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ガイガーボット, プリピャチで

Гейгер Бот в Припять

Geiger Bot in Pripyat

(photo credit: Ihor Kolodyuk)


Radiation Maps

What is Geiger Bot? ガイガーボットは、ガイガーカウンターのスピーカーから出るクリック音やビープ音からCPM数を読み取って表示する無料のiOSアプリで、App Store からダウンロードできます。英語、日本語、ドイツ語、ロシア語、フランス語の各国語版があります。かなり以前からこのようなソフトウェアを構想していたのですが、福島第一原発の事故をきっかけに実際に制作してリリースすることにしました。 Geiger Bot is a free iOS app available on the App Store that displays a CPM reading from the clicks/beeps of a Geiger counter's speaker. It is localized in English, Japanese, German, Russian, and French. While I had intended to write something like this for quite some time, the Fukushima nuclear power plant incident motivated me to release an implementation of it.どのように役立つものですか? How is That Useful?昔のガイガーカウンターの多くはクリック音、あるいはLEDや電球の光以外に放射線量を表示する機能がついていませんでした。この種のものは、比較的強めの放射線源を調べるのには役立ちますが、たとえばバナナのように線量が低い放射線源をバックグラウンドの放射から識別するためには、少なくとも何分間にもわたる間、クリック音を数えて累計を取らないといけません。これは、とても退屈で間違いやすい作業です。また、アナログのメーターがついた機種(例:CDV-700)でも、カウント数が少なめの領域では比較的精度が低いという問題があります。

Many older Geiger counters lack any sort of indication of relative radioactivity other than the clicks or perhaps a LED/bulb flashing. This works well for surveying a moderately radioactive source, but in order to distinguish objects of low radioactivity (such as bananas) from background radiation, you must perform an integration count by counting the clicks over at least a minute of time. This is a very tedious and error-prone process. Also, the integration accuracy of analog meters is relatively poor at low counts (ie: the CDV-700).

New 2019-09-26 Update

I apologize for the lack of updates. Some very good news thanks to Apple: the issue of no mic permission pop-up present in iOS 12 seems to be resolved in iOS 13. If you are experiencing this, try upgrading to iOS 13 if your device can support it. You may need to check Apple's Settings.app -> Privacy -> Microphone as well, but the app at least should have an entry there now with new installs.

iOS 13 also appears to have resolved some of the backward compatibility issues with screen rotation and landscape orientation, but if you run into any issues I would suggest restarting the app in portrait orientation and locking your device to that.

Another issue I'm aware of is that the map reticle, which shows the dose rate equivalent for a lat/lon at the center of the screen, does not align properly or seem to work. The issue is for devices running at non-native screen resolutions, as the Google Maps Framework is reporting the native resolution rather than the effective resolution. The fix here is to switch to the Apple Maps framework in Geiger Bot's settings -> Map -> Framework. Again, if the app is running at native resolution on your device, you won't experience this.

The next version of the app remains in development, and almost every component has been refactored and rewritten from the ground-up.



ガイガーボットをほかの言語に翻訳していただけますか?もしよろしければ、私にご連絡ください。私から翻訳していただきたい文字列をお送りして、 翻訳してくださった文字列を次のバージョンに埋め込ませていただきます(ただし、ヘブライ語やアラビア語など、右から左へ書く言語は問題があるかもしれま せんので、少々お時間をいただくかもしれません)。また、あなたのお名前をAbout画面に掲載させていただきます。このソフトで使っている用語の中には かなり技術的なものが含まれており、またUI上、表示するスペースにも制限があることにご留意ください。


Would you like Geiger Bot available in your native language? If so, contact me and I will send you a strings file to translate, and incorporate it into the next version. (note: there may be issues with right-to-left languages; ie, Hebrew and Arabic, that could cause delays) I will also credit you on the about screen. Note that some of the terms are highly technical and there are space considerations in the UI.

(machine translation has generally produced results worse than keeping it in English)





Global Radiological Projection


(click for full map)

(Global Data: Safecast,

North America: DOE/USGS/GSC (NURE), NGA (DEM*),


*(DEM used for cosmic ray dose rate correction)


Japan vs. US Dose Equivalent Rate

(normalized map scales and units to Japan.

USGS/GSC data corrected for cosmic radiation.

Japan data: Safecast, US DOE/NNSA


用量の暴露:福島対核実験(I- 131)

Doses: Fukushima vs. Nuke Tests (I-131)

(comparison of Iodine-131 dose from Fukushima and US atmospheric nuclear testing. US color legend and dose equivalent units converted to match Japan map. Note I-131 has a half-life of 8 days so this reflects historical exposure in either case. I-131 is generally considered to be the most directly harmful fission product.)

(US Data: National Cancer Institute

Japan Data: MEXT)


User Action Shots

I welcome all feedback. If Geiger Bot is not adapting to your set-up with at least 95% accuracy, please let me know.

For any questions, complaints, localization corrections, rants, etc please email:


(credit to Osamu Higuchi for Japanese translations)

NaIシンチレーション サーベイメータの作成

NaI scintillation probe by Shintaro Funabasama. This supports gamma spectroscopy.


Version 1.1.1 on an iPad, next to a Gamma Scout and calibrated Ludlum 3 by Drax.


Version 1.1.1 on an iPad, next to a CDV-700 by Apotheoun. (YouTube)

ヘッドセットの入力用回路図(修樋口による) 彼はこう書いている。

- 約0.1Vに(9Vp- Pについてこの場合、の)出力電圧を分周

- 出力とiPhoneのマイク入力を切り離すしないでください。 iPhoneのマイク入力のドロップにDCバイアスをしましょう

Schematic for using the headset input by Osamu Higuchi. He notes:

"- Divide the output voltage (in this case, about 9Vp-p) down to about 0.1V

- Do not decouple the output and iPhone mic input. Let the DC bias on iPhone mic input drop" (more)


Headset mic mod by Laurent Lieben. No soldering required. (more...)