Web Page of Francesc Trillas


-Postal Address: Departament d'Economia Aplicada, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Campus de Bellaterra de la UAB, 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona), SPAIN.

-E-mail: Francesc.Trillas@uab.es

-Telephone: +(34)935814576

-Fax: +(34)9358122 92

Abbreviated CV

Extended CV


My Google Scholar Profile

My articles in Ideas

Some Working Papers and Presentations:

-Behavioral Regulatory Agencies

-The Institutional Architecture of Regulation and Competition

-Regulatory Reform and Corporate Control in European Energy Industries (with John Jairo García Rendón): Loyola de Palacio Best Paper Prize at the European Energy Markets Conference, Florence, May 2012.

-Delegation to Independent Regulators and the Ratchet Effect (with Joanne Evans, Neil Rickman and Paul Levine)

Study Abroad UAB

Incentives and Behavior in Economics: The Case of Soccer (Fall 2017)

Syllabus Fall 2017.doc