Global Mental Health, Kelly O'Donnell, GMH-Map (draft December 2014) https://sites.google.com/site/gmhmap/home/gmh-track-trek

**Global Integration: Opportunities for Consulting Psychologists (and other mental health colleagues—power point and handout, for Doctoral Psychology course at the School of Psychology, George Fox University, March 2013, Kelly and Michele O’Donnell)


**Global Mental Health: Strategies for Staying Updated, Kelly O’Donnell, Psychology International, Volume 25, Issue 1 (note: see all seven sections for updates on areas such as global health/development agendas, texts, courses, and newsletters for GMH, etc.)

http://www.apa.org/international/pi/2014/03/global-health.aspx full article:


**Global Mental Health and NGOs: Working Together Well! (overview, powerpoint presentation given in Oslo March2014, Kelly O’Donnell)


**Patel, V., and Saxena, S. (6 February 2014). Transforming lives, enhancing communities—innovations in global mental health. New England Journal of Medicine, 370, 498-501.


**Christian Psychology Around The World. European Movement for Christian Anthropology, Psychology, and Psychotherapy (free journal, starting 2012)

**Gathering on Mental Health and the Church (Orange County, California, USA 28 March 2014) NAMI, Catholics, and Evangelicals seriously connect on behalf of mental health with an estimated 10,000 people participating in person/online. See the article: Can Churches Separate Mental Illness and Shame? Also see: more reflections by a plenarist; NAMI news; the Event website

**Patel, V., Minas, H., Cohen, A,. & Prince, M. (Eds.). (2013) Global mental health: Principles and practice Oxford: Oxford University Press.


**Preventing Suicide: A Global Imperative—World Suicide Report 2014, World Health Organization


**WHO (2013). Investment in mental health: Evidence for action. Geneva: Author.



**Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Network. (website) http://mhpss.net

**UNHCR. (2013). UNHCR’s mental health and psychosocial support for persons of concern. Geneva: Author. http://www.unhcr.org/51bec3359.pdf

**IASC Reference Group Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Assessment Guide (2013)


**IASC: Who is Where, When, Doing What in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (2012)


**Intervention: International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work, and Counselling in Areas of Armed Conflict : http://www.interventionjournal.com/Special Section on “New Frontiers in Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing in Low Resource and Conflict Affected Settings" (Volume 12:2—December 2014). Note that previous issues are available online starting one year prior to the current issue.


Part Four

Good Practice from the Human Resources Sector

**Stress Management in Peace Operations, 2015, Maren Rößler and Cord Wiesenthal. ("This study is based on interviews with German civilian experts in international peace missions by the EU, OSZE, and UN and those responsible for human resources in these organizations. The authors Maren Rößler and Cord Wiesenthal investigated which cumulative stress factors in peace missions influence the well-being and motivation of the staff involved and how the stress they experience can be managed by the institutions. The results show that internal factors connected to the mission cause the most stress, but that advice offered by the institutions is primarily focused on the external circumstances relevant to safety concerns.")



**Humanitarian Effectiveness and Staff Wellbeing, webinar organized by Humanitarian Professionals in Assistance and Protection, 30 July 2015. (audio and powerpoint available online, opening 30 minute presentation by Dr. Alastair Ager, Columbia University)



**Workers Guide to Health and Safety, by Todd Jailer, Mirian Lara-Meloy, Maggie Robbins, Hesperian Health Guides, May 2015


**God’s Design for Community: Strategies for Building Better Relationships (2015), Gaylyn Williams. https://relationshipresources.org/shop/godsdesignforcommunity/

**Reconcilable Differences: Strategies for Your Journey Through Conflict (2015), Gaylyn Williams. https://relationshipresources.org/shop/reconcilable-differences/

**Leading Multicultural Teams (2014), Evelyn and Richard Hibbert. https://missionbooks.org/products/detail/leading-multicultural-teams

**Married in Mission: A Handbook for Couples in Cross-Cultural Service (2015), Alexis Kenny.


**201 Great Discussion Questions for Couples in a Long Distance Relationships(2014), Lisa McKay and Michael Wolfe. http://www.lisamckaywriting.com/books/books-on-long-distance-relationships/

**Love Across Latitudes: A Workbook on Cross-cultural Marriage (2015, sixth edition), Janet Fraser-Smith. http://www.gileadbookspublishing.com/love-across-latitudes.html

**The state of HR 2014: A question of impact (Executive Summary). People in Aid (2014). http://www.peopleinaid.org/resources/stateofhr2014exec

**McKay, L. (2009) Family matters: Self-care for family members of humanitarian workers. Pasadena, CA: Headington Institute. (online training module)


**McKay, L. (2011). Building resilient managers in humanitarian organizations: Strengthening key organizational structures and personal skills that promote resilience in challenging environments. London: People In Aid. http://www.peopleinaid.org/pool/files/pubs/resilience(2).pdf

**Society for Human Resources. (December 2013). Global HR Newsletter. http://www.shrm.org/hrdisciplines/global/Articles/Pages/Corporate-Fraud-Rise-Worldwide.aspx

**Guidelines on spirituality for staff in acute care services. Staffordshire University (2008) http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CC8QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mindandsoul.info%2FPublisher%2FFile.aspx%3FID%3D53217&ei=0eCxUpH_O8ys7Qa5pIGoAQ&usg=AFQjCNGI9HsWuvWKQE-egfcpmQjv5gHc6A&bvm=bv.58187178,d.ZGU

**Resource Guides to Careers, Networking, Funding, in Development, Conflict Resolution, and More (blog posting on Peace and Collaborative Development Network, 3 July 2014) http://www.internationalpeaceandconflict.org/profiles/blog/show?id=780588%3ABlogPost%3A40916&xgs=1&xg_source=msg_share_post#.U71exZSSwfU

**The Road Home (trailer and film—TCKs. Indian and UK cultures context) http://roadhomefilm.com/enjoy-the-road-home.html

**International Council of Nurses. (2007). Occupational health and safety management programme for nurses. Geneva: Author.["Nurses are the principal group of health care personnel providing primary health care at all levels and maintaining links between individuals, families, communities and the rest of the health care system. Working with other members of the health care team and other sectors or on their own, nurses explore new and better ways of keeping well, or improving health and preventing disease and disability. Nurses improve equity and access to health care and add quality to outcome of care." page 7] http://www.icn.ch/images/stories/documents/publications/guidelines/guideline_occupationalhealth.pdf

**People in Aid. (October 2013-Januanry 2014). Newsletter; special focus on diversity.


**UNHCR. (2013). UNHCR’s mental health and psychosocial support for staff. Geneva: Author. http://www.unhcr.org/51f67bdc9.pdf

Member Care in the Church-Mission Sector

**The missional heart of member care. Kelly O'Donnell. International Bulletin of Missionary Research, April 2015, 39(2), pp. 61-66.

**Mind the Gaps: Engaging the Church in Missionary Care (in press–2015) by Trinity MC Team. for more info: dwilson@trinityonline.org

**Healthy, Resilient, and Effective in Cross-Cultural Ministry: A Comprehensive Member Care Plan (2015), by Laura Mae Gardner http://condeo.ondemandbookstore.com/healthy-resilient-and-effective.html

**Missionary perspectives on the effectiveness of current member care practices. Claire Camp, Joy Bustrum, David Brokaw, and Christopher Adams. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 2014, 42(4) pp. 359-368.

**Member care and counseling resources. Monthly resource updates from John Leverington. john.leverington@gmail.com

**Experiences and utilization of member care in an international missionary sample. K. Elisabet Hogstrom and Heater Gingrich. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 2014, 33(3), pp. 240-253.

**Global Member Care Course (Kelly O’Donnell, updated 2014)


**Update of 100+ core books related to member care in mission/aid. (March 2014 Resource Update, MCA website: click here to access)


**The Missionary Family: Witness, Concerns, Care (2014) edited by Dwight P. Baker and Robert J. Priest (William Carey Library) https://missionbooks.org/products/detail/the-missionary-family-ems-22 ebook: http://www.amazon.com/The-Missionary-Family-EMS-Missiological/dp/0878080449

**Thriving in Difficult Places: Member Care for Yourself and Others (2014), three volumes) by Brenda Bosch http://thrivingmember.com/

**Dodds, L., Gardner, L. (2011). Global servants—cross-cultural humanitarian heroes (volume 1, Formation and development of these heroes) (volume 2, 12 factors in effectiveness and longevity); (volume 3, The art and heart of agency care). Liverpool, PA: Heartstream Resources. (faith-based/Christian perspectives) http://loisdoddsbooks.org/

**Hawker, D., & Herbert, T. (Eds.). (2013). Single mission: Thriving as a single person in cross-cultural ministry. Condeo Press. (faith-based/Christian perspectives) http://www.amazon.com/Single-Mission-Debbie-Hawker-ebook/dp/B00GTV3UHO